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He's coming in traduction Français

706 traduction parallèle
He's coming in here.
Il vient.
Little Champ is now coming right out in front. He's out to win!
Little Champ est maintenant en tête.
What you think Columbo do, when he's coming here in 1492,
5avez-vous ce qu'il a dit en débarquant ici en 1492?
- He's coming in this morning.
Il vient ce matin.
He's coming back in a little while.
Il va arriver.
He moved to London at a very young age, and before coming to America in 1924 Harvey had been featured in english film comedies for ten years.
Il s'installa à Londres très jeune, et avant de venir en Amérique, en 1924, il avait joué dans des comédies anglaises pendant dix ans.
I got a doctor. He's coming in.
Le docteur arrive.
Since you were born, he's been coming here with that one hope in mind.
Depuis ta naissance, il avait cette seule idée en tête quand il quittait le village.
He's coming home in a few weeks.
Il sera ici dans quelques semaines.
And even if your coming back meant that I'd inherit the world I couldn't forget the look in Tarzan's eyes when he thought he would lose you.
Même si ma fortune dépendait de ton retour, jamais je n'oublierais le regard de Tarzan quand il a cru te perdre.
I never know whether he's coming out or going in.
Je ne sais jamais s'il sort ou s'il entre.
He wouldn't think of coming in here for candy if he hadn't been a good boy.
Il ne viendrait pas ici s'il n'avait pas été bien sage.
He's coming in to dinner.
Il entre. C'est le major Applegate.
Two hours ago, you told me Faker was coming with a turkey he won in a raffle. Maybe he's getting it stuffed.
Après sont Après et la dinde gagnée à une tombola?
There's no law in Kansas that prevents a man from carrying a gun - or coming or going where he pleases.
Aucune loi au Kansas n'empêche de porter une arme ni d'aller et venir.
If he judge isn't coming, I could've sent someone else in my place. I have other things to do with my time.
S'il n'allait pas venir j'aurais envoyé quelqu'un d'autre à ma place.
After all his working up north and wandering around the country... coming back and talking about people's rights... and how everybody ought to be decent. Now for all his fine talk, he's out there in the dining room... with one of those girls.
Apres avoir travaille dans le Nord et voyage par tout le pays... avoir fait de grands discours sur les droits... et sermonne tout le monde sur l'honnetete... voila qu'il est ici dans la salle a manger... avec l'une de ces filles.
Roast me alive! He's coming in like he was going to blast us!
On dirait qu'ils vont tirer!
- He's coming in to see me tomorrow.
Il doit venir me voir demain.
The great staircase fell in as he was coming down.
Le grand escalier s'est écroulé alors qu'il descendait...
'Cause he's coming here tonight, in about 15 minutes. With the cops right behind him.
D'autant plus qu'il sera ici dans 15 mn avec les flics aux fesses.
I was coming out of Huntsinger's, he was coming in.
Je sortais de chez Hunt...
Rocklin said if you don't come out, he's coming in here to tear you apart.
Rocklin dit que si tu ne sors pas, il va venir ici pour te réduire en bouillie.
He's coming in too fast.
II arrive trop vite.
He's coming right in.
Il arrive.
I wish I could bring him down myself, but I have to stay in London, so he's coming alone tomorrow night.
Je dois retourner à Londres. Alors il viendra tout seul.
The other one was our suitcase but Frank's bought a lot of things since he's been here and I told him he could have it in exchange for the pay he had coming.
Frank s'est acheté des choses depuis qu'il est ici. Je lui ai laissé la valise... en échange de sa paie de 3 jours.
Yes, he's just coming in now, way over there. Look.
Si, le voilà qui arrive, là-bas.
Looks he's coming in here.
Il s'amène par ici.
I made all my arrangements, Joe. He's coming in with us To help us hide this mess from hall's glory boys.
Il va nous aider à cacher ce gâchis aux guignols de Hall.
- Cochise has crossed the river, sir. He's coming in with all his people, wants to talk peace.
Cochise a franchi le fleuve avec sa tribu pour parler de paix.
So, wearing a variety of disguises, coming and going like a shadow... ready to kill if cornered... he struck the bottle stores in a one-man blitz... that had the robbery detail dizzy.
Affublé de différents déguisements, allant et venant tel une ombre, prêt à tuer s'il se sentait menacé, il attaquait les boutiques de spiritueux, laissant les commerçants pantois.
He's coming in the house.
Il va venir dans la maison.
He's coming in now.
Il vient d'arriver à l'instant.
- He's coming for me in a few minutes.
- Il arrive à l'instant.
He had it coming, but next time will you please do it in the parking lot?
Même s'il a cherché, une autre fois, faites-le au parking.
A few days before, as the Baron was coming back from hunting, he found the knight in his wife's bed, the Baroness.
Plus tôt, le baron, rentrant d'une chasse à l'alouette, a surpris le chevalier dans le lit de la baronne.
Dr. Wharton coming after you with his hat in his hand. Do you think that's his job? And who did he come begging to?
C'est son boulot de se pointer chez toi, son chapeau à la main?
I don't know what Mr. Andersen's going to say, when he finds out Frank isn't coming in today.
Que va dire M. Anderson quand il apprendra que Frank est absent?
He's coming in a private plane. I think he's drunk.
Il a son avion privé, il doit être soûl.
He's coming in on the morning train from Duluth.
Mais il rentre demain matin de Duluth.
It shouldn ´ t take five days to sell a $ 100,000 necklace in Hong Kong and come back, if he ´ s coming back.
Cinq jours pour vendre un collier de $ 100000? A moins qu'iI ne revienne pas.
He's coming in. Here.
Il vient par ici.
- He's just coming in.
- Il vient d'arriver.
When's he coming in?
Quand revient-iI?
- He's just coming in.
Il entre à l'instant.
Well, I checked with Walt's secretary, and he's coming in on the afternoon plane.
J'ai appelé la secrétaire de Walt, il rentre cet après-midi.
He's coming in, believe it or not.
Le voilà qui arrive.
That was Tom. He's in the village and coming over.
Tom vient d'arriver au village.
He's coming in.
Il entre.
He's coming by for you in a few minutes.
- Il sera là dans quelques minutes.

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