He saw it traduction Français
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He saw it on the boy.
II l'a vu autour du cou du petit.
- Why? Cause he saw it in a movie?
Parce qu'il a vu ça dans un film?
He saw it.
Il les a vues.
He saw it.
Il l'a vu.
He saw it in a magazine.
Il l'a vue dans un magazine.
Avery knew where Jeffrey was buried because he saw it happen.
Avery savait où Jeffrey était enterré parce qu'il a vu ce qui s'est passé.
- Bobby flipped when he saw it.
- Bobby l'adore.
I think he saw it was the only way off the planet.
Je pense qu'il savait que c'était la seule façon de quitter la planète.
I saw Robert stand there at the piano... and my guess is that he was trying to destroy it.
J'ai vu Robert debout au piano et je pensais qu'il essayait de le détruire.
I saw it! - He lied about that, didn't he?
Alors, il a menti, c'est ça?
Yeah, I saw you left it there, bumped it to Tom... and figured he would give it to you.
Oui. Tu l'avais oublié, je suis tombée sur Tom et je me suis dit qu'il te le donnerait.
He took it. I saw him.
Il l'a pris, je l'ai vu...
It- - it had to be brought to his attention either by someone else showing him how or he saw a picture of it.
On... on a attiré son attention dessus soit quelqu'un lui a montré comment faire soit il a vu une photo de ça.
He saw I was out cold so he gave it to me up the ass.
Je m'étais évanouie, il m'a sodomisée, et c'est plus cher!
When I saw he wasn't crazy, I knew he'd take it.
Quand j'ai vu qu'il n'était pas fou, je savais qu'il le prendrait.
He didn't touch sean. I saw it on the tape.
Sur la vidéo, il n'a pas touché Sean.
And as soon as I saw this, my immediate fear was that he's gonna kill himself. It's better to die, ladies and gentlemen.
Quand j'ai vu ça, j'ai eu peur qu'il se tue.
As soon as I got to the Bahia Paraiso ship, a military man... I don't know their ranks, saw the sheet, it had the ship drawn, the name on it, imagine how he took it.
Mais dès que je suis arrivé a bord du Bahía Paraíso, un militaire argentin, j'ignore son rang, voit le drap avec le nom du batea u anglais!
Eisenhower was there and saw it happening. He had seen the build up of the American military to fight World War II.
Eisenhower était là et a assisté à la mise en place, à la constitution de l'armée américaine qui combattrait durant la Seconde Guerre.
I think he was a great exhibitionist basically that wore a signature haircut that looked like the Dutch Boy on the paint can and leather outfits and a crotch that when you first saw it you thought it was like a joke.
Sa coiffure très reconnaissable faisait penser à la peinture Dutch Boy. Il s'habillait en cuir, et en voyant son entrejambe, on pensait à une blague.
He was taking it back to where he found it. Then he saw me.
Il le ramenait là où il l'avait trouvé... quand il me vit.
This police car came from the church hill... from the round plaza, like this, down, and after a second... all I could see was a Kombi van coming... and the police car inching forward... with the four doors open, like this, real slow... and the drug dealers came, also real slow... and he got outside, alone, and shot the four cops. I saw it.
La voiture des flics est arrivée au niveau de la place ronde, la seconde d'après, un fourgon s'est approché, les flics roulaient lentement, vitres baissées, les dealers sont arrivés doucement, l'un d'entre eux a sauté de la voiture et a exécuté les 4 flics.
- I looked into his eyes, Annie. - Stop it, please. - He saw me.
Je l'ai regardé et il m'a remercié.
I saw he got it.
Je l'ai vu être touché.
I saw it. He's going to die.
Je l'ai vu, il va mourir!
He always was. We just never saw it. No, he's innocent.
- Depuis toujours, mais on le ne voyait pas.
If he had, how he would regret it when he saw me again as I am now.
Il l'aurait regretté en me voyant maintenant.
- Je l'ai vu jeter son flingue par là quand il a sauté sur l'autre toit.
I'm figuring it was from the husband when he tried to clean up and saw it wouldn't be too easy.
Le mari a dû essayer de nettoyer et se décourager.
He saw it coming.
Il l'a vu arriver.
He didn't care if anyone saw him carrying it in the building, but he didn't want anyone to see him carrying it out.
Il ne soucie pas que quelqu'un le voit entrer avec, mais il ne veut pas qu'on le voit sortir.
dot thk it's what ey saw ihim. I think it's what he saw in them.
Il ne s'agit pas de ce qu'elles ont vu en lui, mais plutôt de qu'il a vu en elles.
And when the police came, he made us say that we all saw it.
Et quand la police est arrivée, notre père nous a fait dire qu'on était tous témoins.
Ricardo he brought some serious trouble into that deli, I saw it myself
Ricardo il causait beaucoup de problèmes à l'épicerie, je m'en rendais compte.
Don't worry, it's not out there, but I saw him- - figured he wasn't here for the white house tour.
Vous inquiétez pas, je dirais rien, mais je l'ai vu et il c'était pas du tourisme.
Yeah, because he saw me hiding it.
Ouais, parce qu'il m'a vu le cacher.
Wait, I don't understand, because you never said anything about it and I just saw him a couple months ago, and, you know, he was- -
Je ne comprends pas. Tu ne m'as rien dit. Je l'ai vu il y a quelques mois et il était...
And before he got really sick, I just saw how guilty he felt about it and I know that that's how I'd feel.
Avant que son état ne s'aggrave, j'ai vu combien il se sentait coupable et c'est un peu ce que je ressens.
He said that you saw this place on the internet and bought it over the phone.
Il a dit que vous avez vu cet endroit sur internet et que vous l'avez acheté par téléphone!
He was looking at it when he first saw the boy.
Il est sorti pour prendre le courrier dans sa boîte aux lettres, c'est là qu'il l'a repéré.
Captured the bastard covered in his victim's blood, still holding the chain saw that he used to cut up the body into nine pieces so he could fit it into the tall kitchen garbage bags he had on hand,
Ce bâtard a été capturé couvert du sang de sa victime, tenant toujours à la main la chaîne qu'il a utilisé pour couper le corps en neuf morceaux... de manière à pouvoir les faire rentrer dans les gros sac poubelles de la cuisine qu'il avait à portée de main.
I was there when he saw what he saw and tried to tell you about it.
J'étais là, lorsqu'il a vu ce qu'il a vu et qu'il a essayé de vous en parler.
Don't you think it's a bit coincidental that he said he saw me screwing some guy yesterday, in our office, where my boss, your ex-husband could catch me?
Tu ne penses pas que c'est une sacrée coïncidence qu'il prétende m'avoir vu baiser un type hier, dans notre cabinet, où mon patron, ton ex-mari aurait pu me surprendre?
His pants were down when he turned towards me and I saw it.
Son pantalon était baissé quand il s'est tourné vers moi et je l'ai vu.
Okay, I need you to sign it to show that this is the man you're identifying as the one you saw in Trevor Riley's apartment on the morning he was killed.
- Bon, en signant ça, vous identifiez cet homme comme celui que vous avez vu chez Riley le matin où il a été tué.
I saw what he wrote. "Do you remember how hot it was?"
J'ai lu : "Tu te souviens comme c'était chaud..."
Yeah, he said it was about time Yeah, he said it was about time we saw gay people as full sexualised human beings, we saw gay people as full sexualised human beings, not just stereotypic eunuchs and clowns. not just stereotypic eunuchs and clowns.
il a dit qu'il était temps qu'on voit les homos comme des gens qui ont une vie sexuelle, au lieu d'eunuques stéréotypés.
I understand why he might have wanted to bury it, but when I saw him, holding her...
Mais je comprends pourquoi il a voulu enterrer ça.
He never saw it coming.
Il n'a rien vu venir.
I should have known when I saw the Ancient writing. He used to use it as code on his ships. - Dr Jackson.
Les enregistrements stipulent qu'Anubis a réussi à répliquer son ADN pré-ascension, en utilisant l'appareil de manipulation génétique.
It's just... when I think about what Lucas went through, what he saw...
C'est juste... quand je pense ce qu'à enduré Lucas, ce qu'il a vu...
he saw us 28
he saw 28
he saw me 69
he saw you 23
saw it 23
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
item 93
he saw 28
he saw me 69
he saw you 23
saw it 23
it's fine 7136
it is 11007
it's not fair 795
it's friday 105
item 93
it's done 1271
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
itis 22
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itchy 49
it's been so long 173
it's cold 680
it is good 116
it's warm 139
itis 22
it's over 4654
it's okay 22028
it's ok 4874
itchy 49
italy 247
italian 217
it's me 10254
it was 5878
itch 25
itself 24
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
items 25
it's about damn time 34
italian 217
it's me 10254
it was 5878
itch 25
itself 24
it's all right 8832
it's not 5855
items 25
it's about damn time 34