I look around traduction Français
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We have been sitting around here for over an hour and when I look around and all I see are people shooting the bull and drinking coffee.
On est assis là depuis plus d'une heure et je ne vois que des gens qui racontent des conneries et boivent du café.
If I look around, I can probably still find my leather pants.
Je dois encore avoir mon pantalon en cuir.
But I look around this room I see a drill, box cutters, a welding torch.
Mais quand je regarde dans cette pièce... je vois une perceuse, des cutters, un chalumeau.
Walking around slowly I could look at the scenery.
Marcher et profiter du paysage, c'est super agréable.
I took a look around and saw that besides the car, there were bullet marks all over the place, on walls, on a newsstand on the other side of the street.
Là je regarde autour etje m'aperçois qu'il n'y a pas que la voiture qui a éte perforée.
I thought we could use it to look around.
On pourrait s'en servir pour explorer.
Do you think Jerry is someone that I can look forward to having around for years to come?
Penses-tu que Jerry est quelqu'un pour qui je peux me réjouir de l'avoir autour de moi dans les années à venir?
I shouldn't be his friend if he goes around calling you trashy-looking.
Je ne devrais pas être son ami puisqu'il court partout t'appeler trashy-look.
I'm gonna take another look around.
Je vais refaire un tour.
I'll look around.
Je vais voir.
I want you to take a moment and look around and tell me what you see and what you hear.
Regardez autour de vous et dites-moi ce que vous voyez et entendez.
I'm going to drive around front and have a look inside.
Je vais faire le tour et jeter un œil à l'intérieur.
So when you're standing there tomorrow in your new suit and tie... I want you to look around.
Aors quand tu seras a demain dans ton beau complet et ta cravate je veux que tu regardes autour de toi.
I mean, look around, who's here?
Regardez autour de vous.
Look, this is getting really twisted around, and I think I should probably call a lawyer.
Ca prend une drôle de tournure. Je vais devoir appeler un avocat.
Well, then I guess you won't mind if I have a look around, you know, for old times'sake.
Alors ca ne va pas te déranger que je me promène un peu, en souvenir du bon vieux temps.
Now would you mind if I just took a quick look around just to see if I can find some clue as to where he might be?
Oui, vous comprenez. Ca ne vous dérange pas si je jette un coup d'œil pour trouver un indice pour voir où il peut être?
- Look, I was just fooling around.
C'était juste pour te taquiner.
Look around, I'll be right back.
Va faire un tour. Je reviens dans une seconde.
Can I have a look around?
Je peux faire un tour?
AII I'm gonna do is say. "Look. we made a mistake." - And we're gonna ask to turn around.
On va leur dire qu'on s'est trompé et qu'on veut revenir aux USA.
Look at what I found sneaking around outside.
J'ai trouvé une petite fouineuse qui traînait à l'extérieur.
I'll just have a look around.
Je vais jeter un oeil, merci.
I thought I should look into what they were running around thumping about.
Autant me renseigner sur leur cheval de bataille.
- I mean, look around.
- T'as vu l'endroit?
I'm the one who has to look around Andy's... to see these pictures of you in this life.
C'est moi qui vois des photos de toi chez Andy dans cette vie.
I look forward to seeing you around.
À très bientôt, alors.
I need to take a look around your home.
Je dois jeter un oeil dans votre propriété.
Look around you. I wasn't the only one.
Regarde, y a pas que moi.
I'm serious, man, look around you.
Sérieux, regarde autour de toi.
Look at me. I've been around longer than you.
Regarde-moi, j'ai quinze ans de plus que toi.
Hey, Bannen, look, I know you're doing the drop-off right now and I'm maybe being paranoid, but the guy I saw, the other guys, like big guys snooping around...
Bannen, tu fais ta grosse livraison. Je suis peut-être parano, mais j'ai vu un type, des gros types qui fouinaient...
I want you to uh, look around.
Je veux que tu regardes autour.
Okay, I'm gonna get out and look around on foot.
Ok, Je vais jeter un oeil à pied.
- Look, i counted at least 50 people walking around when i was up there the other day.
- Ecoutez, j'ai compté au moins 50 personnes dans les alentoures le jour ou j'y étais.
- Paul, i think you need to head back up there, take a look around up close and personal.
- Paul, je pense que vous devriez y retourner, observer tout ça d'un peu plus peès.
I'm gonna take a look around.
Je vais faire un tour, pour voir.
Look, Vick... I'm going to need you to poke around, see what you can dig up.
Écoute, Vick, j'aurais besoin que tu fouines un peu.
I don't know, we'll look around.
Je sais pas, on va chercher autre chose.
Now look, I may be from the city, but I know my way around the wilderness.
Je viens de la ville, mais je connais la nature.
I've wanted to take a look around the city walls, and if I'm dressed as a monk, they won't shoot at me.
Je voulais voir les murs d'enceinte. Déguisé en moine, on ne me visera pas.
Look, Joe, if it'll make you feel better, in Alice's honor, I kept a few of her pictures around.
Si ça peut te rassurer, en honneur d'Alice, j'ai gardé certaines de ses photos.
# # Will I look back and say # # That I wish I hadn't done what I did?
Will I look back and say that I wish I hadn't done what I did will I joke around will still joke around and still dig those sounds and still dig those sounds when I grow up to be a man
Look, he's only made a few calls. I bet I can turn this around for you.
Je suis sûre que je peux le faire changer d'avis.
I'd go to your house, show my ID and get inside, saying I will look around and hump your wife.
J'irai chez ta femme, je lui montrerai ma rosette... Je rentrerai chez toi, je dirai que je dois fouiller j'irai sur ta femme.
Look around, I bought everything in here.
Regarde, j'ai tout acheté, ici.
I mean, take a look around.
I'm gonna look around.
Je vais faire un tour.
I'm gonna look around some more.
- Je continue mon tour.
I'm going to take a look around.
Je vais jeter un oeil aux alentours.
You do that and I'll look around for you.
D'accord. Et je vais chercher de mon côté.
i look forward to working with you 27
i look forward to seeing you 17
i look forward to that 29
i looked it up 118
i look forward to it 171
i looked up to you 18
i looked 86
i looked everywhere 87
i look like an idiot 16
i look like shit 18
i look forward to seeing you 17
i look forward to that 29
i looked it up 118
i look forward to it 171
i looked up to you 18
i looked 86
i looked everywhere 87
i look like an idiot 16
i look like shit 18
i look ridiculous 28
i looked into it 48
i looked all over for you 17
i looked down 17
i looked up 43
i looked for you 34
i look 42
i look good 37
i looked everywhere for you 19
i look at you 55
i looked into it 48
i looked all over for you 17
i looked down 17
i looked up 43
i looked for you 34
i look 42
i look good 37
i looked everywhere for you 19
i look at you 55
i looked around 20
i look up 22
i look terrible 23
look around you 337
look around 695
around 956
around the world 31
around the corner 75
around noon 17
around me 18
i look up 22
i look terrible 23
look around you 337
look around 695
around 956
around the world 31
around the corner 75
around noon 17
around me 18