I look traduction Français
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Well, look, I've been there, man.
Je suis passé par là.
I... I once saw him throw a sloth down a flight of stairs after a presentation, and he said it was an accident, but he had this look in his eyes.
Je l'ai vu pousser un flemmard dans un escalier après une prés'.
I mean, Look, look. "The Internet we deserve."
Regarde : "L'Internet que nous méritons."
I mean, look, even back then, Peter was worried that the Internet would become this shitty corporate-controlled thing that... that Hooli and all these other companies manipulate today.
Déjà à l'époque, Peter craignait que l'Internet devienne ce merdier contrôlé par des gros groupes comme Hooli et d'autres qui le manipulent aujourd'hui.
I mean, look at this drawing.
I promise you, they're gonna look in your trunk and find your asset.
Je te promets qu'ils regarderont dans ton coffre et trouveront ton agent.
Look, I don't know...
Ecoute, je ne sais pas...
I can't look at anything... ever again.
Je ne peux plus rien voir... plus jamais.
[Duke] Look, that's why I'm calling.
Look, I don't want things to be awkward between us, so how about next time I'm in town, you let me make it up to you?
Je ne veux pas tout gâcher. J'aimerais me rattraper.
♪ ♪ I look like a hooker.
On dirait une traînée.
Look, I don't know who wrote my number on that overpass, but- -
J'ignore qui a écrit mon numéro sous ce pont...
I know I said I came here to apologize, but ever since that kiss, Look. I can't stop thinking about you.
J'ai dit que j'étais venu m'excuser, mais depuis notre baiser, je n'arrête pas de penser à vous.
Look, Scott, I'm gonna have to close the E.R.
Je dois fermer les urgences.
Look, I love Topher like a brother, man, but he's a doc.
J'aime Topher comme un frère, mais c'est un médecin.
Look at me when I speak to you.
Regarde-moi quand je te parle.
Look, just gradually extend his leg while I apply medial... Pressure to the patella.
Tends juste sa jambe au fur et à mesure pendant que j'exerce... une pression sur la rotule.
Look, I am here with my floor nurse doing triage, who, by the way, is trying to help you.
Je suis ici en train de prioriser les patients avec une infirmière, qui, au fait, essaie de vous aider.
Look, I'm sorry for any trouble I've caused, but that wasn't me.
Écoutez, je suis désolé pour les dommages que j'ai causé, mais ce n'était pas moi.
I save your business, you don't look too closely at mine.
Je sauve vos affaires, vous ne regardez pas trop étroitement le mien.
And I'm just supposed to look the other way, right?
Et je suis juste censé regarder dans l'autre sens, non?
I managed to sneak a look in Gertrude's book bag by the way.
Don't. I should go, I just don't have the time. No, you don't need to do that, you look smashing.
Mais je parie qu'au fond, quand on apprend à vous connaître, vous êtes un type très intéressant.
But look, you've offered a reward, is that right? Yes. Yeah, I thought it would be some incentive there for people to come forward, you know, with any information.
des infirmières cochonnes, "le gourdin dans son pantalon", ce genre de choses... mais après cette bêtise de 50 Nuances, j'ai dû passer au cran du dessus.
Now I go back to look for it, but it's not there because you, you've got it in your house.
Quoi? Que se passe-t-il? C'est cette charmante jeune serveuse :
I am sending Water Matthau down for a closer look.
J'envoie Water Matthau pour un examen plus approfondi.
I know that look.
Je connais ce regard.
Alderman of West Altadenia- - Look, I got to go.
Conseiller Alderman de Altadenia de l'Ouest, je dois y aller.
Look what I learned from my main squeeze.
Regardez ce que j'ai appris de ma main pressée.
Right, come on, look, I want to see some orders.
Bon, allez, je veux voir vos commandes.
Look, I'm so sorry, but we're about to sit down for prayer.
Écoutez, je suis désolé, mais nous allons prier.
I told him, " Look on the bright side.
Je lui sors : " Vois le bon côté.
Look, I really appreciate the offer, mate, but...
Écoute, merci pour ton offre, mec, mais...
Look, I'm coming over.
Écoute, j'arrive.
Look, I came to say sorry.
Écoute, je suis venu m'excuser.
Look, how do I get this through that thick Paddy skull of yours?
Écoute, comment je fais rentrer ça dans ta tête d'Irlandais borné?
Brash fuckers. " Oh, look at me, I don't own my own car.
Quels enculés. " Oh, regardez-moi, ma voiture n'est pas à moi.
Look, until I get the chance to meet some potential new recruits, I just need you to steady the ship and not fuck anything up, Brian.
Écoute, tant que je n'ai pas vu de nouveaux vendeurs potentiels, j'ai juste besoin que tu maintiennes la barre sans rien foirer.
I mean look it's here.
Regardez, c'est là.
Look, I get it, I'm a businessman.
Écoutez, je comprends, je suis un homme d'affaires.
- I do look a bit like John Travolta, eh?
- Je ressemble à Travolta, non?
Look, I need you to calmly put the phone down and tell her I do not work there and you have never heard of me.
Écoute, raccroche calmement et dis-lui que je ne travaille pas ici, que tu ne me connais pas.
Look, Rob, I sell windows, and a lot of fucking windows, I might add, to people all over our town.
Écoute, Rob, je vends des fenêtres... et beaucoup de foutues fenêtres, en plus... à des gens de notre ville.
Look, I gave her a lift home from the musical.
Écoute, je l'ai ramenée après la comédie musicale.
Look, mate, I'm really not in the mood for this.
Écoute, vieux, je suis pas d'humeur.
Look, I just came round to try and make things right between us.
Écoute, je passais pour qu'on tente de se réconcilier.
And look, mate, I'm sorry, I don't make the rules.
Et écoute, mec, désolé, je n'invente pas les règles.
Can I have a closer look?
Je peux voir?
Yeah, well, she doesn't need a fucking job so I suggest you look elsewhere!
Ben elle a pas besoin d'un boulot, alors cherche ailleurs!
Look, I have the contract here, so if you fancy signing it.
Écoutez, j'ai le contrat ici, si vous voulez le signer.
Look, I understand you're annoyed.
Écoute, je comprends que tu sois fâchée.
i look forward to working with you 27
i look forward to seeing you 17
i look forward to that 29
i looked it up 118
i look forward to it 171
i looked up to you 18
i looked 86
i looked everywhere 87
i look like an idiot 16
i look like shit 18
i look forward to seeing you 17
i look forward to that 29
i looked it up 118
i look forward to it 171
i looked up to you 18
i looked 86
i looked everywhere 87
i look like an idiot 16
i look like shit 18