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I understand that now traduction Français

636 traduction parallèle
Now that I'm here, I don't know how to say it... how to make you understand.
Je suis là, et je ne sais plus quoi dire, pour te faire comprendre.
Say to yourself, "While I am young... "... I will write these simple, beautiful things that I understand now.
Jurez-vous, tant que vous êtes jeune, d'écrire... les choses belles et simples que vous sentez.
Tell Her Majesty that I quite understand now.
Dites à Sa Majesté que j'ai compris.
Now, understand, I don't wanna make them a group of quick-trigger men but I do want the underworld to know that when a federal agent draws his gun he's ready and equipped to shoot to kill with the least possible waste of bullets.
Ces hommes n'auront pas pour autant la gâchette facile, mais la pègre doit savoir que si ces agents sortent leurs armes, ceux-ci n'hésiteront pas à faire feu et feront mouche à tous les coups.
now look-a-here, Mr Ruggles. I want you to understand that this wasn't my idea at all, you know.
Ecoutez, Ruggles, je veux que vous compreniez que je ne suis pour rien là-dedans.
I can understand his interest in you too... especially now that I see how beautiful you are.
Je comprends son intérêt quand je vois... votre beauté.
Comme nous nous comprenons, je veux vous demander une faveur.
Now, as I understand it, York, your detail came over that ridge there and captured about 30 men, right down in here.
Donc, votre section a gravi ce coteau et a fait 30 prisonniers dans ce coin-ci.
And now that we understand each other so thoroughly.. Would you call it flirting if I took down some vital statistics? Now don't mind this.
Vous ne le prendrez pas mal si je note des faits importants?
That would've been love. I understand love now.
Je sais ce qu'est l'amour, maintenant.
I now understand. That man has followed me for a month.
Cet homme me suit depuis un mois.
l understand something now that I never knew before... that you can make a mistake, do something dreadful... without meaning to.
J "ai compris quelque chose que j" ignorais complètement... c "est qu" on peut se tromper, faire quelque chose d "horrible, sans en avoir l" intention.
Having suffered the torment j'endure that now... you will understand better than anyone what I'll tell you.
Ayant souffert les tourments que j'endure maintenant... vous comprendrez mieux que personne ce que je vais vous dire.
Now that you understand, I'm no longer afraid.
Vous m'avez comprise et je n'ai plus peur.
Now, Mr. Harland, I don't say this critically, nor in mockery, nor to suggest that you are conceited, but simply to be sure that I understand you correctly.
Je ne veux pas vous fustiger, ni me moquer... ni vous faire passer pour vaniteux. Je veux simplement être sûr que j'ai bien compris.
Now I understand why he behaved like that at our wedding. Why he broke the glass.
Je comprends sa conduite lors de notre mariage.
Now, Mr. Pip, you are to understand that it is at the request of the person from whom I take my instructions that you Always bear the name of Pip.
Maintenant, Monsieur Pip, sachez qu'à la demande de la personne qui m'a donné ces instructions, vous devrez toujours garder le nom de Pip.
Now I can understand that startled-fawn look.
Je comprends mieux ce regard de bête effarouchée.
I've explained to you the risk that you'll be running... but if you wish to change your mind now, I'll quite understand.
Vous connaissez les risques. Si vous changiez d'avis, je comprendrais.
- I have told you that a thousand times, now, can't you understand it?
Je te l'ai dit!
The immediate point, gentlemen, is that I hope to know you all better. If we don't understand each other now, we soon will. Questions?
Bref, j'espère vous connaître mieux et nous nous comprendrons très bien avant peu.
Now, there's one here that, frankly, I don't understand.
Du petit carrotage, mais voyons large. C'est la que je comprends moins bien...
We were, it appears, to be treated to a little dancing exhibition. But now I understand we are to be spared that horror.
On devait nous offrir un spectacle de danse mais cette horreur nous est épargnée.
They don't understand that what I did was for all their sakes... not just for mine alone... so now they've abandoned me.
Ils devraient comprendre.. ... que je l'ai fait pour eux. Pas pour moi.
Now, you may have thought that the sinking of the Red Witch was a daring and intrepid adventure. I can understand that attitude.
Vous avez pu croire que le sabordage de La Sorcière Rouge était une aventure intrépide et je peux comprendre ça.
I wasn't sure before, I was a little blind I guess, but believe me I'm sure now. - Can you understand that, Paula?
Je ne savais pas trop avant, mais j'en suis sûr maintenant.
I understand now what that law means.
Je comprends maintenant votre point de vue.
( Peter ) Now I understand there are several other papers that might be interesting.
- Huitième jour Je crois que d'autres travaux sont tout aussi captivants.
I understand that the child is a bit disheartened now but I'm telling you now that in this place people study very hard
Je suis navrée que la petite soit déçue. Mais dans un endroit comme ici, on travaille très dur.
Now I understand that war is the greatest evil.
Maintenant, je sais que la guerre est ce qu'il y a de pire.
I've been trying to understand why he wouldn't go with me, and now all I can think of is that it's got to be because of you.
Je ne comprenais pas pourquoi il refusait de partir. C'est pour vous.
Now, that's one thing I don't understand about men.
Voilà quelque chose que je ne comprends pas chez les hommes... Quoi?
Now I understand that's what's bugging you.
Je comprends que ça te fasse tiquer.
Al I I understand is that you've taken my friends captive. And now the girl!
Je comprends que vous avez capturé mes amis et maintenant la fille.
Do you understand now why it is so important to me for you to believe that I love you with all of my heart?
Tu comprends maintenant pourquoi il est important pour moi que tu croies que je t'aime de tout mon cœur?
Darling, I understand now. That doesn't stop me from loving you.
Je comprends et cela ne m'empêche pas de vous aimer.
Why would I have to think of that now? I understand that perfectly.
Pourquoi penser à ça?
Now I understand that the job, whatever it is, has got to be done at low level.
Ce que je sais, c'est que le boulot, quel qu'il soit, devra être fait à basse altitude.
Of course, I understand now that temperament is much more important than shape and size.
Mais je comprends maintenant que le caractére compte bien plus que les mensurations.
The point bein'you did it with Julie... and I like the way you started with Jerri... now that I understand that nightclub crawl.
Vous avez réussi avec Julie et bien commencé avec Jerri. J'ai pigé le coup des night-clubs.
Now that I've been here many months it has become far more than that because I've met the people of Siam, and I'm learning to understand them.
Maintenant, après plusieurs mois, il représente bien plus pour moi... car j'apprends à comprendre le peuple siamois.
Now that you're here, I understand it's finally over.
En vous voyant, je comprends que tout est fini
Maybe if I see you getting married, it'll be easier for me to understand that now you belong to somebody else.
Peut-être que si je te vois te marier, j'admettrai plus facilement que tu appartiennes à quelqu'un d'autre.
Yes, sir, it is. I can only say that I now fully understand why the Foreign Office always makes a mess of its relations with the State Department.
Je comprends pourquoi le Ministère des Affaires Etrangères... gâche ses relations avec le Département d'Etat!
- There was something I didn't understand until now. - What's that?
quelque chose m'échappait, mais maintenant je comprends quoi donc?
So you can now understand that which I speak.
Vous comprenez donc ce que je dis.
Madam, now that the boy has gone and Hans doesn't understand English, I must ask rather a delicate question.
Puisque le petit est loin et que Hans ne parle pas anglais, j'ai une question indiscrète.
I could understand it if you were 15, but you're old enough to know now that you have to consider the consequences of everything you do.
Je comprendrais si tu avais 15 ans, mais maintenant tu dois penser aux conséquences de tes actes.
C'est peut-être le cas mais je ne comprends pas pourquoi.
Now that I have my own house, I can understand my landlords.
Maintenant que j'ai ma propre maison, je comprends mieux les propriétaires.
Now you do understand, darling, don't you? You see, that instead of taking the first trunk, I want you to ask to see a red one.
Alors, vous comprenez... au lieu de prendre la première, vous en demandez une rouge!

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