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I understand completely traduction Français

577 traduction parallèle
Oh, I understand completely.
Je comprends tout à fait.
Of course, you were wrong to wound a customer, but I understand completely how you felt.
Bien sûr, tu as eu tort de blesser un client, mais je comprends très bien ce que tu as ressenti.
I understand completely, Sir.
Je la comprends très bien.
- I understand completely.
J'ai tout de suite compris.
I understand completely.
- Je comprends tout.
I understand completely.
Je comprends tout à fait.
- I understand completely.
- Je comprends.
I understand completely.
Je comprends complètement.
There is nothing to forgive. I understand completely.
Je comprends parfaitement.
Naturally, I understand completely.
Bien sûr, je comprends.
I understand completely!
Vous pouvez compter sur moi.
No, I understand. I understand completely.
Non, je comprends tout à fait.
Because if I'm arousing you, I understand completely, Kid.
Si par hasard je vous excite, je saurai comprendre.
I understand completely.
Je comprends absolument.
I understand completely, Mr. Prime Minister, and of course, you're quite right.
Je comprends, M. le Premier ministre, et bien sûr, vous avez raison.
Say no more. I understand completely.
C'est bon, je vous comprends.
I understand completely.
Je comprends parfaitement.
I understand completely.
- Vous êtes tout excusé.
I understand completely.
Je comprends.
Yes, I understand completely.
Oui, je comprends tout à fait.
I understand completely.
Oui, oui, j'ai tout compris.
I understand completely.
J'ai bien compris.
After what happened to JFK, I understand completely.
Après l'affaire Kennedy, je comprends.
I understand completely.
Je te comprends.
You don't need to be shy, I completely understand
Ne soyez pas timide, je comprends parfaitement.
Really, I'm completely at a loss to understand it.
Je ne comprends pas.
- I'll wait. - You don't understand. After an operation, a surgeon is completely exhausted.
Vous ne comprenez pas, après une opération, un chirurgien est plus qu'exténué.
I understand you completely.
Je vous connais.
Of course. I completely understand.
Je comprends parfaitement.
I wish I can make you understand. He's dealt with hundreds of cases, and because they put themselves completely in his hand,
Cet homme n'entrera pas ici.
I understand completely, Stefan.
Je crains qu'il ne s'en remette jamais. Je comprends tout à fait.
- Please, I understand completely. You do?
Je comprends tout à fait.
I understand him completely.
Je le comprends à 100 %.
I mean, you'd understand completely if you'd ‒
Tu comprendrais si...
I completely understand. You're so thoughtful.
Mais non je vous en prie.
But, brother sinner even though I completely understand your need for purgation...
Voyons mon frère... Je comprends ton besoin de purgation, mais...
I completely understand.
Je comprends.
I completely understand the value of sentiment, but I must have that book.
Je comprends la valeur sentimentale, mais il me le faut.
I understand you completely.
Je te comprends tout à fait.
- I completely understand, Mrs. Briand. This is entirely my fault, but I'll stay until you find a replacement.
J'comprends très bien Madame Briand, tout ça est entièrement d'ma faute mais je rest ra jusqu'à c'que vous trouviez une remplaçante.
I understand the situation completely!
Je comprends parfaitement la situation.
And I completely understand.
Je te comprends.
Well, I Completely Understand.
Oui, je comprends parfaitement.
Miss Hayes and I completely understand.
Mlle Hayes et moi-même comprenons parfaitement.
I completely understand.
Je le comprends.
I completely understand.
Je vous comprends.
I'd understand completely.
Je comprendrais tout à fait.
But if by that you mean thieves and vandals, I'm afraid you don't completely understand.
Le crime n'est pas tant un problème qu'un fait ici.
Of course. I completely understand.
Bien sûr, je comprend parfaitement.
I completely understand this.
Je comprends parfaitement.
I understand, completely.
Je comprends tout à fait.

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