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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ I ] / I understand now

I understand now traduction Français

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Now I understand why they arrested you.
Maintenant, je comprends pourquoi ils t'ont arrêté.
Now I understand that you have a bombshell To drop that you are just sitting on.
Il paraît que vous avez une bombe à lâcher que vous passez sous silence.
Now I understand why you were at the scene.
Maintenant je comprends pourquoi tu étais sur les lieux.
No, I understand, but patience isn't an option for me right now.
Dennis, William ne voulait jamais faire de mal à qui que ce soit ouvertement.
Now, I understand you were just recently fired.
Et vous venez d'être licenciée.
Now... I don't understand you people.
Maintenant, je ne vous comprends pas.
Uh, now I understand Dr. Turk's naive impulse to get it going.
Uh, je comprends l'impulsion naïve de Dr. Turk de vouloir faire ça.
I don't think that you understand where I'm at in my life right now.
Tu ne comprends pas où j'en suis dans ma vie.
Now I understand why you wanted to discuss this in private.
Je comprends mieux ce tête-à-tête.
Now I understand.
OK je comprends mieux maintenant.
Now I understand how truly crazy that guy is!
Je comprends à quel point il est taré!
I understand now.
Maintenant je comprends.
No, at least now I understand why you were so mad at Baze.
Non, au moins je comprends pourquoi tu en voulais tant à Baze.
Now, as I understand it, you're going to try to make me more likable.
{ \ pos ( 192,225 ) } Bon, si je comprends bien, { \ pos ( 192,225 ) } vous allez essayer de me rendre plus sympathique.
Now, I'm sure the family of the postal clerk will understand.
Je suis sûr que la famille du facteur comprendra.
I understand that, sir, but if we don't hit these things now, hard, they are going to grow and breed and spread up and down this coast until there is NOTHING left.
Mais il faut les tuer maintenant ils vont continuer de grandir, ravager la côte et tuer.
- I know you don't understand this now, but I am doing what I think is best for both of us.
Je sais que tu ne comprends pas maintenant, mais j'agis au mieux - pour notre bien à tous les deux.
You think he shot someone? Claire, I understand how difficult this is for you, but Paul's out there right now, and no matter what he did or didn't do, the best thing for everyone is to bring him back safely.
Claire, je comprends que ce soit difficile pour vous, mais Paul est dans la nature en ce moment, et quoi qu'il ait fait ou non, le mieux pour tous, est de le ramener ici en toute sécurité.
So, I understand he's in jail now?
Il est en prison, c'est ça?
And now I'm almost 40... and I understand - indeed, it will not happen because I'm still 14.
Et maintenant j'ai presque 40... et je comprends - jamais. Parce que j'ai toujours 14 ans.
I understand everything now.
Je comprends tout, maintenant.
Well... Now, I don't understand.
Mais... je ne comprends pas.
I don't understand. I'm in a different place now.
Je suis dans une situation différente maintenant.
Now, I understand Tara tried to discuss her alter's recent... transgression, but you put the kibosh on the conversation.
Bon, Tara a tenté de discuter du double et de sa récente transgression, mais vous y avez mis votre veto.
If he sees you as I have now, he will understand. And you will lose both him and Monsieur de Guise.
S'il vous voit comme ça, il comprendra, et vous y perdrez et lui et M. de Guise.
I understand that now.
Je le comprends.
And now that we've talked I think I understand what happened.
Et maintenant que l'on a parlé, je crois comprendre ce qu'il s'est passé.
Now it's a dreadful reality that we've not signed any new business in 10 weeks, so I hope you'll understand that this is a title only...
Il est triste de constater que nous n'avons rien signé en 10 semaines, alors j'espère que tu comprendras qu'il s'agit seulement d'un titre...
I understand You're a father now.
Il paraît que tu as un fils.
I don't even understand what you're saying to me right now.
Je comprends rien à cette histoire.
Now, I want you to understand that you're not in any trouble.
Ça ne veut pas dire que vous avez des problèmes.
♪ now that I'm alone ♪ ♪ Papa, please forgive me, try to understand me. ♪ ♪ Papa, don't you know I had no choice?
Now that l'm alone try to understand me don t you know I had no choice?
Now, now, now, Mrs. Becker... you understand what I'm telling you, right?
Maintenant, Mme Becker... Vous comprenez ce que je vous dis?
Now that I understand their misery.
Maintenant que je comprends leur misère.
Now I understand the sensitivity training.
Maintenant, je comprends le stage sensibilité.
Now, if I see you and brier show up again, I'll shoot first and ask questions later. You understand me?
Si Brier ou toi vous repointez, je vous descends sans réfléchir, compris?
I understand that you love shocking people and you think living like this is a good idea right now, but just do me a favour and take it. Okay.
Je comprends que tu aimes ton mode de vie actuel, mais fais-moi une faveur, accepte-le.
This is how you've been... Now here's what I don't understand.
Y a un truc que je ne pige pas.
I can understand two or four hours, but now she's just being spiteful.
Je pourrais comprendre, 2 ou 4 heures, mais maintenant elle devient rancunière.
I can understand that you're mad but now you're just spiteful.
Je peux comprendre que tu sois fâchée mais maintenant tu deviens rancunière.
Do You understand how much free time I have now?
Je croule sous le temps libre!
But now I understand that it was wrong.
Mais maintenant, je comprends que j'ai eu tort.
I just- - l understand that's not where you're at right now.
Mais je sais qu'actuellement, tu ne partages pas mes sentiments.
Well, I just don't understand why we have to tell her now.
Pourquoi lui dire maintenant?
Now you understand why I have all these problems with her.
Tu comprends maintenant mon problème avec elle.
I know you're not used to taking orders... but from now, you do exactly as we say, you understand?
Je sais que vous n'avez pas l'habitude de recevoir des ordres... mais désormais, faites ce que nous disons, vous comprenez?
You are a very brave woman, and now I understand why you received the Key to the City.
Vous êtes une femme très courageuse, je comprends maintenant pourquoi vous avez reçu la clé de la ville.
Now, I appreciate you guys caring, but you have to understand that I don't.
Merci de tenir à moi, mais sachez que c'est pas réciproque.
Now, I understand Shelly can eat over five mice a day.
Donc, j'ai cru comprendre que Shelly peut manger jusqu'a 5 souris par jour.
I understand that, okay. You know what, from now on, once a week,
À partir de maintenant, une fois par semaine,
Now I understand your need for the cone of silence.
Je comprends pourquoi tu m'as fait promettre de ne rien dire!

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