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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ I ] / I would have known

I would have known traduction Français

1,064 traduction parallèle
I would have known howfoolish I was to be jealous of the others.
Quelle sottise d'avoir jalousé les autres!
If I would have known before, we could have discussed it.
Si j'avais su avant, on aurait pu en discuter.
Don't feel badly. I would have known it sooner or later.
Ne vous faites pas de souci, j'aurais fini par l'apprendre.
I wish I would have known.
Je ne savais pas.
I would have known him well if he hadn't met you first.
J'aurais pu s'il ne vous avait pas d'abord rencontrée.
And I say secretly. Otherwise I would have known.
Sinon, je l'aurais su, bien sûr.
If she had lived a minute longer, I would have known everything.
Que n'as-tu vécu une minute de plus, je saurais ce qui s'est passé.
She was a headstrong woman, but if I had known things would come to this, I'd have been kinder to her while she was alive.
C'était une femme obstinée, mais si j'avais su que les choses finiraient ainsi, j'aurais été plus gentil avec elle quand elle était encore en vie.
If I had known, I would have had the flags out.
Si j'avais su, j'aurais sorti les drapeaux.
If I only would have known what Red would want- - Ah, sure, you don't have to make up your mind now, love.
Si je savais ce que Red voulait... tu n'as pas à décider à l'instant.
No, Jeremy, but at least I would have known what lay ahead of me.
J'aurais su ce qui m'attendait.
If I'd known, I would have unaccompanied.
Je ne serais pas venu si j'avais su.
If I'd known this was all that would happen I wouldn't even have been nervous.
Si j'avais su ce qui se passerait... j'aurais été moins nerveuse.
But it would have meant so much, if I'd only known.
Mais cela aurait tant compté si j'avais su.
The happiness of these days I would have never known living in the castle.
Le plaisir éprouvé durant ces quelques jours, je ne l'aurais jamais connu au château.
If I'd known Poe, I would undoubtedly have been repelled by his drinking but I would have tried to understand him.
Si j'avais connu Poe, j'aurais été dégoûtée car il buvait mais tentée de le comprendre.
If I had bought these myself, señor, everyone in town would have known, and it's not the sort of thing that Consuela would like to have known by everyone.
Si je l'avais acheté moi-même, toute la ville l'aurait su. Et Consuelo n'aurait pas aimé ça.
Had I known this the day you arrived in Jerusalem, it would have changed nothing.
Même si je l "avais su le jour de ton arrivée, ça n" aurait rien changé.
For I have known from the first where you would lead, I would follow.
Car j "ai su tout de suite que j" allais te suivre où que tu me mènes.
If I'd known you were hauling fertilizer again, I would have. Phew!
Je l'aurais fait si j'avais su que tu remorquais de l'engrais chimique.
How could I've known that fool would have told all to the monarchists?
Comment aurais-je imaginé que cet imbécile irait tout raconter aux monarchistes?
Well, baby face, I never would have known you.
Rasé de près, vous êtes méconnaissable!
Albertine, my dear, I wish you had known my grandmother, an adorable old lady who died too soon, who you would have gotten along with splendidly.
Albertine, ma cherie, j'aurais voulu que vous connaissiez ma grand-mere, une adorable vieille dame, trop tot disparue, avec laquelle vous vous seriez tres bien entendue.
I should have known that it would be you, you moralist, you dedicated one.
- Ca ne pouvait être que toi. J'aurais dû savoir que ça serait toi, moraliste.
If I'd known you were bringing friends, I would have fixed something.
Si j'avais su, j'aurais préparé quelque chose.
If I hadn't wok en up at that moment I would never have known If It were true or not.
Sl je ne m'étais pas réveillée à ce moment, je n'aurais jamais su si c'était vrai ou pas.
Charlotte, if it would make you any happier I will sit right down and make out a complete list of every woman I have ever known.
Si ça doit te rassurer, je te ferai la liste complète des femmes que j'ai connues.
I should have known nothing would happen when you came in here.
J'étais sûre que tu te dégonflerais!
If I'd known it would come to this, I wouldn't have hidden.
Si j'avais pu prévoir...
I would have been more anxious if I'd known... they were heading for the desolate Kulrabi Mountains... and the distant fabled lamasery at Jaipuri.
Si j'avais su qu'ils se rendaient sur le Mont Kohlrabi et sa légendaire lamaserie de Jaipuri.
I have known such a time would come.
Je savais que ce moment viendrait.
I have also known what I would say.
Je savais aussi ce que je vous dirais à ce moment-là.
If I wouldn't have known the formula myself... I would still be a raven.
Si je n'avais pas connu la formule, je serais encore un corbeau.
I should have known you two would get on. You're as dotty as she is, Charlie.
J'aurais dû m'en douter, tu es aussi maboul qu'elle.
If I had known I would have told you right away.
Si j'avais su, je t'aurais annoncé la nouvelle avant.
I never would have known you.
Je ne t'aurais pas reconnue.
I would have given St Severin, and known it would have been a ridiculous price.
j'aurais donné Saint-Séverin, et su que c'eût été un prix dérisoire.
If I'd known about this in London... would I have recommended against sending an army?
Si j'avais su cela, aurais-je recommandé de ne pas envoyer l'armée?
I might have known you two would know each other.
- Ainsi, vous vous connaissez...
I would have known.
- Je l'aurais su.
I should have known something would happen to foul things up.
J'aurais dû savoir qu'un malheur arriverait.
I would have liked to have known him, the way you talk about him.
J'aurais aimé le connaître.
If the Prosecutor had known, I would have been in trouble.
Si le procureur l'avait su...
Well, I wouldn't have asked if I'd known, would I?
Je ne l'aurais pas demandé.
Call it a deep understanding of the way things happen to Vulcans, but I know that not a person, not even the computers onboard the Intrepid, knew what was killing them or would have understood it had they known.
Vous pouvez appeler ça comprendre ce qui arrive aux Vulcains. Personne, pas même les ordinateurs de l'Intrepid, ne savait ce qui les tuait.
I should have known that you would never adjust.
J'aurais dû savoir que jamais vous ne vous adapteriez.
I must have known this would be my reward for being far more considerate and patient and generous to you than I have been to any of my former housekeepers.
J'aurais dû me douter que c'est ce que j'obtiendrais pour avoir été plus prévenante et généreuse avec vous qu'avec aucune de mes gouvernantes.
Frankly, had I known, I would have suggested we conclude our business at a later date.
Si je l'avais su, j'aurais proposé qu'on conclue notre affaire à une date ultérieure.
If I'd known he was so beastly, I would have brought the children.
Si j'avais su qu'il était aussi bête, j'aurais amené les enfants.
You know, Georges, if Edgar had only known about the will, I'm sure he never would have left.
Vous savez Georges, si Edgar avait connu la teneur du testament, il ne serait pas parti.
I had no idea it bothered you so much, Trudy. I never would have married if I'd known.
Si j'avais su que ça t'affecterait autant, je ne l'aurais jamais épousé.

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