If it was him traduction Français
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What if it was him?
Si c'était lui? Eh!
First I have find out if it was him.
Il faut d'abord que je sache si c'est lui.
I doubt if it was him personally.
Pas lui personnellement.
And if I killed him, it was only for the welfare of my people.
Si je l'ai tué, je l'ai fait pour le bien de mon peuple.
Would you think I was wrong if I tried to talk him out of it?
Tu crois que j'aurais tort de lui en parler?
Wouldn't it have been better if you'd told me that first evening that Ussoni was your lover, and that you hoped I'd do anything to keep him in Venice?
Vous auriez dû me dire, l'autre soir, à l'opéra, qu'il était votre amant et que vous vouliez le garder près de vous.
But if passion ran colder, it was "Throw him in the Volga!"
Et si tu rates ton coup de mazurka Je te ferai balancer dans la Volga
If they used him, it was to carry beer.
S'il a travaillé là-bas, c'était comme plongeur.
He went staggering up towards the woods saying he was gonna find his wife and drag her home if it killed him.
Il est allé en titubant vers le bois... disant qu'il trouverait sa femme et la ramènerait même au prix de sa vie.
But it was his fault! If he gave me the medal like I told him to, I wouldn't have hit him!
Mais s'il m'avait donné la médaille, je ne l'aurais pas battu!
What was it worth if it killed him?
En le payant de sa vie.
If he was rude to you, it was only because you wouldn't pay him.
S'il a été impoli avec toi, c'est juste parce que tu ne voulais pas le payer.
But it's our job to protect the prisoner as much as possible and if we thought a visit was disturbing to him, we'd be forced to cut that visit short.
Nous devons protéger au maximum les prisonniers, et si l'on croit que votre visite le perturbe, nous en réduirons la durée.
He'll wind up... If someone's going to kill me, I'd rather it was him.
Tu ferais mieux de rester à l'écart de Sutekichi.
He socked me. I would've socked him myself, if I was up to it.
Je l'aurais frappé, si je n'étais pas blessé.
How long you figure it will lay a man up if that bull was to stomp him?
Combien de temps un homme serait-il alité si ce taureau le piétinait?
Roy said it was all right with him if it was all right with you... that I could try writing a few obituaries.
Roy a dit que si vous êtes d'accord, il voudrait bien que j'écrive quelques annonces nécrologiques.
Well, if it wasn't him, it was one of his friends.
Si ce n'était pas lui, c'était un de ses amis.
But if someone had opened the gate for him that someone was able to lock it.
Mais si quelqu'un lui a ouvert le portillon ce même quelqu'un a pu le refermer.
is a right person, smart! If it was not for him, I didn't accept.
Sans lui, j'aurais jamais accepté.
I didn't know that he was cheating until they caught him, and if I had known, it might have been rough.
Je n'ai su qu'il trichait... que lorsqu'il a été pris. Si je l'avais su, j'aurais réagi.
If he was so good, it was stupid of you to let him go, wasn't it?
Pourquoi l'avez-vous laissé partir s'il est si bon?
That you could pass off inviting him to our table as if it was by chance?
Tu ne l'as pas invité par hasard à notre table l'autre jour.
If it was so much nothing why were you running away from him?
Si ça avait si peu d'importance, pourquoi l'as-tu fui?
I wouldn't care if it was proper or not, with somebody like him.
Je me ficherais bien de ça, si c'était avec quelqu'un comme lui.
If you want him as a friend, pretend you believe it was patriotism.
- Faites semblant de croire que c'était du patriotisme. C'était de l'ambition.
I'm beginning to doubt if it was wise to save him.
Était-ce sage de le sauver?
And I always asked him what he would name it if it was a boy. He used to say,'After me.'
Quand je lui ai demandé comment il appellerait son fils, il a répondu : "Comme moi".
Oh, you could, if it was up to me, but my bairn's grieving'her heart out for him. Oh.
Vous pourriez, si ça ne tenait qu'à moi, mais ma fille est inconsolable.
Anyway, if it was poison, how would they give it to him?
En imaginant le pire? Qui voudrait tuer Meyer? Personne!
I don't know what was said, not liking to listen to other folks'conversations but if it's buttering him up you are, beware.
Je n'ai pas écouté ce que vous disiez, mais si tu essaies de l'attendrir, méfie-toi.
If it was me, I'd keep him away from the rest of the inmates permanently.
Moi, je le tiendrais à l'écart des détenus définitivement.
But, he was filled with apprehension if he had to touch or even look at the meat and to watch his father prepare it was literally unbearable for him.
Mais il appréhendait de toucher ou même regarder la viande. Et voir son père la préparer était littéralement intolérable pour lui.
It's not as if I was going to marry him, Harry I mean, but I can't get him to understand that.
Harry dit qu'Allen est impliqué dans le meurtre. - II dit qu'il peut le prouver.
If that's why you killed him, it was a useless crime.
Si tu l'as tué pour ça, c'était un crime inutile.
Even if he was back If you could have him, it would end up bad.
Et même s'il revenait, et que tu faisais sa conquête, cela se terminerait comment?
I'm sorry to tell you, if it was me and he was drunk, I'd ignore him too.
Moi non plus, je parlerais pas à un type qui se saoule.
- I was always drawn to boxing and always dreamt of fighting... so I asked if I could go with him, and he said : "Let's go check it out."
- j'ai toujours eu un penchant pour la boxe - J'ai demandé à l'accompagner. Il m'a dit : "Viens, tu vas voir".
It was the night old Mosaku froze to death as if all the blood had been sucked out of him.
Cette nuit-là, Mosaku est mort. Il était gelé et vidé de son sang.
Why, if he was within 50 miles of any crime, I'd convict him of it.
S'il était à moins de 80 km d'un crime, je l'en accuserais.
If we tell him it was from heaven, he will ask :
Si nous disons : "Du Ciel", il nous dira :
I've been messing around in private- - he don't hold still for nothing like that, so if it was to get out to him, he'd make me old before my time.
Il ne me permet pas ces trucs-là. Donc s'il l'apprenait je vieillirais avant l'heure.
If there was evil, it's buried with him.
Le mal qui était en lui est enterré à ses côtés.
If I was reluctant to get married, it was fear that you would see him again.
Si j'ai hésité à me marier, c'était par crainte que tu le revoies.
If he knew I was still alive, it would be a real blow for him.
S'il apprenait que je suis vivante, ce serait une catastrophe.
And it was supposed to provoke hatred not of those who crucified Him, but of those who loved Him, if they had been with Him at that moment.
Elles auraient dû lever la haine, non pas de ceux qui l'ont crucifié, mais de ceux qui lui étaient attachés, pour peu qu'ils eussent été là.
If I asked you why you were looking for him you'd probably say it was none of my business wouldn't you?
Si je demande pourquoi vous cherchez cet homme, vous me répondrez que ça ne me regarde pas. N'est-ce pas?
The princess is on her way for her first trip to America and the sultan has indicated to us that it would please him if we saw to it that she had a good time while she was here.
La princesse arrive pour son premier séjour en Amérique. Et le sultan nous a fait comprendre que ça lui ferait plaisir qu'elle passe un bon moment chez nous.
If he asks, tell him it was you who took care of them.
S'il demande, dis-lui que c'est toi qui t'es occupé de ses hommes.
Well Fred wouldn't suit him would it? If he did do it, do you think it was his own idea?
Si c'est lui, il suivait peut-être juste des ordres.
If I was to turn this on the door it might blind him! Hey, wait a minute!
Attends voir.
if it's meant to be 16
if it wasn't for you 99
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it is 191
if it isn't 54
if it's a girl 43
if it's any consolation 226
if it wasn't 30
if it was 105
if it were up to me 123
if it wasn't for you 99
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it is 191
if it isn't 54
if it's a girl 43
if it's any consolation 226
if it wasn't 30
if it was 105
if it were up to me 123
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if it's all right 48
if it's a boy 49
if it's ok 18
if it's me 22
if it's not 54
if it helps 159
if it's all the same to you 77
if it's any comfort 23
if it's okay with you 83
if it's all right 48
if it's a boy 49
if it's ok 18
if it's me 22
if it's not 54
if it helps 159
if it's all the same to you 77
if it's any comfort 23