If it wasn't me traduction Français
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And ifI told you that just getting out on this barge and being on the sea had changed me and made me feel different about things as if all that I've been through wasn't me, didn't count it was just like it never happened you'd laugh, wouldn't you?
Si je te disais que vivre sur cette péniche m'a transformée et m'a fait voir les choses différemment, comme si ce que j'ai vécu ne comptait pas, que c'est comme si rien ne m'était arrivé, tu rirais, non?
Well, it ain't my place to say it, Miss Jerry, but if I had a boss that was so hard-boiled he wasn't satisfied with my working all day at the office without slaving home at night, I'd tell him to go to...
Ce n'est pas à moi de le dire, MIle Jerry, mais si mon patron était si dur qu'en plus de mon travail au bureau toute la journée il me mettait au chagrin le soir, je lui dirais d'aller...
O'Connor would jump all over me if it wasn't for Nick.
O'Connor me sauterait dessus s'il n'y avait pas Nick.
If anyone remarks that I wasn't the first, I'll reply, "I'm no virgin. What difference does it make?"
Si on venait me dire que je n'ai pas été le 1er, je répondrai : " Et moi, j'étais vierge?
Why did you lie to me if it wasn't true?
Pourquoi avoir menti si c'est faux?
And if I ever was rude to you, it wasn't me, it was my temper, Vasco.
Et si j'ai parfois été désagréable, c'était mon mauvais tempérament.
Listen, if it wasn't for me, you'd still be pounding those pavements.
Sans moi, tu serais encore à la circulation.
If it wasn't for me...
- Sans moi...
I've cost you millions, and I'd still be fooling them if it wasn't for the little yellow-haired lass that wouldn't even give me the time of the day.
Je continuerais encore longtemps à jouer à ce petit jeu s'il n'y avait pas cette poupée qui refuse même de me donner l'heure.
Dad, I know that you would never have married again after Mother died if it wasn't for me.
Papa, je sais que tu ne te serais pas remarié après la mort de maman si je n'avais pas été là.
Now look, Pop, if a gambling ring's back of this, it's dangerous... and, well, gee, I'd feel terrible if anything happened to you... and I wasn't along to protect you.
Écoute, papa, s'il y a un groupe de joueurs d'impliqué, c'est dangereux... et ça me ferait de la peine qu'il t'arrive quelque chose... et si je n'étais pas là pour te protéger.
If it wasn't for me, you would die before you'll sell her!
Si ce n'était pas pour moi... tu mourrais plutôt que de la vendre.
Sans moi, vous seriez tranquillement en train de chasser dans le sud, puis vous seriez rentré chez vous épouser une jolie fille et vivre dans votre grande maison.
Folks'd think it was pretty funny if I wasn't around.
On s'étonnerait de ne pas me voir.
Why, if it wasn't personal, I'm satisfied.
Dans ce cas, me voilà satisfait.
If it wasn't for me, the place would starve to death.
Non! Si je n'étais pas là, l'endroit péricliterait.
If it wasn't for me, you's be starving in the gutters where I founs you.
Sans moi, tu crèverais de faim dans l'égout dont je t'ai sortie.
If it wasn't for me, everybody'd pick on them.
Sans moi, tout le monde les harcelerait.
I guess if it wasn't for this here foot, she wouldn't even let me do that.
Sans cette infirmité, elle ne m'aurait pas gardé.
If it wasn ´ t for me, the group would collapse!
Si j ´ étais pas là pour penser à tout, notre Groupe serait bien avancé!
If he followed me, it wasn't my fault.
Je n'y peux rien s'il m'a suivie.
If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have no hole.
Sans moi, il n'y aurait pas de trou.
- If it wasn't for this weak heart I'd... - Arteries!
Je me demandais pourquoi je ne serais pas utile ici!
Now I'm a practising dental surgeon. My liver works fine and if anybody was drunk in here last night, it wasn't me.
Mon foie fonctionne très bien, et si quelqu'un était soûl hier soir, ce n'était pas moi.
If it wasn't for me, the wife wouldn't hear from her husband at all.
Sans moi, la pauvre femme restait sans nouvelle de son mari.
If it wasn't for me, you'd be tied up... with that broken down cowhand right now.
Sans moi, tu serais condamnée à vivre avec ce vieux cow-boy.
You know, if it wasn't me talking, I'd say you were the prettiest girl in town.
Si ça ne sortait pas de ma bouche, je dirais que t'es la plus jolie des filles.
Oh, it wasn't that exactly. I was merely wondering if Higgins was the postman who delivered it.
Je me demandais seulement si c'était Higgins le facteur qui l'avait apportée.
You wouldn't even have that dirty candy store if it wasn't for me! You wouldn't have a dime, the clothes on your back!
Tu n'aurais même pas cette confiserie sans moi!
When I first came to the hospital, I was just like you. I guess I'd still be the same way if it hadn't been for... someone who kept talking to me and made me feel I wasn't alone.
Quand je suis arrivée j'étais comme toi, et je le serais encore si personne ne m'avait parlé.
Well, if it wasn't that I was losing money, I'd just soon close the place up and really take care of him.
Si ça ne me faisait pas perdre de l'argent, j'aurais fermé et je m'en serais occupé.
If it wasn't for him always pushing me around,
C'est à cause de lui, il me bouscule tout le temps..
It wasn't my fault if she spoke to me.
Des fois on fait des bêtises mais après on se reprend.
I looked to see if there was a rule against it, but there wasn't.
Rien ne me l'interdit.
You must know that I wouldn't be telling you this if it wasn't completely innocent.
Je me tairais si ce n'était pas innocent.
It would be better if there wasn't shoplifters shoplifters?
Si on ne me volait pas dans la boutique... Ah bon?
If it wasn't for me, you'd be halfway to Council City by now.
Sans moi, vous seriez déjà à mi-chemin de Council City.
If it wasn't for me, there wouldn't be any valley, wouldn't be any stock.
Sans moi, il n'y aurait ni vallée ni bétail.
And wasn't it his duty, if he did uncover the pipeline, to report it to me immediately?
S'il démasquait la taupe, ne devait-il pas me prévenir illico?
It certainly wasn't my intention to die that day, but if I'd continued swimming further out, then I'd probably have drowned.
"Je n'avais pas l'intention de me suicider, " mais je me serais peut-être noyé si j'avais continué à nager.
It would never work out between you and me as long as she is sitting upstairs in that chair ltd be different if she didn't love me, and she wasn't so helpless.
Ça n'aurait pas marché entre nous, avec elle là-haut dans sa chaise. Ah, si elle m'aimait pas, si elle était pas si fragile.
If it wasn't for me, tonight this groom would be with some gajo cat.
Sans moi, ce fiancé serait ce soir avec une fille gadjo.
But where would women like me be if it wasn't for men like you.
Mais que feraient les femmes comme moi sans des hommes comme toi?
Anyway, if you should see him before me, tell him it wasn't my brother who squealed.
Au fait, si tu le vois avant moi, dis-lui que c'est pas mon frangin qui nous a balancés.
If it wasn't for me, you'd all be sharecroppers on some miserable farm!
Sans moi, vous seriez des croquants.
If it wasn't for me you wouldn't have known he was csarrying that money.
Sans moi, t'aurais jamais su qu'il transportait tout ça.
If I could make it up, like he'd never come between us, if I could prove to you I wasn't scheming to steal anything, so everything would be the same between us, if I could do it, you'd love me again, wouldn't you?
Si je pouvais faire en sorte qu'iI ne se mette jamais entre nous, si je pouvais te prouver que je n'envisageais pas de te voler, tout serait pareil entre nous, si je pouvais Ie faire, tu m'aimerais de nouveau, n'est-ce pas?
Where would you be if it wasn't for guys like me, out of a job?
Vous seriez où sans les types comme moi? Au chômage?
If anyone did, it certainly wasn't me.
Certainement pas moi.
I'd ask you to smoke one with me if it wasn't my busy night.
Je vous inviterais bien à rester en fumer un, mais je suis débordé.
And I ask you why would Mr. Plante have so much money if it wasn't a wonderful claim?
Pourquoi M. Flaunce me préterait-il autant, si ce n'était pas valable?
if it's meant to be 16
if it wasn't for you 99
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it is 191
if it isn't 54
if it's a girl 43
if it's any consolation 226
if it wasn't 30
if it was 105
if it were up to me 123
if it wasn't for you 99
if it's not too much trouble 48
if it is 191
if it isn't 54
if it's a girl 43
if it's any consolation 226
if it wasn't 30
if it was 105
if it were up to me 123
if it's the last thing i do 21
if it's okay with you 83
if it's all right 48
if it's a boy 49
if it's ok 18
if it's me 22
if it's not 54
if it helps 159
if it's all the same to you 77
if it's any comfort 23
if it's okay with you 83
if it's all right 48
if it's a boy 49
if it's ok 18
if it's me 22
if it's not 54
if it helps 159
if it's all the same to you 77
if it's any comfort 23