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It really wasn't traduction Français

1,176 traduction parallèle
It really was you who poisoned him, wasn't it?
Etes-vous responsable de cet empoisonnement?
I wasn't really sure I was going to keep it.
Je savais pas si j'allais le garder ou pas.
I really wasn't that invested in it.
Je n'étais pas impliqué à ce point.
I really wasn't that invested in it.
Il conduisait et tu n'as rien dit?
It's sort of like when you were letting me drive your car. It made me feel really powerful... but also really terrified... like I wasn't ready for that much freedom.
Ca me rappelle quand tu me laissais conduire ta voiture... j'adorais, je me sentais forte... mais aussi, terrifiée... comme si je n'étais pas prête pour tant de liberté.
Now, after killing Vera without really meaning to do it, how many of you would believe it wasn " t premeditated?
Maintenant, j'ai tué Vera sans le vouloir. Qui d'entre vous croirait que ce n'était pas prémédité?
You know, it really wasn't that much cheaper. I just... I couldn't go home right away.
C'était pas si bon marché, mais... je ne pouvais pas rentrer tout de suite.
I really thought I wasn't going to make it.
J'ai vraiment cru que je n'arriverais jamais ici.
- I'm sayin'Easy Wind is a lyin'moon cricket, but maybe on this one he wasn't really lying','cause I did it for a small nickel.
- Easy Wind est un sale menteur, mais pour une fois, il ne mentait pas vraiment. Je l'ai fait pour du pognon.
that he really wasn't in his right mind when he buried it.
qu'il l'a enterré sur un coup de folie.
It was applauded but it wasn't really a Beatle record.
Ça a plu, mais ce n'était pas vraiment un disque des Beatles.
I'm sorry it wasn't one of those movies with guns and bombs and buses going really fast!
Désolée, ce n'était pas un film du genre flingues et bombes... avec des bus fonçant à toute allure!
If it wasn't for the other 36 cases upstairs I'd be really angry.
Si je n'avais pas 36 caisses à l'étage je serais vraiment furieux!
Forgiveness means that when you did something really wrong, you want somebody to tell you... that it wasn't really, really wrong, when you know what you did was wrong because you did it!
C'est quand tu as fait le mal et que tu veux que quelqu'un te dise que c'est pas si grave alors que tu sais que tu as mal fait!
Or I'd just tell myself that... I wasn't really there, and so... none of it really mattered.
Je me disais que... j'étais pas vraiment là, et que... ça n'avait pas d'importance.
But it wasn't really broken at all.
Par exemple, Roosevelt a supposément brisé le monopole de la Standard Oil.
Yeah, but it wasn't really, you know, like, much fun there, was it, darling?
Mais on ne s'est pas vraiment amusées, si chérie?
I wasn't sure we could really pull it off.
Je ne croyais pas qu'on y arriverait.
But you can't. That's okay. I wasn't really serious about it myself.
Mais si tu ne veux pas, ça ne fait rien, je ne parlais pas sérieusement.
It's just that that place, it wasn't really....
Où j'étais, c'était pas vraiment...
- That doll was really freaky, wasn't it?
Cette poupée était effrayante.
It wasn't much of a brawl, really. I grabbed you, you shoved me and Julian was tossed over a table.
Je vous ai empoigné et vous m'avez poussé.
It didn't really happen this way. I wasn't in command.
Les choses ne se sont pas passées ainsi.
So it really wasn't Voyager after all. No.
- Alors ce n'était pas le Voyager.
... You know, I really wanted to share but it was just too good... And he said he wasn't hungry.
Je voulais vraiment partager, mais c'était trop bon et il a dit qu'il n'avait pas faim.
Not that it wasn't exciting, I mean... You really had me going when he tore the chains from the wall.
Même si c'était passionnant.
Well, it wasn't really a good look.
Je ne voulais pas, mais oui...
I was a kid. That wasn't really life. Kid's play is what it was.
J'étais un gosse, c'était plus du partage d'appartement que du concubinage.
Wasn't it really peace of mind that you were seeking in Kaji's bed? No!
Tu as essayé de trouver la paix dans la gentillesse de Kaji.
But the music was really crap, wasn't it?
C'est un escroc qui a passé sa vie en prison.
But then... he's so stupid... I'd imagine it really wasn't that difficult.
Il est si bête que ça n'a pas dû être très difficile.
I wouldn't be going if it wasn't really important.
Je n'irais pas si ce n'était pas important.
It wasn't really out of the ordinary.
Ça n'avait rien d'étonnant...
It was calm and boring in those days. I wasn't really doing anything.
Qu'est-ce que je m'ennuyais!
It wasn't planned, it was silly, really.
On n'avait rien planifié. C'était fou.
This was the time where... it was his time after going back to New York, after doing the circuit... and the times he would go to New York were... it wasn't really under his terms... of doing the Cafe Whap really struggling in Greenwich Village.
C'était l'époque où il rentrait à New Y ork après le Chitlin'Circuit. Une fois de retour à New Y ork, il ne contrôlait pas vraiment la situation. Il jouait au Café Wha?
It wasn't brilliant. You weren't really trying to catch us.
Ça ne l'était pas tant que ça, vous n'essayiez pas de nous coincer.
Look, Tom, I really appreciate what you did- - what you were willing to do for me- - but as far as I'm concerned, I was under the influence of some weird Vulcan chemical imbalance and whatever I did, whatever I said- - it wasn't me.
- J'apprécie ce que tu as fait. Ce que tu étais prêt à faire pour moi. Mais j'étais sous l'influence d'un déséquilibre vulcain et quoi que j'aie pu dire ou faire, ce n'était pas moi.
You're saying if this story of his is true, she can verify it... so we'll know it wasn't really his fault? Is that it?
Si son histoire est vraie, elle peut le vérifier et... on saura qu'il n'est pas vraiment coupable?
- It wasn't really you.
- Ce n'était pas vraiment toi.
That wasn't really necessary. I don't ride it. It's just for show.
Tu sais, il est juste là pour la frime.
Yeah, I wasn't gonna get it, but this guy, Milos, who runs the pro shop he really recommended it.
C'était pas prévu, mais Milos, de la boutique de sport, me l'a chaudement recommandée.
Well, it wasn't really cut off.
En fait il était pas vraiment coupé.
She was really nice. It wasn't that.
Karen était vraiment gentille...
He had to study and really be a part of it'cause it wasn't gonna be easy to get close to the Minister.
Avec la religion. Il a étudié, s'est intégré. C'était pas facile d'approcher le Révérend.
It really wasn't that much...
Un montant vraiment insignifiant.
It wasn't because I was in a bad place or anything. It just meant a lot because you're really hot.
Pas seulement parce que j'allais mal, mais parce que... t'es trop sexy.
I wasn't really seeing it before.
Je ne l'avais pas remarquée jusque-là.
It wasn't really a surprise.
ça ne m'a pas vraiment surprise.
Quinn, honey, it wasn't that bad really!
Je devrais peut-être aller lui parler.
Come on, it wasn't really our fault.
Allez, c'est pas vraiment notre faute.

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