Later that night traduction Français
317 traduction parallèle
I met him later that night.
Je l'ai revu après, cette nuit-là.
Garzah killed Jean, and later that night he killed Backalis.
Garzah a tué Jean puis Backalis, la même nuit.
Dr. Zorba died sometime later that night.
Dr Zorba est mort plus tard dans la nuit.
later that night at the Hour of the Dog
Plus tard cette nuit-là, à l'heure du loup.
Later that night, 1789.
Still later that night, 1789.
And then later that night we went to dinner with some movie people.
Plus tard on est allés dîner avec des gens du cinéma.
And then the carabineros found him later that night, dead on the street.
Les carabineros l'ont trouvé plus tard mort dans la rue.
Later that night, alone in the backyard... he buried it next to the garage.
Plus tard, seul dans le jardin, il l'enterra à côté du garage.
And it first hit me later that night when my girlfriends came over for a slumber party. Annie, I'm going to go on my very first date Saturday night.
Je l'ai compris le soir, quand mes amies sont venues faire la fête.
Dawson was arrested later that night in a local bar.
Dawson est arrêté le soir même dans un bar.
Later that night, you phoned me, considerably drunk, and said that you were very thankful and that you still loved me.
Le soir même, tu m'as rappelé, passablement saoule, pour me remercier encore et me dire que tu m'aimais toujours.
Later that night that same guy killed six people.
Le même soir, le type a tué six personnes.
Later that night, on the moonlit veranda,
Ce soir-là au clair de lune sur la véranda
Plus tard dans la soirée
Later that night, I was awakened... by the sound of our radio in the kitchen.
Plus tard dans la nuit... j'ai été réveillé par le son de la radio dans la cuisine.
I had to cover the whole thing, and later that night in the darkroom... Remember, I'm a young guy trying to be a photographer. The film was developed and I was making enlargements.
Dans la chambre noire, j'étais un photographe débutant, la pellicule était développée, je faisais des agrandissements, l'image apparaissait.
And would you describe for the jury what you saw when you came back to Kathleen O'Rourke's office later that night.
Pouvez-vous décrire au jury ce que vous avez vu quand vous êtes entrée dans le bureau de Kathleen O'Rourke, plus tard?
We believe it was Leo Johnson making the second appointment for sometime later that night.
Sans doute de Leo Johnson, son 2e rendez-vous.
Does anyone else come into the room, later that night?
Quelqu'un d'autre est-il entré ce soir-là?
My plan was to start the dinner early... so Karen and I could unload the guns Jimmy didn't want... then get the package for Lois... to take to Atlanta for her trip later that night.
Je comptais dîner tôt. Karen et moi, on irait écouler les revolvers. Puis j'irais chercher le colis que Lois devait livrer à Atlanta.
" Later that night, something happened that I know you wouldn't approve of.
" Plus tard ce soir-là, il s'est passé quelque chose qui t'aurait déplu.
- Huh. - Later that night, we made love.
Plus tard, on a fait l'amour.
Later that night, he rode his horse right up the stairs to my room, kicked the banister right off.
Ce soir-la, il m'a raccompagnée a cheval jusqu'en haut des escaliers, en arrachant la rampe.
And then later that night, you were lying, looking up at the ceiling, and the water in your head... was not dissimilar from the landscape, and you think to yourself, " Why is it that the landscape... is moving,
Et puis, plus tard, la nuit, couché, contemplant le plafond... l'eau dans votre tête n'est pas différente d'un paysage. On se dit : " Comment se fait-il que le paysage
Later that night I caught dad having a sneak look at the tape.
Cette nuit-là, Papa a regardé sa cassette.
Later that night, after Nog had left I stayed up working.
Cette nuit-là, après le départ de Nog, je me suis mis au travail.
Because later that night, Kahless and Lukara jumped on each other like a pair of crazed voles.
Parce que dans la nuit, Kahless et Lukara se sont sautés dessus comme deux mulots en folie.
Later that night, she received her "visitation."
Cette nuit-là, elle a reçu une "visite".
Later, that night.
Cette nuit-là.
But two weeks later, a tip from another source... revealed that Zaleska had spent the night of the murder... with his friend Frank Wiecek.
Deux semaines plus tard, une autre source a révélé... que Zaleska a passé la nuit du meurtre... avec son ami Frank Wiecek.
You mean that you go to bed at night... "and when you wake up the next day, it's a hundred years later?"
"En somme, vous vous couchez le soir et vous vous réveillez..."
I will take the balance not before this evening and not later than tomorrow night in industrial diamonds. - Do you understand that?
Je vois.
And that night in the hallway, you said yourself the landlady came up a minute later, and she didn't see him?
Et cet homme sur le palier que vous êtes seule... - à avoir vu.
I stayed up all night listening to their songs... and tonight, you're hearing one of them... for the first time... which just goes to prove... that if you've got what it takes... sooner or later, somebody will take what you've got... baby.
Je suis resté toute la nuit à écouter leurs chansons... et vous entendez l'une d'elles pour la première fois, ce qui prouve que si vous avez ce qu'il faut, tôt ou tard, quelqu'un prendra ce que vous avez... chérie.
He went up to London for a routine meeting, booked into a hotel, booked out a few hours later. After that nothing until last night when he popped up in the middle of the chop suey.
A Londres pour affaires, il est resté à l'hôtel 1 h ou 2 et puis plus rien, jusqu'à hier, où il a refait surface.
Actually, the reason I asked you to come up to this room was that I figured sooner or later you'd get around to asking me where I was on the night of the murder.
Je vous ai amené ici parce que tôt ou tard, vous me demanderez où j'étais le soir du crime.
It was only later that I started thinking about what you were drinking that night.
Mais plus tard, je me suis souvenue de ce que vous buviez ce jour-là.
He figured he'd get lucky sooner or later, and that night, he finally did.
Il s'était dit qu'il finirait pas avoir une chance, et c'est arrivé ce soir-là.
The same woman was seen in the neighborhood of Godolphin Street on the night of the murder and later made an emotional scene at Charing Cross Station. Now what do you think of that?
La même femme a été aperçue dans le voisinage de Godolphin Street la nuit du meurtre juste avant de faire un scandale à la gare de Charing Cross.
Later that same night.
Plus tard dans la nuit...
We said last night, that time is on our side and that sooner or later, he'll kill again.
Nous disions, hier soir, que le temps joue en notre faveur et que tôt ou tard, il tuera encore.
Catch you later, honey. Yeah, it's just that you seemed so hassled the other night.
Je viens te chercher plus tard, chérie.
Maybe later, in the dark of the night, it might happen that I will scream and cry, but I hope I won't.
Peut-être plus tard, dans le noir de la nuit il peut se passer que je crie et pleure mais j'espère que ça n'arrivera pas.
You come in any later last night, that monster would've eaten me alive.
Un peu plus tard, et ce monstre me faisait la peau.
Victim one was two days from victim two. Victim three, a day later. Victim four, later that same night.
Il y a 4 ans, son 2e viol se situait... 2 jours après le 1er, son 3e un jour après... son 4e la même nuit.
Later, I found out that they beat him real bad that night.
Après, j'ai su qu'on l'avait tabassé cette nuit-là.
They were headed for McGovern's office later that same night.
Ils devaient aller au bureau de McGovern plus tard le même soir.
a photo of an american rock band he was in the photo but he had never been to america later he was told that the singer had died the night
Le lendemain, un copain lui a montré la photo d'un groupe de rock américain. Il était sur la photo alors qu'il n'était jamais allé en Amérique. Il a appris plus tard que le chanteur du groupe était mort
Later that night you wrote another in your long and moving series of letters... to Comrade UncleJoe.
- Les fascistes. C'est ce que j'ai dit.
Now they're as different as night and later that night. Periodontist. See?
later that day 29
that night 595
night 2638
nightmare 102
nights 96
nightingale 38
nighty 93
nightmares 72
nighthorse 18
nighter 122
that night 595
night 2638
nightmare 102
nights 96
nightingale 38
nighty 93
nightmares 72
nighthorse 18
nighter 122
nighty night 21
night and day 58
nightcap 16
nightclubs 16
night shift 20
nighters 22
night moves 16
night after night 65
night vision 17
night stands 48
night and day 58
nightcap 16
nightclubs 16
night shift 20
nighters 22
night moves 16
night after night 65
night vision 17
night stands 48
night before last 19
night kiss 26
night stand 201
night sweats 22
night thing 23
night night 30
later 2839
laters 69
later today 33
later tonight 25
night kiss 26
night stand 201
night sweats 22
night thing 23
night night 30
later 2839
laters 69
later today 33
later tonight 25