Old fellow traduction Français
224 traduction parallèle
" Hard luck, Dave, old fellow!
Pas de chance, mon vieux Dave.
Poor old fellow.
Pauvre vieux.
Well, listen, old fellow, you don't know it yet... but you're going to wake up a kinder and a wiser man.
Écoute, tu ne le sais pas encore, mais tu vas te réveiller plus gentil et plus sage.
You don't know how glad I am to see you, old fellow.
Je suis content de te voir, tu n'as pas idée.
There's an old fellow at the club looks as much like me as I do.
Au club, il y a un gars qui est mon portrait tout craché.
Hello, old fellow.
Mon bon vieux toutou!
But surely you don't believe that preposterous rot, old fellow, what?
Vous ne croyez pas en ces balivernes, au moins?
Hello, Jeffrey, old fellow.
Allô, Jeffrey, où êtes-vous?
That old fellow.
Ce vieux?
D'you see that old fellow in red velvet?
Vous voyez cet homme en velours rouge?
My dear old fellow, in the eighth century, at the time of the powerful emperor of france, Charlemagne...
Au huitième siècle, sous Charlemagne, le puissant empereur de France...
Well, as a matter of fact there was one old fellow.
Il me semble me souvenir d'un vieil homme.
Steady, old fellow.
Du calme, mon vieux!
this old fellow was Segundo to me for 30 years.
ce vieil ami était mon Segundo pendant 30 ans.
Anything but such a petulant face, old fellow. Come along.
N'ayez pas si mauvais caractère, mon vieux!
The old fellow said that Flegg was the one who called to pick her up.
Il a dit que Flegg avait appelé pour qu'on l'emmène.
But you have done enough today, old fellow.
Mais tu en as assez fait pour aujourd'hui.
The old fellow deserves a reward. How about a night out?
On fait une virée pour fêter ça, ce soir?
Wait till you hear tonight's broadcast, old fellow.
Attendez la retransmission de ce soir, mon ami.
Sure you don't want my autograph, old fellow?
Etes-vous sûr de ne pas vouloir mon autographe?
- Professor, I must speak with you. You have to excuse me. and a old fellow like me can't keep up with you younger men.
Il est tard, et un vieillard n'a plus l'énergie des jeunes.
I thought he was a rather kind old fellow until I read of the murder.
Je trouvais que c'était un gentil monsieur, jusqu'au meurtre.
- Oh, now, old fellow, we'll have you patched up in no time.
- On va vous remettre sur pied.
- Here, I'll take that. - Oh, thanks, old fellow.
- Laissez, je m'en charge.
I'm sorry old fellow, my error.
Excusez-moi, mon vieux.
What are you doing, old fellow?
- Que faites-vous?
I'm sorry. Oh, come, come, old fellow.
Voyons, ne soyez pas si dépité.
"HAS there any old fellow got mixed with the boys?"
Un vieux s'est-il Déjà mêlé aux jeunes garçons?
Here you are old fellow.
Venez, mon vieux.
Come on old fellow we'd better get you out of these wet clothes and into a hot tub before he takes a death of cold.
Venez vous sécher et vous réchauffer avant d'attraper la mort.
Thanks old fellow.
- Merci, mon vieux.
How is your father? How is the old fellow?
Au fait, comment va-t-il?
That's the old fellow who came to my rescue Saturday night... My hero.
C'est celui qui a volé à mon secours, samedi soir!
I'm afraid so, old fellow.
- J'en ai bien peur, mon vieux.
I can't afford to lose you, old fellow.
Je ne veux pas vous perdre, mon vieux.
I wonder if you'd go over, old fellow, and see what's the matter.
Voulez-vous aller jeter un oeil, mon vieux?
He's shy, isn't he? Come on, old fellow.
Il est timide, hein?
Bright old fellow.
Un homme de bon conseil.
He's a nice fellow, but he's an old stick-in-the-mud.
Il est gentil, mais pas très drôle.
I should think a fellow has a right to think of his folks once in a while, so when I said, "Poor old father..."
Tout le monde a le droit de penser à ses parents, - alors quand j'ai dit ça...
When you shout like that, you frighten me, old fellow.
Vous m'effrayez!
Take a look at this, old fellow.
Regardez ça.
An old friend of mine. Stupid fellow, he wants £ 1,000.
Un ami qui me demande 1000 £.
None other than your old friend and fellow actor, Beverly Carlton.
Votre vieil ami et collègue, Beverly Carlton.
Came into the harbor to get a barrel of water... and says to a fellow, says I... "How's me old friend Don Miguel?"
J'arrive dans le port et je demande à quelqu'un comment se porte don Miguel.
Her old man keeps her under lock and key like he thought every fellow in town was aiming to kidnap her.
Son père la garde enfermée chez eux comme si tous les gars de la ville voulaient l'enlever.
- Vous vous rappelez de l'ami, là-haut?
Good old Abe's a very nice fellow, but maybe a little bit too soon.
Gentil garçon mais c'est un peu tôt.
I'm sorry, old fellow.
Sit down old fellow, Judge Brisson has decided not to shoot us.
Le juge Brisson ne tirera pas.
This the old fellow who butted in?
C'est le vieux qui t'a défendue?
fellows 227
fellow 75
fellow citizens 25
old friends 70
old fart 19
old female 76
old friend 513
old fool 18
old fella 23
fellow 75
fellow citizens 25
old friends 70
old fart 19
old female 76
old friend 513
old fool 18
old fella 23