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Pretty neat traduction Français

136 traduction parallèle
Hey, you know, that's a pretty neat touch there, that "foreign flypaper," don't you think?
C'est pas mal bon ça, non, "papier tue-mouches importé"?
Pretty neat.
Pas mal.
We take it from the government. Pretty neat.
Nous le récupérons.
Pretty neat, ain't it?
Pas mal, hein?
Say, that's pretty neat.
C'est drôle.
Pretty neat, huh?
Pas bête, hein?
Pretty neat, huh?
Malin, non?
Yeah, pretty neat.
Oui, très malin.
I'm stuck with you, but you remember this : You fly with me and you're gonna fly right... unless you want a stitch of hot lead sewed up the back of your head. And I sew a pretty neat stitch.
Je suis obligé de vous garder, mais tenez-vous à carreau si vous ne voulez pas un point de plomb chaud dans la nuque.
Pretty neat, Jake.
Excellent Jake!
Pretty neat! Justice!
Elle est propre, la justice!
- Hey, that's pretty neat.
- Bien joué.
That's a pretty neat trick.
C'est un sacré joli coup!
That's pretty neat, huh?
Pas mal, hein?
Pretty neat, wouldn't you say?
Bien pensé, hein?
Well, anyway, to pacify Matchemonedo, my people used to drive buffalo over his place, and he would eat them, I guess, which is a pretty neat trick if you don't have a stomach.
Quoi qu'il en soit, pour apaiser Matchemonedo, mon peuple rabattait des bisons vers cet endroit, et je suppose qu'il les dévorait, which is a pretty neat trick si vous n'avez pas d'estomac.
Hey, that's pretty neat.
Pas mal!
- I thought he was a pretty neat guy.
- Je le trouvais mignon.
- That was pretty neat.
- C'était super chouette.
It's pretty neat about Lem, huh?
C'est chouette, pour Lem.
That is pretty neat.
Que c'était plutôt chic.
Hey, this is pretty neat.
C'est jojo.
That's pretty neat.
C'est super.
Pretty neat, huh?
Super, hein?
Pretty neat.
C'est ingénieux.
It's pretty neat, huh?
Génial, non?
Pretty neat, huh?
Génial, non?
Wow, these grenades are pretty neat.
Houa, ces grenades sont plutôt efficaces.
- Pretty neat, huh?
- Sympa, non?
Pretty neat, eh?
Plutôt chouette, hein?
Looks pretty neat.
Ça a l'air sympa.
I thought that was pretty neat.
J'ai trouvé ça assez chouette.
Pretty neat?
Pas mal, non?
That was pretty neat.
C'était super.
Pretty neat trick. An expensive and very dangerous trick.
Une astuce chère et très dangereuse
Pretty neat!
Vachement chouette!
Pretty neat, huh?
Sympa, non?
This place is pretty neat.
C'est chouette, ici.
- It's pretty neat, huh?
- Elle est chouette, hein? - Oh, oui.
It's pretty neat, huh?
Super chouette, hein?
Pretty neat deal huh?
Plutôt bien fait, hein?
- Hey, that'd make a pretty neat speech.
- Hé, ça ferait un bon petit discours.
- Pretty neat, huh?
Qu'en dis-tu?
It's pretty neat, right?
C'est vraiment génial, non?
That's pretty neat.
Tu en as de la chance.
That's pretty neat.
C'est chouette!
That's pretty neat, eh?
Pas mal, non?
Oh, that's pretty neat, small enough to be maneuverable and powerful enough to jam anything within about 10 miles.
Pas mal!
And the women all look neat and pretty.
Et les femmes sont toutes soignées et jolies.
He looks pretty neat.
Il est bien.
Pretty neat sci-fi effect.
Superbe effet spécial!

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