Put her through traduction Français
420 traduction parallèle
By all means, put her through.
transmettez-la moi.
Ah, put her through.
She put her through a cross-examination
Elle l'a passée au crible
They'd put her through the wringer... and, brother, the things they would squeeze out.
Ils la cuisineraient et on verrait la sauce que ça donnerait.
All right, put her through.
Bon, passez-la.
She tried you at the meeting, but they wouldn't put her through.
Elle a essayé à la réunion, mais ils n'ont pas voulu la faire entrer.
Put her through.
Yes, put her through.
Oui, passez-la moi.
- Why put her through this?
- Pourquoi la mêler à tout ça?
Really put her through the wringer, didn't you, Luke?
Elle ne te plaït plus, c'est ça?
I'm sorry to put her through this, but there's no other way to do it.
C'est regrettable pour elle mais il n'y a pas d'alternative.
He knows... that we'd never put her through an ordeal like that.
Il sait... qu'on ne lui ferait jamais subir une épreuve pareille.
- One second, I'll put her through.
- Mlle Claire Prévost. - Un secundo, le pongo.
30-ryo for the tomb of my wife who died from the hardships I put her through.
30 pièces pour faire une tombe décente à ma femme.
Let's go and put her through her tricks.
Montons lui faire faire des tours.
Ortega, when Stella Dexter calls, put her through, right away, understand?
Ortega. Quand Stella Dexter appellera, passe-la moi aussitot.
But since they put her through...
Mais puisqu ils l'ont passée...
God. Okay, put her through.
Bon, passez-la-moi...
- Put her through.
- Passe-la-moi.
Well, you've probably never quite put her through anything like this before.
Vous ne lui avez jamais fait vivre ce genre de choses non plus.
But I've put her through a lot. But if we stop now, the whole thing is for nothing.
Avec ce que je lui ai fait subir si j'arrêtais au milieu.
Put her through.
Mets la en ligne.
You don't wanna put her through that again.
Vous ne voudriez pas qu'elle revive ça.
Don't put her through it.
Epargne-lui ça.
- Don't put her through it.
- Epargne-lui ça.
Hello. Tess McGill calling from Petty Marsh. May I put her through?
Pour Tess McGill, chez Petty Marsh, puis-je la lui passer?
I was going on to say that i didn't put her through to you because she wouldn't give her name.
Je ne vous l'ai pas passée parce qu'elle refusait de dire son nom.
Put her through, miss lemon.
- Passez-la-moi.
Remember seven years ago? You can't put her through that again.
- Elle a vécu ça il y a 7 ans.
But if anyone should try to take her from me, I'd put a foot of steel through his body.
Mais je criblerai de plomb qui voudra me l'enlever.
- Put her on the bottom. - All auxiliaries proceed through manifold.
On va descendre au fond.
I've known her to put her hand through a window she couldn't open.
Je l'ai déjà vu passé la main à travers une fenêtre qui lui résistait.
Take her out of bow shot Bastard, or one of these archers may put a shaft through your pretty maid and spoil her fun!
Éloigne-la hors de portée d'arc, toi le Bâtard! Sinon un de ces archers pourrait bien frapper ta belle donzelle
You see, someone put a bullet through your painting and another one through her neck.
On a tiré sur votre tableau et une autre balle l'a tuée.
Anyone touches her, I'll put a bullet through their God-fearing gut!
Le premier qui la touche, je lui mets une balle dans le ventre.
I hope you'll go through her things as soon as possible because we have to put the house on the market right away.
J'espère que tu règleras ceci le plus tôt possible car nous devons vendre la maison immédiatement.
That's where Ella put her foot through, and I mended it with plywood.
Ella mettait ses pieds dedans. Je l'ai réparé avec du contreplaqué.
Yes, we'll put her right down through there over that ridge.
Oui, le tracé passera au-dessus de cette crête.
Could you put me through to her?
Pouvez-vous me la passer?
You should've put them through her office mailbox.
II fallait les mettre dans la boîte à lettres du bureau.
Why would Mrs. Hallet put her own keys... through her own goddamn office mailbox?
Pourquoi mettrait-elle ses propres clés dans sa propre boîte aux lettres?
She put Dad through law school and financed the start of his practice so, in a sense, it was like he was her creation.
Elle a poussé papa à reprendre son droit et a financé l'ouverture de son cabinet. Dans un sens, c'était sa création.
What happened with Merlin was uh, she put the card next to her heart. And uh, he went through her deck kind of like this. Uh...
- Avec Merlin, sa femme plaçait la carte sur son cœur pendant qu'il parcourait son jeu à elle, comme ça.
She put him through four years of medical school... two years of residency, and a year of internship... and now he won't even take her calls.
Elle lui a payé quatre années d'études de médecine, deux ans d'internat et un an de stage, et là il ne répond même pas à ses appels.
She never would have put her mother through suffering!
Je la connaissais. Elle n'aurait pas fait souffrir sa mère ainsi.
Even a woman like me will put her life on the line and see her business... through to fruition.
Même une femme comme moi mettra sa vie en jeu... pour voir... ses affaires fleurir.
You don't need to put yourself through what's going to happen to her.
Tu n'as pas besoin de subir ce qu'il lui arrive.
Only way I get through it is to put a little TV on the pillow next to her so I can watch Get Smart.
J'arrive au bout seulement en regardant la télé.
Only way I get through it is to put a little TV on the pillow next to her so I can watch Get Smart.
J'ai l'impression d'être marié. Kel, tu viens chercher un Slurpee, avec moi?
So unless you want to be held responsible for a mistrial, buster you'll put me through to her and pronto.
Soit on vous tiendra responsable de ce vice de forme, soit vous me la passer, et pronto.
Romburg, I do not want to put an arrow through her beautiful throat.
Romburg, je n'ai pas envie de transpercer sa jolie gorge.
put her there 45
put her down 94
put her on 66
put her on the phone 19
through 593
through the window 42
through me 16
throughout history 33
through and through 51
through the woods 16
put her down 94
put her on 66
put her on the phone 19
through 593
through the window 42
through me 16
throughout history 33
through and through 51
through the woods 16