She didn't want to traduction Français
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She obviously didn't want to leave any of the good stuff on my gigabytes.
Elle ne voulait apparemment pas laisser de bons trucs sur mes disques durs.
It was more like what she didn't want me to try.
C'est surtout ce qu'ils m'empêchent de faire.
But if that's why she didn't want to be with me anymore, why I wasn't "fit for her destiny..."
Mais c'est pour ça qu'elle ne voulait plus être avec moi, parce que je n'étais pas "en adéquation avec sa destinée..."
S he probably didn't want others to know she liked me. Same as me.
Elle devait être comme moi, elle voulait pas que ça paraisse quand elle courait après quelqu'un.
She didn't want to, but I saw that something was bothering her.
elle ne voulait pas mais je voyais que ça n'allait pas.
She didn't want me to wash it off.
Elle voulait pas que je lui enlève.
She knew something about her she didn't want to say.
Elle sait quelque chose sur elle qu'elle ne veut pas dire.
I didn't want to force her to confront an answer she clearly wasn't looking for.
Je ne voulais pas lui donner de réponse... à une question qu'elle ne se posait clairement pas.
She said she didn't want to kill you anymore. And I wanted to believe her.
Elle a dit qu'elle voulait plus te tuer et je voulais la croire.
Whoever it was, she didn't want to talk to them.
Elle ne voulait pas leur parler.
There was something she didn't want to say.
Il y a un truc qu'elle ne voulait pas dire.
I didn't want to say anything at first because I didn't want it to be weird, but- - she, you know- - she likes her boy time.
Je ne voulais pas me montrer indiscret... Elle a ses périodes "mec".
She didn't want anyone to stop us.
Quand j'ai trompé George, ce n'était pas avec ton père...
She didn't want anyone to stop us.
Elle ne voulait pas que qui que ce soit nous en empêche.
Yeah, but when I spoke with Amy, she said she didn't want any us to come down there.
Oui, mais quand j'ai parlé avec Amy, elle a dit qu'elle ne voulait personne.
I mean, it... Your mother didn't want you to know she was alive or you would've known years ago.
Pour une raison inconnue, ta mère voulait vous cacher qu'elle était en vie, sinon vous l'auriez su.
She didn't want you to panic.
Elle ne voulait pas que tu paniques.
She didn't want to.
Elle ne voulait pas.
She was very private about him, didn't want her husband to find out.
Elle parlait peu de lui pour éviter les soupçons.
She said she didn't want to get married.
Elle ne voulait pas se marier.
She didn't want me to get in touch with anyone from her old life.
Interdiction de contacter quiconque de son ancienne vie.
The doctor even got a vacuum, but she didn't want to come.
Elle ne voulait pas sortir. Le médecine a même utilisé une ventouse obstétricale, mais elle ne voulait pas sortir.
She didn't want anyone to know.
Well, she did that on purpose. She didn't want anyone to see her load the robbers'bag with the smaller bills while she put the bigger bills in hers.
Elle ne voulait pas qu'on la voit mettre presque rien dans le sac pendant qu'elle mettait plein de billets dans le sien.
Fine. He didn't get the scar from riding his bike and she was assaulted and doesn't want to talk about it.
Il ne s'est pas fait cette cicatrice en vélo, et elle a été agressée et refuse d'en parler.
Well, you know, maybe she didn't want to say it.
Peut-être qu'elle n'a pas voulu le dire.
Emma... said she didn't want to continue with our meetings.
Emma... a dit qu'elle ne voulait plus continuer nos rencontres.
She didn't want to remember.
Je pense qu'elle dit la vérité.
She said she didn't want to, but her parents made her do it.
Elle a dit qu'elle ne voulait pas, mais ses parents l'ont obligée.
She probably didn't want to be found.
Elle est traquée. Elle ne veut pas qu'on la trouve.
Is it the smell? You get used to it. No, I've helped an old lady to the toilet and now she is in and I didn't realise the help would extend to helping her go and I don't want to see her...
Non, j'ai aidé une dame aux toilettes, là elle y est, et je pensais pas devoir l'aider à sortir et je veux pas voir sa...
She just didn't want you to be sad, Roxy.
Elle ne voulait pas que tu sois triste, Roxy.
She didn't even want to get paid, but I insisted I write her a check.
Elle ne voulait même pas être payée, mais j'ai fait un chèque
She didn't want to take a shower.
Elle a traîné avant de prendre sa douche.
She didn't want to miss her novelas.
Elle voulait pas rater son feuilleton.
I didn't want to make you feel bad, But she and chuck have this weird vendetta against you- -
Je ne voulais pas te mettre mal à l'aise mais Chuck et elle ont mené cette étrange vendetta contre toi.
When your ma broke things off... I called a couple times, tried to take you to a game or something... but she, uh - she didn't want to have anything to do with me.
Quand votre maman a rompu, j'ai appelé plusieurs fois pour vous emmener voir un match, mais elle ne voulait plus me voir.
Well, I told her yesterday to go to bed, but she insisted on working the party because she didn't want to let you down.
Elle devait rester couchée, mais elle voulait préparer la fête. Elle refusait de vous laisser tomber.
Didn't want to rat out a client, but whatever it was, she paid a lot for it.
Il ne voulait pas moucharder sur un client. Mais quoique ce fût... elle y a mit le prix... bien au-delà des prix du marché.
And then she said she didn't want sex to eclipse everything in our relationship.
Et après, elle a dit qu'elle ne voulait pas coucher pour ne pas effacer tout ce qu'on a vécu.
I didn't want her to... it's high time she knew.
On ne devait pas lui dire! Il est temps qu'elle sache.
I get the feeling she didn't want to talk about it.
J'ai l'impression qu'elle ne voulait pas en parler.
But despite all the evidence, she didn't want to believe it.
Mais malgré toutes ces preuves, elle ne voulait pas y croire.
Well, maybe she was changing her tune because she didn't want to get in trouble with you. No, no.
Elle change peut-être de version parce qu'elle ne veut pas d'ennuis.
Elle a pas arrêté de dire qu'elle voulait rester.
Elle l'aurait voulu, elle serait restée.
Only she didn't see a doctor or tell anybody because she didn't want to be a burden.
Elle n'en a jamais parlé, ou vu un docteur, elle refusait d'être un fardeau.
She didn't want to tell people at work about'em.
Elle ne voulait pas en parler au travail.
He didn't want to leave. She stayed with him.
Il ne veux sortir, elle reste avec lui.
Then you picked your head up off of his lap And loretta decided that she didn't want anything to do With a doctor who would, you know, do that.
Puis vous avez relevé la tête de sous le volant, et Loretta a décidé qu'elle ne voulait rien avoir à faire avec un médecin qui... ferait un truc pareil.
I didn't want to tell Naomi what happened between us, because she was done with me, but she's not.
Je ne voulais pas dire à Naomi ce qui s'est passé entre nous, Parce qu'elle en avait fini avec moi, mais c'est pas le cas.
she didn't 652
she didn't show up 18
she didn't answer 25
she didn't know 63
she didn't do it 76
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she didn't come home last night 21
she didn't do anything 50
she didn't make it 59
she didn't come 18
she didn't show up 18
she didn't answer 25
she didn't know 63
she didn't do it 76
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she didn't come home last night 21
she didn't do anything 50
she didn't make it 59
she didn't come 18
she didn't mean it 31
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she didn't say 130
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she didn't say anything 61
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she didn't tell you 73
she didn't believe me 16
she didn't see anything 17
she didn't say that 38
she didn't say a word 17
she didn't say 130
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she didn't care 26
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want to come 83
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want to come along 22
want to go 45
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she didn't care 26
she didn't do anything wrong 17
she didn't die 29
want to come 83
want to watch 20
want to come along 22
want to go 45
want to try 40
want to know a secret 16