Want to know why traduction Français
3,368 traduction parallèle
You want to know why I don't like haunted houses?
Tu vois? J'aime pas les maisons hantées.
Okay, do you really want to know why I'm not the killer that you're looking for?
D'accord, voulez-vous vraiment savoir pourquoi je ne suis pas le tueur que vous recherchez?
You want to know why?
Tu veux savoir pourquoi?
I want to know why I did not get an upgrade.
Je veux savoir pourquoi je n'ai pas été amélioré.
- You want to know why I chose your house?
- Vous savez pourquoi je suis ici?
And you want to know why?
Vous voulez savoir pourquoi?
I want to know why you left me out of the final negotiations with Nolcorp.
Je veux savoir pourquoi tu m'as laissé en dehors des négociations finales avec Nolcorp.
You want to know why it was cheaper?
Tu veux savoir pourquoi c'était moins cher?
Do you want to know why we have no medical insurance?
Vous voulez savoir pourquoi on n'a pas d'assurance?
I want to know why!
Je veux savoir pourquoi.
You want to know why. I can see it's eating you.
Vous aussi, ça vous obsède.
I want to know why Loki let us take him.
J'aimerais savoir pourquoi Loki nous a laissé l'attraper.
Hello? Do you want to know why I didn't stay with you? - Yeah.
Tu veux savoir ce qui va pas?
Captain, they're gonna want to know why we're here.
Ils demanderont la raison de notre présence.
If you want to know why I did what I did, go and take a look.
Si vous voulez savoir pourquoi j'ai agi de la sorte, allez y jeter un coup d'œil.
Khan's cells regenerate like nothing I've ever seen, and I want to know why.
Les cellules de Khan se régénèrent à une vitesse folle, et je veux savoir pourquoi.
Do you want to know why you feel at a disadvantage right now?
Tu sais pourquoi tu te sens en position d'infériorité?
I just want to know why his research is more important than mine.
Je veux savoir pourquoi ses recherches sont plus importantes que les miennes.
This is the second day in a row you've called me a liar! I want to know why you're suddenly turning on me!
Vous m'accusez de mentir comme si vous étiez contre moi.
Whatever you made that noise, is here, and want to know why.
Peu importe ce qui fait ce bruit, c'était ici et je veux savoir pourquoi.
I want to know why that damn building is full of Russians.
Pourquoi ce bâtiment est rempli de Russes?
They're going to want to know why you did it.
Ils voudront savoir pourquoi vous avez fait ça.
Do you want to know why?
Vous savez pourquoi?
Hey, Counselor, you want to know why Jesus wasn't born in Mexico?
Hé, maître. Vous savez pourquoi Jésus n'est pas né au Mexique?
You want to know why my sauce is better?
Vous voulez savoir pourquoi ma sauce est meilleure?
And if you want to... You want to know why things turned out like they did.
Si tu veux savoir pourquoi les choses sont devenues ce qu'elles sont...
So why then does your boy want to know about it?
Pourquoi veut-il des infos?
So why do you want to teach adults? I think it's really inspiring that these people have chosen to go back to school, you know, that they want to read To Kill A Mockingbird, - that they want...
- Je trouve inspirant que des gens aient décidé d'étudier à nouveau, veulent lire Tuer l'oiseau moqueur, veulent...
It's good news, and I don't know why you wouldn't want to share that with me?
Ce sont de bonnes nouvelles, et je ne sais pas pourquoi tu ne veux pas les partager avec moi?
Anyway, why you want to know?
De toute façon, pourquoi tu veux savoir?
# Why should you want to know?
Pourquoi voulez-vous le savoir?
I want to know the reason why I became the head director.
Je veux connaître la raison pour laquelle je suis devenu directeur.
I want to know why.
Je veux savoir pourquoi.
These people want you, they need you. " " I don't know why, but they will do everything in their power to draw you back. "
Ces gens te veulent et ont besoin de toi, j'ignore pourquoi, mais ils feront tout en leur pouvoir pour te ramener.
Can you tell me why does a guy want a guy he doesn't know to take a hat to his daughter?
Tu peux me dire pourquoi il demande à un gars qu'il ne connaît pas de donner un chapeau à sa fille?
You know, I think I understand why you don't want to give up the suits.
Je crois que je sais pourquoi tu tiens aux armures.
I want you to know why I couldn't let you die.
Je veux que vous compreniez pourquoi je vous ai sauvé la vie.
- I just want to know your name. Why?
- Je veux juste connaître ton nom.
You want to know the real reason why Khumba left?
Vous voulez connaître la vrai raison du départ de Khumba?
Why are you asking me this? Because I want to know!
Pourquoi tu veux savoir ça?
I don't know, Josh, because I want to be able to remember this stuff, that's why.
Je sais pas, Josh, parce que j'aimerais garder des souvenirs, voilà pourquoi.
You still want to know why the cops trashed our place, did you?
- Calme-toi. - Que je me calme?
Do if you want to but just know that I'm mad at them. I don't even want to get into why.
Je suis furieuse contre eux, mais je te dirai pas pourquoi.
So, why don't you go somewhere where you want to go for a change - - you know, something from your profile?
Eh bien, pourquoi tu l'emmènes pas là où toi, tu voudrais aller, pour changer? T'as qu'à regarder sur ton profil.
Why you want to know that shit?
Pourquoi vous voulez savoir ça?
I know you well enough never to ask why you're doing this, or why you want to do it alone.
Tu ne te demanderas jamais assez pourquoi tu fais ça, ou pourquoi tu veux le faire seule.
I don't know why they want us to be married so badly.
Elles tiennent à ce qu'on soit mariés.
Why doesn't Jimmy want anyone to know about you guys?
Pourquoi Jimmy ne veux pas que tout le monde sache pour vous?
All Lucille and Governor want to know is why Levi and his brother never showed up.
Lucille et le gouverneur se demandent pourquoi ils ne sont jamais arrivés.
If you want to know how Aidan's doing, why don't you just ask him?
Si tu veux savoir comment va Aidan, pourquoi tu ne lui demande pas?
Do you want to know the other reason why I put you in psych?
Tu veux savoir pour quelle autre raison je t'ai mis en psy?
want to come 83
want to watch 20
want to come along 22
want to go 45
want to try 40
want to know a secret 16
want to play 45
want to see 63
want to help 19
want to join me 22
want to watch 20
want to come along 22
want to go 45
want to try 40
want to know a secret 16
want to play 45
want to see 63
want to help 19
want to join me 22
want to come with me 19
want to try it 17
want to dance 56
want to join us 18
want to talk about it 40
want to 68
want to come in 32
want to hear it 21
want to sit down 19
want to bet 71
want to try it 17
want to dance 56
want to join us 18
want to talk about it 40
want to 68
want to come in 32
want to hear it 21
want to sit down 19
want to bet 71