Short of that traduction Français
856 traduction parallèle
And short of that you leave here exactly as you arrived :
Sinon, vous partirez comme vous êtes venue, sans décorations.
Or, short of that, someone to mourn.
Bref, que quelqu'un pleure ta perte.
You'll find that a couple of hundred dollars short.
Il manque environ deux cents dollars.
If we werert so short-handed, I'd get rid of that man.
Si nous étions assez nombreux, je me débarrasserais de lui.
The long and short of it is, he asked me to tell you that- -
A la vérité, il m'a demandé de te dire...
But come what sorrow can, it cannot countervail the exchange of joy that one short minute gives me in her sight.
Tous les chagrins possibles ne sauraient contrebalancer le bonheur que me donne la plus courte minute passée en sa présence.
You gave my Sherlock Holmes a life and a face for a short period of time. That was great of you!
C'était fantastique!
That vision of prophecy was mine when we encountered Each other only a short year or so ago.
Je l'avais prédit le jour où nos chemins se sont croisés.
May I say that their fame falls far short of the reality?
Mais la réalité est bien plus belle encore.
It's a little short of a miracle that I should run into you looking like this... when you were waiting for no one in particular.
Je tombe sur toi, qui n'attends rien de spécial!
" Man that is born of a woman hath but a short time to live and is full of misery.
" L'homme né de la femme! Sa vie est courte... sans cesse agitée.
Bombers, fighters, dive-bombers, across that 21 miles of channel. That eight short minutes of water.
Bombardiers, chasseurs, bombardiers en piqué, survolant les 35 km de la Manche, toutjuste huit minutes au-dessus des eaux.
Hey, Cap, you know it's only going to be a short time before that sub comes up abeam of us.
Capitaine, vous savez qu'il va bientôt attaquer.
You know that Carcassonne was their Jerusalem and that it took nothing short of a crusade to suppress them.
Vous savez que Carcassonne, était leur Jérusalem et qu'il fallut rien moins qu'une croisade pour les en déloger.
But out of the ashes of that catastrophe rose a new Chicago... a city of brick and brawn, concrete and guts... with a short history of violence beating in its pulse.
Mais des cendres de cette catastrophe est apparu un nouveau Chicago... une ville de brique et de force, de béton et de courage... avec une brève histoire de violence qui bat dans ses veines.
I'd say that you were a perfect combination of imperfections. I'd say that your nose was just a little too short, your mouth just a little too wide, but that yours was a face that a man could see in his dreams for the whole of his life. I'd say that you were vain, selfish, cruel, deceitful.
Que tu es un parfait mélange d'imperfections que ton nez est un peu trop petit ta bouche trop grande que ton visage est digne de faire rêver un homme toute sa vie que tu es vaine égoïste cruelle menteuse que tu es adorable...
Nous ne disposons que d'une déposition, aussi ai-je accepté la présence de M. Jordan.
The long and short of it is, I think that probably you're entitled to know what you can expect from me just as I'm entitled to know what I can expect from you.
Il est juste que vous sachiez ce que vous pouvez attendre de moi... Et moi, ce que je puis attendre de vous.
Well, I tell you, Tecumseh, I'm sort of short of drinking money myself, but, uh think that will keep your mouth shut?
Je vais vous dire, tecumseh... je n'ai plus trop d'argent non plus, mais... est-ce que ceci vous fera garder le silence?
And that's the story of the short and stormy life of Doris Tinsdale.
Voici la triste fin de Doris Tinsdale.
Stay close to that boy, and this I promise you, if we get out of this wolf trap alive, I'll do my best to save you, short of perjury.
Ne le lâchez pas d'une semelle, et je vous donne ma parole que si on s'en tire, je ferai mon possible pour vous sauver.
That's kind of short notice, isn't it?
C'est un peu court comme délai.
You just gave the bellboy a $ 2 bill that was part of a short snorter that I carried all through the war.
Vous avez donné un billet que j'avais gardé tout le temps... de la guerre.
I must confess, he also told me that you were short of money.
Je dois l'avouer, il m'a aussi dit que vous étiez fauché.
That'd be a waste of money forjust a short visit.
- C'est inutile, pour un court séjour.
_ Tomorrow, I leave for the service.. ... and no more pleasant memories could I carry with me... ... than that short but vivid glimpse of one Jenny Stewart. "
Demain, je rejoins l'armée, et j'emporterai avec moi Ie souvenir agréable de cette brêve, mais inoubliable rencontre avec Jenny Stewart. "
Well, old man, that was nothing to speak of because you're stiff, you're tense, so you're short of breath, see.
Mais y a pas de quoi... parce que, t'es raide... t'es contracté... Et tu manques de souffle, dis donc.
The Fates or the Furies or whoever wrote and directed her short, full life they took care of that
Parques et Furies, qui ont écrit et réalisé sa courte et intense vie se sont chargées de cela.
- L've made it as foolproof as possible, but that saw is dangerous. - it can rip its way through anything short of steel.
C'est un jeu d'enfant, mais la scie est dangereuse. Elle peut couper même l'acier.
In short, I was dreaming of you. I suddenly noticed that I was saying your name while caressing my wife.
enfin, j'ai rêvé de toi et j'ai murmuré ton nom, en caressant ma femme.
Well, looking at you, I would say that was mighty short-sighted of him.
Avec une femme comme vous, c'est dommage pour lui. Oui.
First one I think of was a short fella with heavy eyebrows that grew out every which way.
L'un était petit avec des sourcils épais.
... and a definitive job may have been out of the question in the short time you've had, but the Department of Defense hopes that during these two days of concentrated efforts, you've come to some conclusion about this.
Mais le ministère de la Défense espère que pendant ces deux jours de regroupement, vous avez pu arriver à une conclusion.
- Is that what they're short of over there?
- C'est de ça qu'ils manquent?
He said he dug a foxhole so deep that it was just short of desertion.
Son gourbi était si profond qu'il frôlait la désertion.
You're short of funds. Is that it?
Tu es fauchée, c'est ça?
If the defense so desires, I will adjourn for a short time so that the prisoner may gain control of himself.
Je peux suspendre l'audience quelques minutes pour que l'accusé retrouve son sang-froid.
Just two months short of 25 years. That's a long time.
Il m'a manqué 2 mois pour avoir 25 ans de travail.
In short, he's a perfect example of that dying race... the unpressed gentlemen of the press.
En résumé, c'est l'exemple parfait de la race en voie d'extinction des messieurs de la presse sans pressing.
Not only does Mr. Gallagher answer the what, when, where... who, why, and how, he puts them in such a sequence... that a routine news item takes on all of the impact... of a short short story.
Non seulement M. Gallagher répond aux questions quoi, quand, où, qui, pourquoi et comment. Mais en plus, il arrive à donner à son article un impact digne d'une courte nouvelle.
What, that you'd keep me in short pants for the rest of my life?
Que je porterais toujours des culottes courtes?
That cabin of mine is just a short way up ahead.
La cabane est juste au-dessus de nous.
That's just like the Rangers. They're always short of something... Men, money or brains.
Les rangers manquent toujours de quelque chose.
Il y a eu des interférences, peut-être à cause du soleil mais nous n'en savons rien.
And isn't it also a fact... that with manpower as short as you say it is... that officers are assigned day and night... to guarding the premises of one private individual, your personal friend... this without any evidence of danger?
Et n'est-ce pas aussi un fait... avec le manque de personnel que vous dites avoir... que des agents sont assignés de jour et de nuit... à la surveillance de la résidence d'un particulier, votre ami personnel... sans aucune preuve de danger?
I suggest a short note stating that you proceed to the Plains of Gojin-ln to duel with Hikokuro Omodaka
Je suggère un petit mot expliquant que vous vous rendez aux plaines de Gojin-In afin d'avoir un duel avec Hikokuro Omodaka.
Man that is born of woman... hath but a short time to live, and is full of misery.
L'homme né de la femme... a peu de temps à vivre et il est rassasié de misères.
A short period of treatment like that and she is primed for the kill, if you get the picture.
Vous n'aurez plus qu'à la ferrer, vous me suivez?
He happens to be one of the rotten apples, bruised and yellowed by dealing in dirt, a short man with a short memory who's forgotten that he's worked for the sport of kings and helped turn it into a cesspool,
Il était comme un fruit pourri, sur l'arbre des affaires sales.
Would you realize that we're on the air live, in front of an audience in 45 minutes and you're one short?
Vous savez qu'on sera à l'antenne en direct et en public dans 45 mn et que vous n'êtes que 3
There had been no time for intrusions that took the form of a woman's face, a voice, a short month of a man and a woman drawing together, becoming a part of one another, reaching tentatively
Aucune place pour l'intrusion de visages, de voix de femmes. Un mois d'attirance entre un homme et une femme. A devenir une partie de l'autre.
of that i have no doubt 18
of that 53
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
of that 53
that 10639
that's nice 2129
that's gross 203
that's enough 4716
that's it 18340
that's good 7000
that's great 6151
that's right 20311
that's all 8171
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19
that's 10531
that's my boy 361
that's my girl 410
that's all i got 169
that all started with a big bang 89
that's good to hear 161
that's awesome 830
that's cool 1334
that's great work 19