That is absurd traduction Français
187 traduction parallèle
- That is absurd, isn't it?
- C'est absurde, n'est-ce pas?
- That is absurd.
C'est absurde.
But ideologically that is absurd.
Mais idéologiquement, c'est absurde.
That is absurd.
Vous n'y pensez pas.
That is absurd.
C'est absurde.
[Laughs] That is absurd.
C'est absurde.
That is absurd...
C'est absurde...
That is absurd.
C'est complètement absurde!
Now, that is absurd, Mattie.
Alors, ça c'est absurde. Mattie.
Oh, that is absurd.
Oh, c'est absurde.
That is absurd and subversive and old news.
C'est une vieille rengaine absurde et subversive.
Right, that is absurd.
En effet, c'est idiot.
And why is it absurd that your son should want to marry my daughter?
En quoi le désir de votre fils d'épouser ma fille est-il absurde?
Is there no room in your heart, even pity for a man who has never known the love of a woman, but who has worshipped you since the day he first walked by that absurd little theatre?
N'y a-t-il de place dans votre cœur, ne serait-ce de la pitié, pour un homme qui n'éprouve pas de l'amour, mais de l'adoration depuis le jour où il est entré dans ce petit théâtre minable?
This is absurd. Open that door.
Ouvrez immédiatement!
Then you should take heed when intelligent people assure you... that this lady is only a childish bit of imagination, an absurd dream.
Alors, écoute quand des gens intelligents te disent... que cette dame n'est que le fruit d'une imagination puérile... d'une rêverie absurde.
Tis unmanly grief, a fault to heaven, a fault against the dead, a fault to nature, to reason most absurd, whose common theme is death of fathers... and who still hath cried from the first corpse till he that died today,
C'est indigne d'un homme. C'est offenser le ciel, les morts, la raison. La mort des pères est un lieu commun pour la raison qui répète...
- That is an absurd suggestion.
- Ne soyez pas absurde.
But that question is absurd.
Cette question est absurde.
We want a culprit, but how absurd is that?
On veut un coupable. Un coupable, en voilà une absurdité!
Is that too absurd?
Tu me trouves idiote?
To persuade us all that the whole world is crazy. Formlessm meaningless, absurd.
Nous persuader que le monde entier... est informe, dément... absurde...
That is a totally absurd theory.
C'est une théorie franchement absurde.
That means, Kisoya that unless he's the noble son of a Daimyo or something discussing his marriage to a princess is just absurd, isn't it?
Tu comprends, Masagoro. Il est normal que j'exige de mon futur gendre qu'il soit au moins fils d'un grand suzerain.
That is absurd!
The world today is so absurd that looking thoroughly you will find many people, maybe you, also having... their monster in the closet.
Le monde actuel est si absurde qu'en cherchant bien vous trouverez beaucoup de gens, vous même peut-être, ayant également... leur monstre dans le placard.
Well it's a disgrace, it's a shame... it's absurd, ridiculous and its just plain silly and there's nothing else... to add unless it's to say that your stable is infamous, oh Caesar!
- Il a construit les pyramides. La tour de Pharos, les temples, les obélisques! C'est vieux, tout ça.
Chauvin was an officer under Napoleon... and his loyalty was so absurd that we got the word chauvin which is chauvinistic, an absurd loyalty
Chauvin était un officier de Napoléon, et sa fidélité était si absurde qu'on en a tiré un nom commun : chauvinisme.
What're you talking about? That is absurd.
Que dites-vous?
- Mudd, that is totally absurd.
- Mudd, c'est absurde. - Non.
I say that it is absurd to compare Galileo to Aristotle.
Comparer Galilée à Aristote est absurde.
I know it will seem absurd, but sometimes I think that my sister is possessed.
Je sais que cela va paraître insensé, mais parfois je pense que ma soeur est possédée.
" Is it that absurd p-pride of yours?
" Encore cette fierté déplacée?
That is unscientific. Absurd!
C'est anti-scientifique, absurde!
The part that you have played is absurd.
Le rôle que vous avez joué est absurde.
I mean, it's so absurd, in a way, when you consider that it doesn't matter which one it is.
Des rêves absurdes et interchangeables... Oui, on se concentre tant sur ces "projets"
This is more symbolist. That one's more radical more ironic, absurd, provocative!
L'Almanach est plus symboliste, celui-ci est plus radical, plus ironique, plus absurde, plus provocateur.
Mystery? Ah, it would be absurd to deny that the case is abstruse and complicated.
J'ai été réveillée... par une grande agitation dans l'entrée.
Of course, I understand that to you such considerations may seem absurd but it is essential for all of us that he take his place in society as his family has done for generations.
A vous, tout cela peut sembler absurde. Mais il est indispensable qu'il occupe sa place... comme l'a toujours fait sa famille.
I'll prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the supposition she's proposing is absurd and not worth supposing.
Je lui prouverai que ses doutes sont absurdes et inutiles.
His point is that the novel's premise... - that there's something immoral in a group of young people putting on a play... - is simply absurd.
Son argument, c'est que le postulat du roman - le fait qu'il y aurait quelque chose d'immoral chez un groupe de jeunes gens mettant en scène une pièce est tout simplement absurde.
He has this-this unending potential, this dormant potential... this stupid idea that 95 % of the brain is unused... and that if we could tap into that we would just have... we would have Superman or something absurd like that.
qu'il possède ce potentiel infini, ces possibilités dormantes, cette idée stupide selon laquelle 95 % du cerveau est inutilisé, que si l'on pouvait s'en servir, on serait tous comme... Comme des Supermen, une stupidité de ce genre.
As for marriage to the good Lady Euphrosyne the thing is so probably absurd that I scarcely give it a thought.
- Quant à épouser Lady Euphrosyne... - je n'y pense guère.
All that's meant to protect us is bound to fall apart, bound to become contrived, useless and absurd.
Tout ce qui nous protège finit par s'écrouler. Finit par devenir artificiel, inutile et absurde.
Fie,'tis a fault to heaven a fault against the dead, a fault to nature to reason most absurd, whose common theme is death of fathers, and who still hath cried from the first corpse till he that died today :
C'est une offense au ciel, une offense à nos morts, une offense à la nature et à la raison, qui accepte la mort des pères. Et qui n'a cessé de crier depuis le premier cadavre jusqu'au mort d'aujourd'hui :
That is an absurd question.
C'est une question absurde.
It's absurd that Tanja is gone.
Il est absurde que Tanja soit morte.
- That's absurd. - Is it?
- C'est absurde.
given that it is absurd to try to transform the grotesque gesture of a society bored to death, into an act of armed rebellion.
vu qu'il est absurde de vouloir transformer le geste grotesque d'une société qui meurt d'ennui, en un acte de rébellion armée.
It is absurd to think that Sonny Koufax is ready to raise a child.
Il est absurde de croire que Sonny Koufax soit prêt à élever un enfant.
And that is just absurd
Devant la cheminée
that is 2872
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that is not fair 93
that is so sweet 227
that is not the point 62
that is weird 91
that is good 189
that is so lame 16
that is the question 108
that is not 75
that is awesome 117
that is not fair 93
that is so sweet 227
that is not the point 62
that is weird 91
that is good 189
that is not true 434
that is ridiculous 146
that is all 319
that is right 117
that is an order 68
that is enough 189
that is so cool 125
that is great 150
that is a lie 69
that is disgusting 118
that is ridiculous 146
that is all 319
that is right 117
that is an order 68
that is enough 189
that is so cool 125
that is great 150
that is a lie 69
that is disgusting 118