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Translate.vc / Anglais → Français / [ T ] / The matter is closed

The matter is closed traduction Français

37 traduction parallèle
- Thank you, Papa. - The matter is closed.
L'affaire est classée.
And we may assume the matter is closed now?
Le débat est donc clos.
The matter is closed!
En voilà assez! Ma décision est prise, je ne veux plus en entendre parler!
DlXON : I've already told you the matter is closed.
Je t'ai déjà dit que le sujet était clos.
The matter is closed.
Le sujet est clos.
The matter is closed.
L'affaire est close.
Say that time grows short and I have many more important things to think about and that the matter is closed finally, definitely and forever.
Dites que le temps manque et que j'ai des choses plus importantes à gérer. Cette affaire est close pour toujours.
The matter is closed.
C'est une affaire réglée.
- No. - The matter is closed.
- Le sujet est clos.
- The matter is closed.
- L'affaire est close.
The matter is closed, Ensign. Return to your station.
Le chapitre est clos, enseigne.
Anyway, the matter is closed.
De toute façon, c'est réglé. Et on n'en discute plus.
On the field of honour, the matter is closed.
Sur le terrain de l'honneur, cette affaire est close.
The matter is closed.
L'incident est clos.
Nope. The matter is closed.
La discussion est terminée.
Come on. The matter is closed.
Allez, on n'en parle plus.
- The matter is closed.
- On n'en parle plus.
The matter is closed, Treville.
L'incident est clos.
The matter is closed.
La discussion est finie
The matter is now closed.
Affaire classée.
The matter is not closed!
L'affaire n'est pas close!
If it is closed what is the hidden matter that's closing it?
Quelle est la matière cachée qui pourrait le fermer?
David, as far as we're concerned, the matter is now closed.
Pour nous, l'affaire est close.
The matter is closed.
Le passé est le passé.
The matter of the death of Marino is closed.
La mort d'Angelo Marino est un fait acquis.
The broad assault is a closed matter.
L'assaut étendu est un sujet clos.
All concerned agreed that the matter is now completely closed.
Toutes les parties concernées se sont mises d'accord pour fermer le dossier.
Now that the bishop is dead, presumably the matter will be closed?
L'évêque est mort, donc l'affaire, classée.
Well, doesn't matter where he is, the case is closed.
Qu'importe où il se trouve, l'affaire est close.
The matter is now closed.
Le sujet est clos.

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