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There was a fight traduction Français

331 traduction parallèle
Mo, there was a fight in your barber shop this morning.
Mo, il y a eu un bagarre dans ton salon, ce matin.
There was a fight.
Nous nous sommes battus.
After we'd done the job, there was a fight and I shot a man.
Après le coup, il y a eu une bagarre et j'ai tué un homme.
- There was a fight and...
J'étais là. - Il y a eu une bagarre et...
There was a fight.
Il y a eu une bagarre.
- There was a fight.
- On se bat.
They stole the casque. There was a fight.
Ils ont volé le casque, il y a eu des affrontements.
And there was a fight.
Ça a dégénéré en bagarre.
There was a fight.
Il y a eu bagarre au château.
There was a fight.
Il y a eu une rixe.
There was a fight with the soldiers.
Il y a eu une bagarre avec les soldats.
There was a fight in here...
Il y eu une bagarre ici...
Did you say there was a fight?
Il y a eu une bagarre, vous dites?
What little snoop told you there was a fight in here?
Quel petit fouineur vous a parlé de cette bagarre?
He tells me there was a fight.
Je crois qu'on s'est battus.
I heard there was a fight brewing!
On dit qu'une guerre se prépare.
Today at a bar, there was a fight.
Aujourd'hui, il y avait une bagarre dans un bar.
There was a fight. When it was all over, she ends up dead.
Il y a eu bagarre, et on la trouve morte.
I've heard there was a fight at the reahersal.
On m'a dit qu'il y avait un problème au théâtre...
There was a fight here.
Il y a eu une lutte.
Then there was a fight.
Et ensuite, il y a eu une bagarre.
A few weeks ago, down at Barton State there was a fight about the war In Vletnam.
II y a quelquesjours, á l'université de Barton, il y a eu une bagarre á propos de la guerre du Vietnam.
And this night that he found you there, was he able to protect you? To fight for you? To help you in any way at all?
La nuit oû il t'a trouvée lâ-bas, a-t-il été capable de te protéger, de se battre pour toi, de t'aider d'une quelconque façon?
Was there a fight?
II y a eu une bagarre?
They busted me tub to smithereens, and there was a free-for-all fight... between five of the big swells of the town to see which one would take me to lunch.
Ils ont cassé ma cuve en mille morceaux et il y a eu une bagarre entre les cinq plus beaux gars de la ville pour savoir qui m'emmènerait déjeuner.
When Charlemagne and his army got well back into france, the Saracens attacked Roland, and there was a terrific fight.
Quand Charlemagne et son armée retournèrent en France, les Sarrasins attaquèrent Roland. Un combat effroyable.
" Naturally, we had no idea that there was a prize fight going on.
" Nous ignorions naturellement qu'un combat était en cours.
There was terrible a fight last night!
II y a eu une de ces disputes hier soir!
There was another fight.
Il y a encore eu une bagarre.
So, in the final showdown, there was nothing left to do except fight.
La constatation finale a été qu'il fallait se battre.
But there was a restlessness in you I couldn't fight any longer.
Mais je ne pouvais plus lutter contre ton indécision.
There was a general free-for-all fight, wasn't there, Mr. Taylor?
C'était une bagarre générale, n'est-ce pas, M. Taylor?
Well, of course you know, Ted, there was no fight tonight.
Le match n'a pas eu lieu ce soir.
I'd have heard a fight, if there was one.
J'aurais entendu une bagarre.
- We will get there. Ávila has a wall, Captain, and this gun was made to fight walls.
Avila a des remparts, et le rôle de ce canon est de les detruire.
If there was a marriage to fight for, I'd stay here the rest of my life, but there isn't.
Si notre mariage pouvait se défendre, je resterais, mais ce n'est pas le cas.
There was a lad on the Rights of Man who used to like a friendly fight.
J'avais un ami qui aimait bien les combats amicaux.
There'd been a fight, and I was drunk.
On s'était battus.
But there was a struggle. And in the fight, it was not Eric who died, but the Baron!
Mais dans la bagarre, ce n'est pas Erik qui est mort mais le Baron.
Apparently, sir, a bloke was telling me if you're in the army and there's a war, you have to go and fight.
Un type me disait que si vous êtes dans l'armée et qu'il y a une guerre on doit aller se battre.
Well, there's a chance... a pretty good chance that if the fight was with Sir Roger...
Il y a une chance, voire plusieurs, si la bagarre était contre Sir Roger...
There was a big fight.
Il y a eu une bagarre.
Well, I remember this night with my dad driving over there to the Shoebridge's all alone, and then getting in a big fight with Ma, because he'd come home at 4 : 00 a.m., and he wouldn't tell her what he was doing or something.
Il s'est disputé avec maman en rentrant à 4 h... sans vouloir dire ce qu'il avait fait.
Was there a fight?
Vous êtes-vous battu?
There was a determination about him. Like he was going to fight.
Il avait l'air déterminé, comme avant un combat.
You know, that was one hell of a fight you put up over there.
Tu sais... Tu nous a donné une sacrée bagarre!
I really do, but one of you is lying to me. Mr. Caine, you hired me to find Diane, but you left out a few important facts... that in 1941, you were Ensign Robert Wicks... and that the night you and Diane eloped, there was a hell of a fight.
Vous m'avez engagé pour retrouver Diane, mais vous avez oublié de préciser qu'en 1941 vous vous appeliez Robert Wicks et que le soir où vous deviez vous enfuir, il y a eu une bagarre.
He was in a fight... in a pub there, in Melbourne.
Il s'est battu dans un pub, à Melbourne.
But there was one man who taught us to fight.
Mais un homme nous a appris à nous battre.
Well for years now I have taken the attitude that there was only one struggle on this planet worth a damn the fight against world communism.
Eh bien depuis plusieurs années maintenant, je pense Qu'il y a d'un seul combat qui vaille la peine sur cette planète : la lutte contre le communisme mondial.
When I was in Leavenworth there was a bunch of Mennonites, mainly because they wouldn't fight in the war, it's against their religion.
Quand j'étais à Leavenworth, il y avait un groupe de Menonnites. Ils ne voulaient pas faire la guerre, c'était contre leur religion.

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