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There was a mix traduction Français

169 traduction parallèle
When the train arrived, there was a mix-up.
Quand le train est arrivé, elle s'est trompée.
There was a mix-up. They lost some papers.
Il y a eu un malentendu, des papiers égarés.
There was a mix-up.
Il y a eu erreur.
I know there was a mix-up in the maternity ward.
Il y a eu une erreur à la maternité.
But there was a mix-up in the hospital... and I got switched with another baby.
Mais à l'hôpital j'ai été confondu avec un autre bébé
- In any case, I'm very sorry there was a mix-up.
- Dans tous les cas, je suis désolé qu'il y ait eu confusion.
There was a mix-up about the time.
Je me suis trompé d'heure.
Well, no. There was a mix-up.
Il y a eu une erreur.
There was a mix-up at the store.
Il y a eu un micmac à la bijouterie.
There was a mix up at a Chinese takeout restaurant.
Dans un resto chinois, les commandes ont été inversées.
There was a mix up and now we're being chased by police
Il y a eu une embrouille et maintenant la police nous poursuit.
In the late'7Os, I used to come here... to hang out at the old Sótão... a night club in Alaska Gallery. Back then, there was a mix of... sleaziness and glamour, both in one place.
Dans les années 7O je venais par ici... au Sotão une boîte dans la galerie Alaska.
Remember, there was a mix-up.
- Non. Il y a une erreur.
We tried calling you. There was a mix-up at the phone company.
On a essayé de vous appeler.
there was a mix-up at Daddy's work. We need to bring the bikes back for now.
Il y a eu un pépin à son travail, et on doit rendre les vélos.
Well, there was a mix-up with the bill and they shut my phone off, but it should be back on today.
Ils ont coupé mon téléphone par erreur. Ça devrait être réglé aujourd'hui.
And there was a mix-up.
Et il y avait tout ce remue-ménage.
There was a mix-up the night the night that your father died and he was mistaken for him, but your father is here now.
Il y a eu confusion la nuit de la mort de votre père il a été pris pour lui mais votre père est ici maintenant.
And the witness protection program moved me to Camden County because there was a mix-up in the paperwork.
Et le programme de protection des témoins m'a envoyé à Camden parce qu'il y a eu une erreur de paperasse.
There was a mix-up with your labs.
Il y a eu confusion au niveau de vos résultats.
Maybe there was a mix-up, some kind of a glitchin the system?
Il y a dû avoir confusion, Un genre de défaut dans le système?
Hi, Gretchen. There was some mix-up in appointments.
Gretchen, il y a eu confusion au salon de beauté.
Yeah, there was a bit of a mix-up at London Airport.
Oui, il y a eu un peu de confusion à l'aéroport.
Sorry it's another clock, only there was a bit of a mix-up.
Désolés, c'est encore une pendule, mais il y a eu un malentendu.
There was some kind of a mix-up with the credit card.
Il y a eu un problème avec la carte.
I assume there was some sort of a baby mix-up at the hospital.
Je suppose qu'il y a eu une sorte un échange de bébés à l'hôpital.
Jack came over because there was some mix-up with a tape and I went down to my car to get the right tape and...
Il est venu pour une histoire de cassette. Je suis allée à la voiture chercher la cassette.
- There was no mix-up.
- Il n'y a pas eu confusion.
That goes double for me, chief. There was a little mix-up here.
II y a un petit malentendu, chef.
There was a bit of a mix-up.
Il y a eu une petite confusion.
There was just a little mix-up in the mail room.
Une petite confusion aux livraisons.
Y aurait-il eu... une famille de babouins dans cet hôpital... et par erreur, ils auraient échangé les bébés?
Well, um, there was a little mix-up.
Il y a eu un petit malentendu.
They were supposed to be on a ship except there was some mix-up in Brazil, and they never made it.
Il devait rentrer avec elles mais... apparemment il y a eu un problème au Brésil.
San Francisco in the middle'60s... was a very special time and place to be a part of... but no explanation... no mix of words or music or memories... can touch that sense of knowing that you were there and alive... in that corner of time in the world, whatever it meant.
San Francisco au milieu des sixties constituait un espace-temps unique... Mais aucune explication, aucun mélange de musique et de mots ne rendra ce qu'on ressentait de se savoir là, vivant dans ce recoin de la terre et du temps.
There was kind of a mix-up in my agent's office but I'm still on TV, and that's good exposure.
Il y a eu une erreur chez mon agent. Mais je passe quand même à la télé.
He said that there was some kind of a mix-up, and you didn't even get nominated.
Papa! Non, je dois vous dire quelque chose.
So I hear there was an age mix-up, that I was unaware of, and... anyway...
Il paraît qu'il y a eu confusion quant à l'âge de la patiente, je l'ignorais, et... enfin...
I think I'm doing very well at Express But I just can't stop thinking maybe there was some mix up with my test.
C'est très bien, Express, mais il y a peut-être eu un problème avec ma copie.
Well, there was a terrible mix-up.
Il y a eu une terrible confusion.
When you checked in, there was a little bit of a mix-up.
Quand vous êtes arrivés... il y a eu un peu de confusion.
I was dressed as a prostitute for Halloween. There was a bit of a mix-up.
Je m'étais déguisé en pute pour Halloween.
So assuming that there was no big baby mix-up at the hospital,
S'il n'y a pas eu d'erreur à la maternité,
So, there was a slight mix-up.
Alors, il y a eu un léger cafouillage.
There was no mix-up.
Il n'y a pas eu de confusion.
Maybe, like, there was some mix-up at the hospital or something?
Peut-être qu'il y a eu une erreur à l'hôpital.
There was a... a bit of a mix - up between us guys here.
Tout ça a été... ... quelque peu mal compris entre nous, tu vois, ces gars là-bas et moi.....
Well, there was a little mix up.
Il y a eu un petit malentendu.
I was told there'd been a mix-up. The details... were unclear.
- On m'a dit qu'il y avait eu une erreur de bouteille, mais on savait pas exactement c'était quoi l'erreur en détail.
Yeah, there was a bit of a mix-up with the... with the tickets, so...
Ouais, y a eu une sorte de petit probleme avec... avec les places, alors...
There was definitely no mix-up.
Il n'y a pas eu d'erreur d'aiguillage.

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