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There was something else traduction Français

391 traduction parallèle
But these big waves of epidemics would have been through already, before this expedition set off, so I wonder if there was something else.
Mais ces grandes vagues d ´ épidémies avaient déjà été répandues, avant que cette expédition ait été si loin, ainsi je me demande s'il y avait autre chose.
And there was something else.
Il y avait autre chose.
And there was something else... something I've never known in my whole life.
Et il y avait autre chose, une chose que je n'avais jamais connue...
He seemed to think there was something else in the bottle.
- Il croyait y trouver autre chose.
Why don't you admit that back in Pawnee Flat there was something else you were afraid of?
Allez, admettez qu'à Pawnee Flat, vous aviez un autre sujet de crainte?
There was something else.
Il y avait autre chose.
There was something else going on below.
Il se passait quelque chose :
Now, let's see, there was something else you'd- -
Voyons, il y avait autre chose que...
But there was something else.
Mais il y avait quelque chose d'autre.
Because there weren't 12 pages, and there was something else.
Car il n'y a pas douze pages et il y avait autre chose.
There was something else in that wagon.
Il y a eu autre chose de transporté.
I just feel there was something else.
J'ai juste le sentiment... qu'il y a autre chose.
Aldo, there was something else we should have discussed last night.
Hier soir, on avait d'autres choses à se dire.
Yes, there was something else but I forgot.
Si, mais je ne m'en souviens plus.
Well, there was something else I wanted to tell you... however I'm sure you'll misunderstand my motives in mentioning it.
Eh bien, il y a autre chose que je voulais te dire... mais j'ai peur que tu te méprennes sur mes raisons de t'en parler.
I wish there was something else I could do.
J'aimerais pouvoir faire autre chose.
There was something else all the time, wasn't there?
Il y avait autre chose, non?
Well, there was something else that was mite confusing.
J'étais confuse à propos d'autre chose.
I thought there was something else.
Je pensais qu'il y avait autre chose.
And there was something else.
Et il y avait autre chose.
When you came I learned there was something else in this world.
Quand je t'ai rencontré, j'ai compris que dans ce monde il y a autre chose encore.
There was something else in the letter.
Il y avait autre chose dans la lettre.
Seems like there was something else he asked me to do.
Au fait, il m'avait chargé d'une commission.
There was something else!
Il y a eu autre chose!
And there was something else... they ordered him out of town... in Action B...
Puis, quelque chose s'est produit. On l'a chassé de la ville.
Besides, there was something else.
Et puis il y avait autre chose.
I thought for a moment there was something else, but I guess I was wrong.
J'ai cru qu'elle avait vu autre chose, mais je me trompe peut-être.
Let me see... there was something else.
Voyons... je voulais vous dire quelque chose d'autre.
Then I was wondering if there was something else you could correct for me, sir.
Et puis il y a un point de détail que je voudrais vous soumettre, Monsieur.
And there was something else, too.
Et... il y a autre chose.
- There was something else.
- Il y a eu autre chose.
Maybe there was something else, too.
Peut-être y avait-il autre chose, aussi.
Well, I wish there was something else I could do.
J'aimerais pouvoir faire quelque chose d'autre.
And don't forget there's something else, sir. My wife was one of the victims.
En outre, ma femme compte parmi les victimes!
Mom, if there was a rule about something, that doesn't mean you couldn't do something else once in a while...
On n'est pas toujours forcé de suivre la règle, dis?
Kimba was looking for something else, but not there anymore.
Kimba cherchait quelque chose. Plus là.
Well, there was a little something else.
Il y a encore un petit détail.
Now I'm proud to say... I'm somewhat astonished to say she's Mrs. Landis. Was there something else?
Je suis très fier... et toujours émerveillé... de dire qu'elle est ma femme.
J'essaie de me souvenir si la première saloperie qu'on a faite, c'était entre nous deux ou à quelqu'un d'autre.
Was there something else? Nothing else.
Rien d'autre à signaler?
Now, was there something else?
Vous désirez autre chose?
- Was there something else?
- Vous aviez autre chose?
And there's something else. All this seems to date from that day two months ago... when Midwich was cut off from the rest of the world.
En plus... tout cela date du jour où Midwich fut coupé du monde.
Was there something else?
Y a t-il autre chose?
Was there something else?
Autre chose?
- Was there something else?
- Il y avait autre chose? - Oui.
Girls would just sit there, think he was something else.
Y a des filles qui raffolent de ça.
Something else was in there. Oh, yeah.
- Il y avait quelque chose, là-dedans.
Was there something else, Miss Chapel?
Autre chose, Mlle Chapel?
- There was something else.
Il y a autre chose.
Was there something else?
Et y avait-il autre chose?

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