There were over traduction Français
957 traduction parallèle
We reckon there were over six million in the whole of Amazonia.
Nous comptons qu ´ il y avait là plus de six millions de personnes dans la totalité de l ´ Amazonie.
There were over 400,000 divorce cases in this country last year.
L'année derniére, il y a eu 400 000 divorces dans ce pays.
There were over a hundred involved in stopping that train.
Une centaine d'hommes a aidé à arrêter ce train.
- Yes, but the trouble is you can't enforce it. It was put over on the American people while our boys were over there and all our girls were over here.
Mais l'ennui, c'est qu'il a été imposé au peuple américain... tandis que nos hommes étaient là-bas et nos filles ici.
Jim come over to my house about an hour ago to see if you were there.
Jim est venu chez moi il y a une heure pour voir si tu étais là.
You know, ever since we were married that one over there has been after me for not eating enough.
Depuis que nous sommes mariés, elle me dit toujours que je ne mange pas suffisamment.
Put it over there, sister. I was Mrs. Jorgensen before you were.
J'étais Mme Jorgensen avant vous.
The war has been over for many years, but I've gathered, as Zola says there were times in that campaign when our staffwork wasn't brilliant.
Bien sûr, la guerre est finie depuis des années. Mais j'en ai conclu qu'à certains moments, notre Etat-Major n'avait pas été brillant.
They're very dull, most of them, and neglected but you'll always find someone there gazing over the relics of queens who were true lovers.
La plupart sont ennuyeux et négligés, mais on y trouve toujours quelqu'un pour admirer les reliques des reines qui ont vraiment aimé.
Uh, what were you doing talking to the unholy two over there?
Que faisais-tu là à parler à ces deux impies?
You and Jake go over to colonel Thornton's. Tell him I said you were to stay there until you hear from me.
Toi et Jake, allez chez le colonel Thornton!
We were over there at the stable when we heard the shooting and we just saw some horsemen ride away.
Nous étions dans l'étable quand on a entendu le bruit et nous voyons deux hommes qui se sont enfuis.
Talking about France, were you over there before Dunkirk?
Étiez-vous en France avant Dunkerque?
On the way home, I said over and over again... there were no such people... no strange drugs...
Sur le chemin du retour, je me répétais que ces gens n'existaient pas, ni ces drogues bizarres,
You were over there with me this evening, weren't you?
- Vous y êtes venu travailler ce soir.
What were you doing over there, kneeling in the rocks?
Que faisais-tu à genoux dans les rochers?
If - If I were a man Like Joey Brown or Al Jolson... well, I'd be over there right now.
Si j'étais un homme comme Joey Brown ou Al Jolson... eh bien, je serais déjà là-bas.
And, uh, over there are the ropes that were actually used... to hang some of these men.
Et là-bas, ce sont les cordes qui ont été utilisées pour pendre certains d'entre eux.
But your Papa and I talked it all over and there were reasons and there just wasn't any other way.
Ton papa et moi en avions parlé. Nous avions nos raisons. Il n'y avait pas d'autre solution.
They were thrown from over there.
Ça venait d'à côté.
Howser got over the point that there were four hundred rings just like it made for Young's graduating class.
Howser a prouvé qu'on trouvait ces bagues partout.
Over there in Africa, when we were soldiers together,
Là-bas, en Afrique, quand nous étions soldats ensemble,
Over there, Grant and his Highlanders were massacred and scalped.
Par la, Grant et ses Highlanders ont été massacrés et scalpés.
Were you over there?
Tu étais là-haut.
- We were a little over to the east. Been there for weeks without firing a shot. Then they started coming.
On a passé des semaines sans coup de feu et là, ils arrivent.
You were up over there.
Et toi, là-haut.
Sure there were jumps, and Blackwatch flew over them.
Il y avait des obstacles, mais Blackwatch les survolait.
- And you were looking for someone over there?
Vous cherchez quelqu'un?
That garden you were talking about... We could plant it over there.
Le jardin dont tu parlais, on pourrait le planter ici.
We were over there in our trailer having supper.
Nous étions là bas dans notre caravane à dîner.
- Over 100,000 counterfeit British pounds were confiscated there recently.
- Plus de 100,000 contrefaçons ont été confisquées rédemment.
I know we don't have jurisdiction over him. I wish there were some way to get him out of town.
Y a-t-il un moyen de lui faire quitter la ville?
Harry and Jerry flew over They couldn't help much, but they were there
Harry et Jerry ne pouvaient pas grand-chose, mais ils furent à ses côtés.
There were no more bridges over the Neretva.
Il n'y avait plus de pont pourtraverser la Neretva.
No. There were just some matters I want to talk over with him.
Non, j'avais à lui parler.
I've been over to the house several times, but you were never there.
Je vais souvent chez toi. Tu n'y es jamais.
As far back as I remember there were tears in this home, shed over money
Aussi loin que je me souvienne il y a des larmes dans la maison à cause de l'argent
Yeah, but you were on the left side of that white line over there.
Oui mais vous étiez à gauche de cette ligne blanche.
We were over there, talking about the Indian.
Nous parlions de l'lndien...
Do you still wear the wool suspenders you were wearing over there? And you, Chenildieu?
Et toi, Chenildieu, tu as une date tatouée sur le bras gauche.
I thought you were over there and now you're here to snare me!
Je te croyais à l'autre bout et t'es déjà là à m'attraper.
And then I came down over the top of the river bank, and there they were.
Et lorsque je suis arrivé sur le haut de la rive, ils étaient là.
There was a big rhubarb at the home office... and suddenly, I was in the doghouse... exiled to South America... schlepping that syrup over the Andes... on llamas yet... while a bunch of crew-cut kids... were being promoted over my head!
Je trimballais le sirop dans les Andes à dos de lama, pendant que des gamins étaient promus.
There were lots of people stomping all over.
Quand je suis arrivé, des gens avaient piétiné le sol.
- That the war will be over in spring. There were horrible bombings in Germany.
Que la guerre serait finie au printemps, que les bombardements épuisent les Allemands...
Over 500 years ago there were two races on this planet, we, the Daleks, and the Thals.
Il y a 500 ans, il y avait deux races sur cette planète. Nous, les Daleks, et les Thals.
Back when there were Yanks all over Yokohama, I had a reputation as a pimp on my rickshaw.
À l'époque où il y avait des Ricains partout dans Yokohama, j'avais ma petite réputation de maquereau, sur mon vélopousse.
There were just two of us... me and Rosalie Schultz, but she chickened out... and went over to Mitch Miller.
Nous étions deux, moi et Rosalie Schultz. - Elle a préféré Mitch Miller.
As I told them over the phone, there were only two American nationals on board.
Il n'y avait que deux Américains à bord.
There were I think over 2 days 60 000 people, and if I think we sold 40 to 50 thousand litres of wine. It's really difficult to organize the Strážnice event. lt's massive.
En deux jours, il y a eu, je crois, 60.000 personnes, on a vendu entre 40 et 50 mille litres de vin, si je calcule bien.
So if I were you, I'd get on over there.
Si j'étais toi, j'irais la retrouver.
there were 484
there were none 18
there were two of them 39
there were two 42
there were no survivors 16
there were witnesses 20
there were complications 24
there were three 17
there were three of them 19
there were only 25
there were none 18
there were two of them 39
there were two 42
there were no survivors 16
there were witnesses 20
there were complications 24
there were three 17
there were three of them 19
there were only 25
there were no witnesses 29
there were others 52
over 4462
overwatch 37
override 23
overseas 32
overdose 32
overnight 112
overboard 24
overall 83
there were others 52
over 4462
overwatch 37
override 23
overseas 32
overdose 32
overnight 112
overboard 24
overall 83
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over to you 62
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over pa 22
overkill 28
overwhelmed 35
overrated 36
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over radio 116
over to you 62
over there 2200
over pa 22