They will come traduction Français
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If they really want you, they will come to find you long ago
Sinon, ils t'auraient repris.
If we pull the smoke flap shut, they will come out for sure.
Si on bouche la cheminée, ils sortiront, c'est sûr.
Luciano will thank me. They will come and thank me for it.
Luciano et ses hommes me remercieront!
The following day, those prints will be run through an FBI computer, and they will come up with a name.
Le jour suivant, ces empreintes seront dans les ordinateurs du F.B.I. Et ils en viendront à un nom.
If they find I am missing, they will come for me.
Ils se lanceront à ma recherche.
If we tell them, they will come and put Tom into care, - into an orphanage or something.
Si on le leur dit, ils mettront Tom en pension ou un truc de ce genre.
If I snap my fingers, they will come.
Un claquement des doigts et ils seront là. ils font déjà la queue.
- If you book them, they will come.
- Si tu les engages, ils viendront.
If you book them, they will come.
Si tu les engages, ils viendront.
Jim Morrison said, "If you book them, they will come."
Jim a dit : "Engage-les et ils viendront."
- If you build it, they will come.
- Si vous l'aménagez, ils viendront.
But if they won't come to me, perhaps they will come to someone else.
Ils me fuient, mais ne fuiront pas quelqu'un d'autre.
If you don't want it all back, I think they will come down.
Si tu la veux partielle, ils baisseront leurs prix.
I hope they will not come upon us now.
J'espère qu'ils ne vont pas fondre sur nous, maintenant.
If you put orange on someone who has a blue undertone... which would be the pink, or cool, family... then their face will get real pale... or they'll look real tired... or they'll get a lot of ruddiness come out on their face.
L'orange, sur quelqu'un qui a un fond bleu, c'est-à-dire la famille rose ou froide, ça donne un visage très pâle, l'air très fatigué, ou un teint rougeaud.
If you play the shit they like, people will come.
Si vous jouez ce qu'ils attendent, ils viendront.
I tell you, those guys will be lucky... if they come off any better than Nixon.
Croyez-moi, ces gars auront de la chance... s'ils s'en tirent mieux que Nixon.
Come on, it will be worse if they take you with it.
Qu'ils ne vous prennent pas avec.
When the defences go down, they'll come in. The Alliance will fall.
Quand les défenses de l'alliance seront tombées, ils l'envahiront.
If I tell them to you and they come true, then will you believe me?
Si je vous les dis et qu'ensuite elles se réalisent, vous me croirez?
This is something that will not go away. Oh, Lord, here they come.
Les voilà!
" But will try to make a big impression when they come.
" Essaierai de faire impression quand ils viendront.
- They will not come unless a rifle's fired.
- seul un coup de feu Ies aIertera.
These policies are inexpensive because the benefits aren't that big when they pay off, but what they'll do is, if harm should come to one of your children, this policy will cover all funeral expenses and arrangements...
Ces polices coûtent peu parce qu'à terme, elles rapportent peu. Mais au moins, s'il arrive quelque chose à un de vos enfants, - elles couvrent tous les frais d'enterrement.
The colts will come with everything they've got to block this kick.
Les Colts vont tout faire pour bloquer ce coup de pied.
We went to the exit of a famous school in Rome, and we asked the students how they are preparing for this year exam What will come out this year in your opinion?
A la sortie d'un lycée, nous avons demandé à des étudiants quels seraient les sujets de cette année.
You must promise that they will come to no harm.
Vous devez me promettre qu'il ne leur adviendra pas de mal.
- They come to you, will you turn me in?
S'ils t'interrogent, vas-tu me dénoncer?
When our boys come home from war what kind of girls will they be coming home to?
Quand ils rentreront du front... nos hommes auront le choc de leur vie!
They'll all come and do you know why that will be good?
Les gens viendront et seront contents. Tu sais pourquoi?
You know, Jeeves, if someone were to come to me and ask if I'd join a society whose aim was the suppression of aunts or who will see to it that they're kept on a short chain
Vous savez, Jeeves, si quelqu'un venait à moi et demander si l'd adhérer à un de la société dont l'objectif était la suppression des tantes ou qui veillera à ce qu'ils soient maintenus sur une courte chaîne
Then they're gonna come looking for us and they will destroy us. And they will not do any of the soul-searching that you are doing now.
Ils vont nous pourchasser et nous détruire, sans aucune hésitation ni mauvaise conscience, contrairement à vous.
What counts is that I'll give them what they want... and our son will come back.
Ce qui compte, c'est que je leur donnerai ce qu'ils veulent... et que notre fils reviendra.
When will they come again?
Quand réapparaîtront-elles?
They'll pull us down just like the others, and some day someone will come routing around... and all they'll find is a few broken bricks in the long grass.
Ils détruiront la maison. Et un jour, quelqu'un viendra fouiller... et il trouvera seulement... quelques briques cassées dans l'herbe.
When the men come out of the trees they will be under fire of Yankee artillery from all over the field.
Quand les gars sortiront des arbres, ils seront sous le feu de l'artillerie Yankee de tous côtés du champ.
When they come out, they will be under enemy long-range artillery fire.
Quand elles sortiront, elles se trouveront sous les tirs de l'artillerie ennemie.
They say I will bear myself proudly if I perceive the love come from her.
Ils disent que je ferai le dédaigneux si je m'aperçois de son amour.
The kids will burst when they find you've come to support them.
Je n'en reviens pas... Les gosses seront ravis que vous soyez venu les encourager!
Well, they will be if you come out in the morning, Uncle Phil.
Ils le seront si tu sors demain matin, oncle Phil.
The Miradorn vessel can outrun any of our runabouts and if they come after you, a warning from us will just point you out.
Le vaisseau miradorn est supérieur à tous nos runabouts. S'ils vous poursuivent, un signal de notre part ne ferait que vous localiser.
These men will come in for treatment. They'll be taken care of.
- Ils viendront se faire soigner.
When will they ever come to a decision?
Quand parviendront-ils à une décision?
When they leave China, I will come back to Japan.
Je reviendrai lorsqu'ils auront quitté la Chine.
Will they come by?
Viendront-ils eux aussi?
And will they come to me, these metaphors?
Et elles viendront à moi, ces métaphores?
Policemen have come They will protect us Don't be afraid
Les policiers vont vous protéger.
Come within five feet and they will kill you.
A moins de 1, 50 m, ils vous tueront.
Hey, believe me, baldness will catch on. When the aliens come, who do you think they're gonna relate to?
Un livre sur les tables basses.
Starfleet will come after you and they'll put you behind bars.
Starfleet ne vous le pardonnera pas et vous finirez derrière les barreaux.
It will get cold if they don't come. Eat it yourself.
S'ils n'arrivent pas, ça va refroidir.
they will 407
they will kill me 27
they will find you 19
they will kill us 20
they will find us 18
they will die 30
they will kill you 73
they will not 19
they will kill him 17
they will be 52
they will kill me 27
they will find you 19
they will kill us 20
they will find us 18
they will die 30
they will kill you 73
they will not 19
they will kill him 17
they will be 52
come on 167938
come 10626
come here 17944
come in 9605
comes 19
comer 25
comedy 55
comet 47
come on baby 22
come and find me 23
come 10626
come here 17944
come in 9605
comes 19
comer 25
comedy 55
comet 47
come on baby 22
come and find me 23
come on everybody 23
come downstairs 38
come to me 469
come on let's go 25
come with me 3958
come back 2373
come with me if you want to live 21
come on man 75
come on guys 95
come on in 3933
come downstairs 38
come to me 469
come on let's go 25
come with me 3958
come back 2373
come with me if you want to live 21
come on man 75
come on guys 95
come on in 3933
come on over 148
come back soon 95
come one 123
come over here 869
come to daddy 102
come on now 949
come on boy 27
come to my room 21
come on down 295
come on home 31
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come one 123
come over here 869
come to daddy 102
come on now 949
come on boy 27
come to my room 21
come on down 295
come on home 31