Thirds traduction Français
464 traduction parallèle
That's four thirds.
Et ça fait quatre tiers.
A glass only holds three thirds.
Dans un verre, il n'y a que trois tiers.
That depends on the size of the thirds.
Ça dépend de la grosseur des tiers.
While the other two-thirds drag down the money.
Pendant que les autres encaissent.
The tips are split even... except in special cases when I take two-thirds.
Le partage sera égal. Hormis les cas spéciaux où je prends les deux tiers.
You guarantee two-thirds of the show... and I will convince Mosley Thorpe to guarantee the other third... making three-thirds!
Vous garantissez les deux tiers du spectacle et je convaincs Mosley Thorpe de financer l'autre tiers, ce qui fait trois tiers!
You can guarantee two-thirds of the expenses of the annual charity show.
Vous pouvez financer les deux tiers des dépenses du gala de charité annuel.
I can put you down for two-thirds?
Je peux vous inscrire pour deux tiers?
Because, listen, if he did, Mrs. Prentiss is... positively in the bag for the other two-thirds.
Parce que, s'il refusait, Mme Prentiss est dans la poche pour les deux autres tiers.
How do you like that? The old lady's in for two-thirds and so is Mosley.
La vieille met les deux tiers et Mosley aussi.
Two-thirds and two-thirds is four-thirds in any country.
Deux tiers et deux tiers font toujours quatre tiers.
I got to get one-half of all the thirds she's got coming to her!
Je veux la moitié de tous les tiers qu'elle touchera!
I'd expect part of your ambition, half of your trouble two-thirds of your worries and all of your respect.
Votre médicament. Merci. J'en ai assez.
You owe $ 100, you're paying off at the rate of $ 2 a week or $ 8... 66 and two-thirds cents a month.
Vous devez 100 $, vous remboursez 2 $ par semaine ou 8,66 $ et deux tiers d'un cent par mois.
Oscar and I are ready with our two-thirds of the money.
Oscar et moi sommes prets a investir notre part des deux tiers.
Starboard back two-thirds.
Moteur tribord, arrière, deux tiers.
Port back one-third. Starboard back two-thirds.
Moteur bâbord, arrière, un tiers.
- Stations for battle surface. All ahead two-thirds.
A vos postes, mode combat de surface.
- All ahead two-thirds, sir.
En avant, deux tiers.
Motor room answers all ahead two thirds.
- Confirmation en avant, deux tiers.
- All ahead two-thirds, steady as you go.
- En avant, deux tiers, même cap.
Not as much as the men... but at least two-thirds.
Pas autant que les hommes... mais au moins deux-tiers.
Two-thirds of the men's increase will be tough to meet.
Deux-tiers d'augmentation, ça sera dur d'y arriver.
The presence on this flight deck of 16 B-25s would reduce the deck space by more than two thirds, making a takeoff at sea mathematically impossible.
La présence de seize B-25 sur ce pont d'envol occuperait plus de deux tiers de la longueur dudit pont, rendant le décollage en mer mathématiquement impossible.
It was two-thirds Paul.
Paul en a fait les deux tiers.
Well, it will cut your delievery costs by two thirds.
Cela réduira vos prix de livraison de 2 / 3.
Thank heavens we're two-thirds finished.
Dieu merci, on a fini les deux tiers.
We aren't two-thirds finished.
On n'a pas fini les deux tiers.
He was shocked at your losses, but since you are two-thirds done I think I sold him on letting you finish Operation Stitch after the Washington meetings are over.
Le nombre de pertes l'a choqué, mais comme tu as fini les deux tiers, je l'ai convaincu de te laisser finir l'opération Point quand les réunions de Washington seront terminées.
- Two-thirds vote or simple majority?
- Deux tiers du vote ou majorité simple?
All ahead two-thirds.
Fond 28 mètres. En avant deux.
Usually he pitched them about two thirds of the way between his guns and the target.
D'habitude, il les envoyait aux 2 / 3 environ de la distance entre ses pièces et la cible.
'These controlled two-thirds of the water storage capacity of the Ruhr basin.
Ceux-ci contrôlent les deux tiers de l'eau du bassin de la Ruhr.
Col. William Mitchell, the court, in closed session... and upon secret written ballot, two-thirds of the members present at the time this vote was taken... concurring therein, finds you, of all specifications and the charge, guilty.
"Colonel William Mitchell, " par un vote à bulletin secret tenu à huis clos, "l'opinion des deux tiers des membres du jury est concordante."
The court, again in closed session... and upon secret written ballot, two-thirds of the members present concurring therein, sentences you to be suspended from rank, command and duty... with forfeiture of all pay and allowances for a period of five years.
"Par un vote à bulletin secret et tenu à huis clos, " l'opinion des deux tiers des membres du jury concorde. " " Le tribunal vous condamne
Left full rudder. Starboard ahead two-thirds.
La barre ø gauche toute, Tribord avant deux tiers,
You're outvoted, Mr. Stark. Two-thirds of this partnership says we're going through. - And we're not paying any tax.
Les deux tiers de ce partenariat veulent poursuivre sans payer.
- To build one... we'd cannibalize about two-thirds of the ship's electronic gear... and then unship the main drive to juice it.
Pour le construire... nous mobiliserons deux tiers des groupes electroniques du croiseur... et le conduit principal sera decharge puis branche.
Upon secret ballot, two-thirds of the court-martial concurring the accused is to be dishonorably discharged from the service of the United States to forfeit all pay and allowances due or to become due and to be confined at hard labor at Leavenworth Disciplinary Barracks for a period of one year. "
Aprês avoir voté, deux tiers d'entre nous s'accordent pour que l'accusé soit démis de ses fonctions au sein de l'armée américaine, privé de ses soldes passées et à venir et incarcéré à la prison militaire de Leavenworth, pendant un an.
All engines ahead two-thirds.
On passe en régime moyen.
- All engines ahead two-thirds, steer 140.
- En avant, régime moyen, cap 140.
Slow to two-thirds speed.
Passez en régime moyen.
Slow to two-thirds speed, sir?
On passe en régime moyen?
Reduce speed to two-thirds.
Passez en régime moyen.
Most of these fall into the water, which covers two-thirds of our world. But from time to time, from the beginning of time, a very few meteors have struck the crust of the Earth and formed craters.
La plupart d'entre eux tombent dans l'eau qui recouvre les deux tiers de notre monde, mais de temps en temps, depuis le début du monde, quelques météores frappent la croûte terrestre, y laissant des cratères.
- Two-thirds is ours.
- Deux tiers sont à nous.
We lost two-thirds of our men.
Les deux tiers des hommes sont morts.
All ahead two thirds. Ease your rudder.
En avant deux tiers!
All ahead two-thirds.
En avant deux tiers!
Right full rudder. - All ahead two thirds.
En avant toute!
All ahead two thirds.
En avant, deux tiers.
third 417
third time's the charm 25
third grade 38
third time's a charm 22
third floor 131
third place 27
thirdly 40
third time 27
third base 18
third time this week 16
third time's the charm 25
third grade 38
third time's a charm 22
third floor 131
third place 27
thirdly 40
third time 27
third base 18
third time this week 16