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Was that a compliment traduction Français

112 traduction parallèle
Why, Richie, was that a compliment?
Oh Richie, un compliment?
- Was that a compliment?
C'était un compliment?
Was that a compliment?
Un compliment?
Was that a compliment, Neroon?
Etait-ce un compliment?
Was that a compliment?
C'était un compliment?
- Was that a compliment?
- C'est un compliment?
Was that a compliment?
Est-ce que c'était un compliment?
Was that a compliment?
Oui, je pense.
Was that a compliment?
C'était positif ou non?
That was intended as a compliment.
C'était un compliment.
I assume that was a compliment.
C'était un compliment?
Was that a crack or a compliment?
C'est une plaisanterie, ou un compliment?
You're offended? That was a compliment, not an insult.
C'est un compliment, pas un insulte!
As if that was a compliment!
comme si c'était un compliment!
That was a little compliment there.
C'était un compliment.
And so Bob used that as something, as a compliment to him, that this man was able to bring out some of what he had in him, that maybe, normally, he would be a little scared to bring out himself.
Et donc Bob utilisait ça comme une forme de compliment pour lui, parce que cet homme était capable d'éveiller en lui un côté qu'il aurait un peu peur de révéler en temps normal.
I think you're going a little far comparing me with you, but it was very nice of you to say so, and I'm gonna tell that to my wife.
Il n'est pas comparable avec le vôtre. Mais merci pour le compliment, je vais le dire à ma femme.
- Did you think that was a compliment?
- Pensais-tu que c'était un compliment? Non.
If you guys can take a piss and a compliment at the same time I'd like to say that was a whale of an offer you came up with today.
Si vous pouvez pisser et accepter un compliment en même temps, laissez-moi vous dire que vous avez fait une sacrée offre, aujourd'hui.
Come on. That was a compliment.
Prends ça comme un compliment!
No, that was a compliment.
C'était un compliment.
( machine-gun fire ) The greatest compliment we get from the viewing audience is that when they see this B-17 sequence, they feel like they're watching a documentary film that was actually shot in 1944.
Le plus beau compliment qu'on reçoit du public c'est qu'en voyant la scêne du B-17 ils croient voir un film documentaire, qui aurait été tourné en 1944.
That was a compliment.
C'était un compliment.
Was that... a complaint or a compliment?
C'était... un reproche ou un compliment?
That was a compliment, wasn't it?
C'est un compliment, n'est-ce pas?
Well, it never hurts to get a compliment but that's not why I was shaking my booty at you.
Ça fait plaisir de recevoir le compliment, mais c'est pas pour ça que je t'ai fait mon numéro de racoleuse.
And you do realize that was a compliment, right?
- Un mot?
That was a compliment, dear.
C'était un compliment, ma chérie.
Yeah, sorry about that, but in a way, it was a compliment.
Oui, désolé, mais en un sens, c'est un compliment.
- I thought that was a compliment.
- C'était pas un compliment?
If you met them, you'd realize that was a compliment.
Si tu les connaissais, tu saurais que c'est un compliment.
Never, ever, ever, ever got one compliment in the four years I was in that band.
Jamais, à aucun moment, on ne m'a fait un compliment durant ces quatre années.
I think it was the best pie I ever had. I'd take that as a compliment, except that you can't remember tying your own shoelaces.
Eh bien, on dirait que ça vous a mis en appétit d'être un héros ce matin.
- Thought that was a compliment.
- Dis-toi que c'était un compliment.
Well, Kelly, that was neither constructive nor a compliment, so maybe you should stop criticizing my English and start making some suggestions, okay?
Ce n'était ni un compliment, ni constructif. Donc peut-être devriez-vous arrêter de critiquer mon anglais, et faire des suggestions. D'accord?
You know, there was a time when I would've said "fuck you", You know, there was a time when I would've said "fuck you", but now I'll take that as a compliment.
Autrefois, je t'aurais dit :
Why, Spencer Carlin, I think that was a compliment.
Tu exagères. C'est pas un problème qu'elles soient amies.
Why, Spencer Carlin, I think that was a compliment.
Et les inconvénient?
- That was not a compliment, maggot!
- C'était pas un compliment, asticot!
That was a compliment, Michelle.
C'était un compliment, Michelle.
You know what was weird, was we were having quite a big argument and then suddenly, out of nowhere, she paid me that lovely compliment.
Tu sais ce qui était bizarre, c'est que nous avions une grosse dispute et puis soudain, sorti de nulle part, elle m'a fait ce beau compliment.
What... what does that mean? What? It was a compliment.
Mon maquillage remplit son rôle?
Was that intended as a compliment?
Etait-ce un compliment?
You should take that as a compliment, she was pretty.
Prenez ça comme un compliment, elle était jolie.
Oh, yeah.That was a compliment?
Un compliment?
- That was quite a compliment Miss Howe-Nevinson paid you.
Quel éloge, venant de Miss Howe-Nevinson.
After that, there was no need to compliment you any more.
Maintenant que tu y es, il y a plus de besoin de te complimenter la dessus.
Becca, that was a compliment.
Becca, c'était un compliment.
That was a compliment, for you.
C'était un compliment, pour toi.
Was that a backhand compliment?
C'était un compliment à revers?
That was a compliment!
C'était un compliment!

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