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Was that so hard traduction Français

485 traduction parallèle
Why didn't you listen to the tape when I asked you to? Was that so hard to do?
Pourquoi vous n'avez pas écouté mon enregistrement?
Now was that so hard?
Ce n'était pas si dur!
Now, my love, was that so hard?
Etait-ce donc si difficile, mon amour?
Now, my love, was that so hard?
Mon amour, était-ce si difficile?
Was that so hard?
C'était si dur que ça?
We thought that was a really interesting and incongruous image, that people were trying so hard to kind of keep the normalcy of their lives under this incredibly repressive regime.
Nous avons pensé que c'était une image vraiment intéressante et incongrue, que ces gens essayaient difficilement de garder une sorte de normalité dans leurs vies sous ce régime incroyablement répressif.
Well, it ain't my place to say it, Miss Jerry, but if I had a boss that was so hard-boiled he wasn't satisfied with my working all day at the office without slaving home at night, I'd tell him to go to...
Ce n'est pas à moi de le dire, MIle Jerry, mais si mon patron était si dur qu'en plus de mon travail au bureau toute la journée il me mettait au chagrin le soir, je lui dirais d'aller...
They were laughing so hard that all I heard them say... was that she had broken her engagement with him.
Ils riaient si fort, j'ai juste entendu... qu'elle avait rompu ses fiançailles avec lui.
Well, I can remember when I was a little girl... I used to imagine things so hard that I thought they were real.
Je me souviens, quand j'étais petite j'imaginais des choses et je les croyais vraies.
The blow was so sudden that I found it hard to collect my thoughts.
J'eus de la peine à reprendre mes esprits.
I wanted to show by my marriage that though he was led astray, as I believe by that innate kindliness and courtesy of his which made it so hard for him to rebuff the advances of a woman, I nevertheless regard him as a man to whom I can happily entrust the remainder of my life.
J'ai voulu montrer par ce mariage, qu'en dépit de certaines erreurs d'ailleurs causées par cette courtoisie innée qui fait hésiter à repousser une femme je le tiens pour un homme à qui je puis confier ma vie.
It was hard work, but I derived great joy from it... and the play had so excited and moved me... that I wished to communicate, however imperfectly... some of that emotion to others.
En effet, mais j'y ai pris beaucoup de plaisirs. la pièce m'avait tant ému, que j'ai voulu communiquer, quitte à le faire mal, cette émotion aux autres.
- That wasn't so hard now, was it?
- C'était pas si dur, si?
Ever since I first set eyes on West Point... ever since I first saw the young men of the corps... Sure you told me I was a silly woman for talking about it, but... if our son should be born here... where you've worked so hard... After the time we've waited, after what the doctor told you... it's enough for me that we're having a child at all.
Depuis que j'ai vu West Point... dès que j'ai vu ces hommes jeunes... tu m'as dit que c'était idiot d'en parler, mais... si notre fils naît ici... où tu as travaillé si dur... après avoir tant patienté, après ce qu'a dit le docteur... attendre cet enfant me suffit.
There, that wasrt so hard, was it?
C'était si dur que ça?
In the morning, it was blowing so hard that the drifting boats would not be going out. And the boy had slept late then had come to the old man's shack as he had come each morning while the old man was gone.
Le matin, le vent soufflait si fort que les yoles ne sortirent pas et l'enfant, qui avait dormi tard, était venu chez le vieil homme comme il l'avait fait chaque matin en son absence.
That was why Shadow was there and that was why he'd fought so hard.
C'était pourquoi Ombre était là et s'était tant battu,
♪ You beat him so hard that he was bent and lame ♪
Vous l'avez tant battu Qu'il était courbé et faible
So, that thing, it was the first time anyone did it to me, and because of it I couldn't have sex at all for three months, because when he was doing it, he gave me a love bite so hard
C'était la première fois de ma vie qu'on me faisait ça. Et après j'ai pas pu avoir de relations pendant trois mois parce qu'il m'a sucée tellement fort... que j'ai été en traitement pendant trois mois.
That wasn't so hard, was it?
Ce n'était pas si compliqué.
Was that so hard?
Ce n'était pas si difficile, non?
She was so agitated this morning that I had a hard time calming her down.
Elle était tellement agité ce matin que J'ai eu du mal à la calmer.
It was hard for Mark to believe that anyone so beautiful, so desirable, could be so deadly.
Mark avait du mal à croire que quelqu'un d'aussi séduisant pouvait être si dangereux...
It's hard to believe that all of this was so beautiful then.
C'est dur à croire, mais tout ça était tellement beau à l'époque.
Anyway, that meeting was this morning at 11 : 30... and just before it I came up here to have a wash and I poked my nose in here and I saw Kenneth hard at it, so I...
Bref, la réunion était à 11 h 30, et avant, je suis montée. J'ai mis le nez ici et j'ai vu Kenneth... en plein travail.
And the sun formed, and it was so hot... That the earth just formed into one hard ball. Of ocean.
Et le Soleil s'est formé et il était si chaud que la Terre est devenue une grosse boule dure... d'océan.
Well, that wasn't so hard, was it?
Ça a été plutôt facile.
That someone can steal everything that I've worked so hard for since I was 14 years old, and there's nothing I can do about it?
On peut me voler tout ce que j'ai gagné en travaillant dur depuis l'âge de 14 ans et je ne peux rien faire?
That wasn't so hard, now was it, bubby?
C'était pas si dur.
That wasn't so hard, was it?
C'était pas si dur.
Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?
C'est pas si dur, hein?
There, that wasn't so hard, was it?
Bien! Ce n'était pas si difficile, n'est-ce pas?
That's why it was so hard for me to go on with my role as director the next few days.
Voilà pourquoi il m'était si difficile de reprendre mon rôle de metteur en scène les jours suivants.
- Remember when Mick said when he was fighting sometimes, he'd fight so hard that he was thinking that he broke something inside?
- Tu te souviens de ce que Mick après un combat? Il s'était battu si dur qu'il était comme cassé à l'intérieur.
That wasn't so hard, was it?
Ouais! C'était pas si difficile, hein?
Well, that wasn't so hard, was it?
Ce n'était pas si dur.
I lived and died for passion and love Was that really so hard to fathom?
J'ai vécu et suis morte pour la passion et l'amour. Est-ce vraiment si difficile à comprendre?
That's why I was so hard on you.
C'est pourquoi j'ai été si dur envers toi.
It was raining so hard that night. No one is going to dig a hole in the mud and rain.
Il pleuvait si fort, cette nuit-là... personne ne creuserait un trou dans la boue.
Besides, what he was doin'with the oars didn't look that hard, so we just headed downriver, and we saw this.
Et puis, ramer, ça semblait facile, alors on a continué... et on a vu ça...
Well, I may go a little bit easy on the old hickory dickory stick... but that's just because my dad was so hard on me when I was a boy.
Si je suis long à la détente sur les punitions, c'est que mon papa était tellement sévère quand j'étais petit.
That wasn't so hard, was it?
Ce n'était pas si dur, hein?
That doesn't sound so hard. I was in the money business, and I have a lot of ideas in my head.
J'étais dans les affaires et j'ai plein d'idées.
That wasn't so hard, was it?
C'était pas si dur, vous voyez?
He was so in love with my sister... that it didn't matter that She'd given him a hard time.
Il était si amoureux de ma soeur qu'il ne lui en voulait pas.
I didn't believe that this job was so hard.
Je croyais pas que c'était si dur ce boulot.
Well, the so-called hard cunt shites it puts down his drink, turns and gets the fuck out of there, and after that well, the game was mine.
Le soi-disant tueur se chie dessus, il pose son godet, il fait demi-tour et se casse du pub, et après j'ai gagné ma partie.
Begbie was hard. But not so hard that he didn't shite it off 20 years in prison.
C'était un dur, mais pas au point de s'en foutre de pourrir 20 ans en taule.
At first, it was hard to get used to the changes, but it happened so often that after a while, I almost stopped noticing.
J'ai eu du mal à m'habituer aux changements, mais au bout d'un moment, je n'ai plus remarqué.
It was so hard to tell your child, your 6 or 7-year-old when it's time for water, you know they wanted some water and maybe the child attempted to go to a fountain that was marked for white.
C'était pénible d'avoir á dire cela á un enfant de 6 ou 7 ans lorsqu'il voulait boire de l'eau et qu'il voulait utiliser une fontaine qui était réservée aux Blancs.
That Sunday was so dramatic, traumatic, rather until it's almost hard to talk about it.
Ce dimanche a été si tragique, traumatisant même, que c'est presque difficile d'en parler.

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