We'll get her traduction Français
807 traduction parallèle
We'll show her this and she'll come get you.
On va lui montrer ça, et elle viendra te chercher.
You'll have to meet her when we get back to Oxford.
Tu devras la rencontrer quand on retournera à Oxford.
He'll kill her if we don't get to her. We must not be too late.
- Il la tuera si on ne la trouve pas.
- You think so? Let's go find her. We'll go get a drink.
Allons la rejoindre et prendre un verre.
We'll get rid of her.
C'est un secret entre nous.
Well, we'll have to get her out of that notion.
Il va falloir lui faire changer d'idée.
And we'll tell her to get lost. Together.
Mais quand même, ça fait rien dis donc!
We'll get her a fire house dog.
On lui offre un chien de pompiers.
Looks like Alice is going to get married, and I think she'll be very happy because we just met the boy you sent her and he looks fine.
On dirait qu'Alice va se marier, elle semble très heureuse. Nous avons vu le garçon que Vous lui avez envoyé, il est bien.
She's dying to get married, so we'll get her hitched.
Elle crève d'envie de se marier : on va la marier!
But if we do that, we'll have to kill her to get it.
Mais il faudra la tuer pour le lui prendre.
We'll get her close enough.
On va s'approcher.
I'll phone her at once and we'll get straight down to Manderley.
- Bien sûr. Ensuite, nous rentrerons.
I'll let her out as soon as we get on a plane.
Je la ferai sortir une fois dans l'avion.
We'll get no part of her rich cargo.
On n'aura pas une bribe de cette cargaison.
I've never asked a favor. - We'll get her out.
J'ai jamais rien demandé.
Ten strokes on the backside for this old bird then we'll try to get rid of her
Dix coups de bâton pour cette vieille fille! Habillez-la. On va essayer de se débarrasser d'elle.
If we don't get to her, I don't know what we'll do.
Après elle, je ne sais plus quoi faire.
I'll get you at your office and... We can make arrangements for you to observe her.
Je viendrai a votre cabinet pour voir si vous pouvez l'examiner.
If there is a vessel hiding up the river, we'll be on hand to get her as she comes down on top of the tide.
Si un vaisseau se cache en amont, nous serons prêts à nous en occuper quand il descendra à la marée.
We'll get married thanks to her.
Nous allons nous marier, grâce à elle.
She does not get up until about 10 : 00 in the evening, so we'll probably have to wait awhile before we can talk to her.
Elle ne se lève pas avant 10 : 00 du soir, donc nous devrons probablement l'attendre un moment avant que nous puissions lui parler.
Well, we'll see her when we get there.
On verra en arrivant. Ils l'amènent.
Then we'll get to her.
Elle ensuite.
You keep her in bed for a few days... then we'll get her to the office and really see.
Qu'elle garde le lit quelques jours, puis nous verrons tout ça au cabinet.
Make a note of that. We'll get a Teletype out on her.
We'll just step into the next room. I'll get her ready.
Nous passons à côté et je vais la faire préparer.
We must get her to a hospital at once. We'll have to operate.
Il faut Phospitaliser et Popérer.
Give her a little gas or we'll never get out of here.
Donne un peu plus de gaz autrement on n'en finira pas!
When we get to the next stop, I'll fix her bottle.
Au prochain arrêt, je lui ferai un biberon.
I'll send the old man's widow her share And then we'll get a place all our own.
Je vais envoyer sa part à la veuve du vieux et... nous nous achèterons notre maison.
We'll get her an ensemble from top to bottom. Inside out too.
On va l'habiller de la tête aux pieds.
Take her out on a date. We'll get two other girls and we'll go stepping.
On l'invite à sortir et on trouve deux autres filles.
Even if we had all our strength, we'll never get her off this mud.
Même avec toutes nos forces, nous ne pourrions sortir de cette boue.
We'll soon get her well Now take me to see her
Nous la guérirons, menez-moi près d'elle
We try to get her, we'll be wasting our time.
C'est peine perdue de lui demander. Elle me hait.
We'll get her whether you give her to us or not, so don't take too long.
Nous l'aurons, que vous nous la donniez ou non. Ne prenez pas trop de temps.
- Yeah, we'll get her anyway.
- De toute façon, on l'aura.
The faster we get out of her the sooner she'll get to bed
Plus vite on part, plus vite tu seras au lit.
As soon as we get there, we'll rush in, grab her and carry her away to safety.
Dès qu'on y est, on s'empare d'elle et on l'emmène en lieu sûr.
We'll get the timber, and we'll put her right back up.
Nous aurons le bois pour la rebâtir.
If you keep her, we'll tear this platform apart to get her back!
Sinon on mettra cette plateforme en pièces pour la récupérer.
Take her out a little farther, then we'll get the net over the side.
Un peu plus loin, on jettera le filet.
We'll get to know each other like young lovers do, then I'll take her back to my place so that we can... screw!
Nous apprendrons à nous connaître comme de jeunes tourtereaux, ensuite je l'emmènerai chez moi pour qu'on puisse... s'envoyer en l'air!
We'll stop by Cherry's house and get her suitcase.
On va passer chez Cherry pour prendre sa valise.
Talk, or we'll get it out of her.
Parle, ou on le sortira d'elle.
Apparently, we'll have to get a little tough with her.
Il va falloir être ferme.
We'll have to drug her to get her to Paris.
Il faudra l'anesthésier pour l'emmener à Paris.
We'll top her off when we get her out on the runway.
On finira de remplir le réservoir sur la piste.
OK, we'll get Bonnie and take her with us.
On l'emmènera avec nous.
We'll get her that new hearing aid.
Elle aura son appareil acoustique.
we'll get her back 25
we'll get through this together 19
we'll get through this 109
we'll get' em 26
we'll get there 126
we'll get you there 19
we'll get through it 33
we'll get by 19
we'll get back to you 40
we'll get started 16
we'll get through this together 19
we'll get through this 109
we'll get' em 26
we'll get there 126
we'll get you there 19
we'll get through it 33
we'll get by 19
we'll get back to you 40
we'll get started 16
we'll get it done 28
we'll get him 150
we'll get him back 23
we'll get married 30
we'll get right on it 22
we'll get to that 62
we'll get to the bottom of this 23
we'll get you out 39
we'll get it back 20
we'll get you out of here 38
we'll get him 150
we'll get him back 23
we'll get married 30
we'll get right on it 22
we'll get to that 62
we'll get to the bottom of this 23
we'll get you out 39
we'll get it back 20
we'll get you out of here 38