Weighing in at traduction Français
94 traduction parallèle
Weighing in at 192 pounds, in his double-knit corrective slacks.
Il pèse 88 kilos tout habillé dans sa gaine de maintien.
In this corner, wearing black trunks, weighing in at one-fifty-nine and three quarters, the number one contender,
Dans ce coin, en short noir, 72 kilos 500 sur la balance, le challenger numéro un,
And his opponent on my right, wearing white trunks, weighing in at en even one-hundred-fifty-six pounds, the popular up and coming new-comer, New York City's own,
Et son rival à ma droite, short blanc, 71 kilos sur la balance, déjà célébre et prometteur, qui file tout droit vers la gloire
In the white corner, from Lodi, California... weighing in at 21 7 and a half pounds...
Dans ce coin, de Lodi, Californie, et pesant 98 kilos,
- weighing in at 1 77 pounds...
- pesant 80 kilos. - 79 kilos!
In this corner, the challenger, weighing in at 158 and a quarter pounds,
Dans ce coin-ci, le challenger, 72 kg à la pesée,
On my left, out of the blue corner, hailing from Chicago, weighing in at an even 235lb, the world's no.1 challenger...
À ma gauche, dans le coin bleu, il vient de Chicago, il pèse exactement 107 kilos, le challenger n ° 1 du titre mondial,...
Now entering the arena, three-time state champion from the Nimitz Academy weighing in at 200 pounds
Et maintenant sur le ring, le triple champion de la Nimitz Academy accusant 100 kg à la pesée.
Now entering the arena, weighing in at 195 wild and woolly pounds, Hamilton's own Todd "The Wolf" Howard!
Et maintenant, accusant 97 kg de poils à la pesée, la mascotte de Hamilton, Todd Howard le Loup-Garou!
Weighing in at 242 very impressive pounds, the present world heavyweight champion,
Il pèse 110 kilos! Voici l'impressionnant champion du monde poids lourds
Nina and Annie were doing great, right on schedule and weighing in at 128 and 132 pounds respectively.
- Non, ça va, merci. - Un bretzel?
Ladies and gentlemen, the main contest this evening is between, in the blue corner weighing in at 88 and a half kilos, Alan Lefevre.
Mesdames et messieurs, Ie combat phare de ce soir va opposer, dans le coin bleu, accusant 88,5 kg à la pesée, Alain Lefèvre!
And his opponent this evening, in the red corner weighing in at 88 kilos, Julot Gaultier.
Son adversaire de ce soir, dans le coin rouge, accusant 88 kg à la pesée, Julot Gaultier!
In the blue corner, wearing white trunks, weighing in at a mere 140 pounds,
On veut faire interner notre pote. Motif? Je suis un scatophile-dépressif sous Prozac.
In the gold shorts... "weighing in at 125 pounds" - -
Dans le maillot jaune... pesant 56,25 kilos...
In this corner, the contender and former heavyweight champion of the world... weighing in at 213 pounds... with a record of 31 and 0 with 25 knockouts...
Dans ce coin, le challenger et ex-champion du monde... pesant 213 livres... 31 victoires et 0 défaites avec 25 K.O...
His opponent, weighing in at 2051 / 2 pounds... with a record of26 and 0 with 23 knockouts... the current heavyweight champion of the world...
Son adversaire... pesant 205 livres et demie... 26 victoires et 0 défaites avec 23 K.O... le champion du monde actuel...
First, the champion. With a record of 45 wins and no losses, standing six foot ten, and weighing in at 260 pounds,
Un record de 45 victoires et aucune défaite, mesurant 2 m 10 pour 118 kg,
Undefeated in his three times in the ring, he hails from parts unknown. Standing six feet tall, weighing in at a mean 178 pounds,
Invaincu lors de ses 3 combats sur le ring, il vient de nulle part et mesure 1 m 80 pour 81 kg :
[Cheering] In this corner, weighing in at 1 89 pounds from Washington, D.C....
Dans ce coin, pour un poids de 70 kilos, venant de Washington,
- [Applause] And entering in the far corner... weighing in at 7 1 pounds from Columbus, Ohio... Sadie "The Terror" Muckle.
Et faisant son entrée de l'autre côté, pour un poids de 26 kilos, venant de Columbus, Ohio, Sadie "la terreur" Muckle.
... in the west corner, weighing in at 230 pounds... wearing the green trunks with the gold trim... he's undefeated with eight wins and no losses. Representing the State Prison at Loda... the great white hope, Vern Van Zant!
Dans le coin ouest, 104 kilos, short vert et or, invaincu, 8 victoires, zéro défaite, de la prison de Lodi, le grand espoir blanc, Vern van Zant!
Now in the east corner... he's also undefeated and defending champion... with a record of 67 wins and no losses... weighing in at 191 pounds... wearing the burgundy trunks with the black trim...
Dans le coin est, également invaincu, tenant du titre, 67 victoires, zéro défaite, 87 kilos, short bordeaux et noir,
Now put your hands together, my friends... for our favorite son... Sweetwater's defending champion... undefeated, with a prison record... of 68 wins, no losses, weighing in at 199 pounds... wearing the burgundy trunks with the black trim...
Mes amis, applaudissez bien fort notre chouchou, champion en titre de Sweetwater, invaincu, 68 victoires en prison, zéro défaite, 90 kg, short bordeaux et noir.
Weighing in at 205... the former heavyweight champion of the world...
93 kg, ex-champion du monde poids lourds,
Paulino Ribas, unemployed and weighing in at 80 kilos.
Paulino Ribas, chômeur de 80 kilos.
In the blue corner, weighing in at 134.75 lbs, from Seoul, South Korea ranked number one in the world WBA. Deuk Gu Kim!
Dans le coin bleu, avec un poids de 61,12 Kg, venant de Séoul, en Corée du sud, et N ° 1 au classement WBA, Kim Duk-koo!
New to our arena, coming in at six feet and weighing in at 178 pounds, the marvelous Monty Cora!
Il est nouveau sur notre ring, il mesure 1 m 80 et pèse 80 kg : voici le formidable Monty Cora.
I just don't need anyone weighing in at the 11th hour thinking I need taking care of.
J'ai pas besoin que quelqu'un m'aide et s'occupe de moi.
In this corner, weighing in at 110 pounds, and pushing 89 years of age, the recent recipient of a brand-new plastic hip,
Dans ce coin, pesant 50 kilos et âgé de 89 ans, récipiendaire récent d'une belle hanche en plastique,
And in the red corner, standing at a towering 6'4 ", weighing in at a monstrous 265 pounds...
Et à ma gauche, imposant du haut de ses 1 m 93, un colosse de 120 kg- -
Now making his entrance into the ring in the red corner... wearing gold with green... officially weighing in at 153 and one half pounds...
A présent, arrivant sur le ring, dans le coin rouge... vêtu de vert et or... et pesant officiellement 69,4 kg, le gagnant de...
Heading to the plate, weighing in at 380 pounds...
Et le voilà qui s'avance, avec ses 180 kilos...
Standing at 3 foot 7... weighing in at 47 pounds of strapping lefty... digs in.
Mesurant 1 m 15... pesant 22 kilos, le grand gaucher... prends ses aises.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5... In the red corner, weighing in at 63.5 kilos,
Dans le coin bleu, pesé à 63 Kg,
Weighing in at an easy 400 pounds.
Au pesage, il devait faire au moins 180 kilos.
And the draw weight on this bow is set at 25 pounds, which would mean our shooter is roughly weighing in at about a hundred.
Et la puissance de l'arc est réglée à 11 kg, ce qui signifierait que notre tireur pèse dans les 50.
Fighting out of the blue corner, weighing in at 205 pounds, the former light heavyweight champion,
Dans le coin bleu, pesant 205 livres, l'ancien champion des poids légers,
Weighing in at a whopping six pounds.
Il pèse bien trois kilos.
Weighing in at 252 pounds -
... on a 252 livres...
That's all right with me if I can be there at the weighing in.
C'est parfait si je fais la pesée moi-même.
In fact, someone... ] [... who saw things at first hand, was weighing him up carefully... ] [... and attaching increasing importance to the brilliantine that Peppone... ] [... had slapped on his hair since the day she arrived. ]
D'ailleurs, une personne intéressée de près le mesurait très exactement au poids croissant de la brillantine que Peppone s'appliquait sur la tête depuis l'arrivée de la dame.
For a spaceship weighing 100,000 tons at a speed close to the speed of light to fly over a part of the Galaxy in a reasonable for a human life time, it will take you 10 in the 22nd power tons
Etant donné le poids du vaisseau 100000 tonnes, la vitesse proche de celle de la lumière, pour contourner une partie de la galaxie en un laps de temps raisonnable pour une vie humaine vous aurez besoin de 10 puissance 22 tonnes
In this corner, weighing in... at 225 pounds... the former heavyweight champion of the world...
Dans ce coin... pesant 110 kg... l'ancien champion du monde poids lourd...
Six-times number one, in the World Lightweight Championship, and Z-time international Chinese-boxing champion, from Montreal, Quebec, measuring 6 feet, weighing in at 169 pounds
And in the red corner, weighing at 134.25 lbs, from Youngstown, Ohio and currently the world WBA champion Ray Boom Boom Mancini!
Et dans le coin rouge, avec 60,90 Kg à la pesée, de Youngstone dans l'Ohio, et détenteur du titre de champion du monde WBA, Ray Boom Boom Mancini!
And in the blue corner, the reigning 5 time's heavy weight champion of the world! Standing at 6 ft 4 inches, weighing at 225 pounds. Our own king of the fighter gate champion...
Du côté bleu, 5 fois champion du monde poids lourd, mesurant 1 mètre 92, pesant 102 kilogrammes, le roi du combat sans règle,
Now making his entrance into the ring in the red corner... wearing gold with green... officially weighing in at 153 and one half pounds... the winner of 39 professional bouts... including 35 knockouts, a three-time world champion... the pride of Pomona, California... the reigning and defending...
A présent, arrivant sur le ring... dans le coin rouge, vêtu de vert et or... Le voilà! Ouais!
In the blue corner weighing in at 63 kilos,
Au centre!
The champion in red weighing in this morning at 156 lbs.
Ce match opposera le champion en titre, il pèse 71 kg.
The challenger in blue. Also weighing in this morning at 156 lbs.
Son adversaire, qui est passé à la pesée ce matin, pèse aussi 71 kg.
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