Which i didn't traduction Français
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Flashing all that money which I didn't know until this morning came from your publishers.
Tout cet argent qui venait de votre éditeur.
I didn't know that the pot had a map which tells the hiding place of the one million ryo...
Je ne savais pas qu'une carte y était peinte.
I mean, when you told Ken you did, which you didn't, of course - Well, why did you?
Tu as dit à Ken que c'était toi... pourquoi faire ça?
I mean, if you said you did, which you didn't - Well, I mean you did say it, but you didn't do it.
Tu as dit que c'était toi... tu l'as dit, mais c'était pas toi.
And Leon, I want to tell you something which I thought I would never say... which I thought nobody ever should say, because I didn't think it exists.
Je voudrais vous dire quelque chose que je pensais ne jamais dire. Je pensais que personne ne devait le dire. Que cela n'existait pas.
If I had written, which I didn't... do you suppose I'd say a word to my cousins against my husband?
Paul, si j'avais écrit - ce que je n'ai pas fait - crois-tu que j'aurais dit du mal de mon mari?
You understand, I didn't try, but it seemed to me that one of them wanted the other one to do something but I couldn't tell who wanted who to do what to which.
- Pas vraiment, et... j'ai pas essayé. L'un semblait demander à l'autre... de faire quelque chose. Qui demandait quoi?
He wanted his aunt's will, which I didn't have.
Il voulait le testament de sa tante, que je n'avais pas.
- If I didn't have a date with John Truett... which I have... - A real one.
- Un vrai.
I didn't expect you to tell me which.
Vous ne le direz pas.
A home which I didn't even have at home, so why should I want to go home?
Un chez moi mieux que chez moi! Pourquoi irais-je chez moi?
I didn't know which room it was except it was on the second floor, like Leroy said.
Je savais seulement que c'était au premier, comme Leroy m'avait dit.
One of my men brought me that golden fleece which I didn't know belonged to you, and... and this message, which I was going to read just when you came in.
Un de mes hommes venait de me remettre cette Toison d'Or que j'ignorais être la vôtre... et ce message que je m'apprêtais à lire lorsque vous êtes entré chez moi.
But you love your husband, and the crisis is over, therefore, any further talk of my love for you, which you hope that I didn't mean seriously, must naturally stop at this moment, right?
Mais vous aimez votre mari, la crise est finie et toute autre déclaration d'amour de ma part, que vous préférez croire non sincère, serait très malvenue, c'est ça?
I've waited a long time for that order, sir, which, of course, I didn't hear.
Ça fait longtemps que j'attends cet ordre que, bien sûr, je n'ai pas entendu.
I didn't know what to do, which way to turn.
Je ne savais plus quoi faire.
I didn't wait to see which train she took, sir.
Je n'ai pas attendu de voir quel train elle a pris.
I was very worried... and didn't know which way to go.
J'étais très inquiète et ne savais quel chemin prendre.
Or rather that I did, which is why I didn't become a priest.
En fait, j'ai renoncé parce que je l'avais.
- Very curious. I didn't realize I was so popular. Oh, I'm afraid so, which is why I was curious enough to meet you before you die, which will be very shortly in passing.
C'est pourquoi je voulais vous voir avant votre mort... qui ne saurait tarder.
I didn't forget. But whether I'm alive or dead, I don't know which one.
Je n'oublie pas, mais je ne sais plus bien si je suis vivant ou mort.
But you were in such a hurry that I didn't dare take the time to decide which one I really wanted.
Mais tu étais si pressé... que je n'ai pas pris le temps de décider qui je voulais vraiment.
He was disappointed he didn't see you but he left these flowers for you, which I think was quite considerate.
Il était déçu de ne pas te voir... mais il a laissé ces fleurs pour toi, ce qui est plutôt attentionné.
There were other reasons which I didn't understand.
Je crois qu'il y avait d'autres choses... que je ne comprends pas.
And though it is with some regret that I finally satisfy the greed of my relatives I nevertheless do devise and bequeath that my entire estate be divided equally between my fourth cousin, George Crossfield in order that he no longer need borrow from his clients'funds my niece, Rosamund Shane in order that she may support her husband in the style to which he would like to be accustomed to my nephew, Hector Enderby, in order that he may be able to afford to hunt every day, rather than once a week thereby providing more opportunity for breaking his neck and finally, my sister, Cora Lansquenet out of gratitude that she stayed out of the country for 30 years and didn't bother me.
C'est avec regret que je satisfais enfin la cupidité de ma famille. Malgré ça tous mes biens seront partagés également entre mon cousin éloigné George Crossfield afin qu'il ne touche plus à l'argent de ses clients, et à ma nièce, Rosamund Shane, afin qu'elle puisse entretenir son mari dans le style de vie qu'il voudrait être le sien.
Amadeo persuaded me, in order to keep the apartment, which was very nice ‒ a little far away, but since I had the motorcycle now, I didn't really care.
Amadeo m'a convaincu que pour garder l'appartement, Un bel appartement, juste un peu excentré. Mais comme avec la moto, je n'ai pas à prendre le tram, ça m'est égal.
I was so mad, I didn't realise I don't have one. Until I was out the door which Mrs. Kravitz childishly locked behind me.
J'ai réalisé que je n'en avais pas, une fois dehors, quand Mme Kravitz m'a mis à la porte.
I didn't know which one you'd prefer, so I brought an assortment.
Je ne savais pas lequel tu choisirais, alors j'ai apporté un assortiment.
He begged me not to tell Miss Kate, which I didn't.
Il m'a supplié de ne rien à Mlle Kate, et je n'ai rien dit.
It lay right between two armies, one German and one American. I provided the German army with its field-of-fire, which it didn't need at all.
Elle se trouvait entre deux armées, une allemande et une américaine, et je procurai à l'armée allemande son champ de tir, inutile.
You bought me an expensive meal and gave me a fiver for services which I didn't render.
Vous me payez un bon repas et vous me donnez 5 £ pour rien.
He gave an address in Ealing, which didn't exist, and a name, with which I doubt he was baptized,
Il a donné une adresse à Ealing qui n'existe pas, et un nom dont je doute qu'il ait été baptisé,
How did they know which train I was on? They didn't.
- On ignorait dans quel train j'étais?
Look, why don't we cut through all this and get to the point, which is : Why didn't I call you when I got back from Kentucky?
Arrêtons et venons-en au fait, c'est-à-dire... pourquoi n'ai-je pas appelé à mon retour?
I often think of our day on the Downs and the leaves on which we lay. I didn't mind getting wet. I saw the clouds beyond you.
Le jour où nous étions couchés sur les feuilles, ça m'était égal d'être mouillée, je voyais les nuages au-dessus de toi.
- I'd like to link that to the art of war which the film didn't cover.
- Relions-le à l'art de la guerre... chose qu'il ne couvrait pas.
when I suddenly realized that Françoise didn't fear what she might learn about me, but something I might have discovered about her, something which was only dawning on me at that very moment.
Quand tout à coup, je compris que la confusion de Françoise ne venait pas de ce qu'elle apprenait de moi, mais de ce qu'elle devinait que j'apprenais d'elle, et que je découvrais seulement en ce moment.
- Didn't I say which bag it was?
- Je n'ai pas dit quel sac?
I didn't think the total volume of blood could solidify that fast. I hoped maybe one crucial clot might form in the brain, which was what made them go insane, and then the rest of the blood clot more slowly.
Je croyais qu'un caillot se formait dans le cerveau et les rendait dingues, puis que ça se propageait.
I didn't so much like the latter part of the Book which is more like all preachy talking than fighting and the old in-out.
J'aimais moins le reste... où il y avait plus de sermons... que de bagarres et de parties de va-et-vient.
I didn't know which one to lie with.
Je ne savais plus avec laquelle coucher d ´ abord.
I told her there was only room for one of you on the Portland team and I didn't care which one.
Je lui ai dit qu'une seule de vous deux pouvait rester â Portland, peu importe laquelle.
With the due respect, I didn't mean these boneshackers but some things which can shoot.
Avec le respect que je vous dois, je ne voulais pas dire ces antiquités mais quelque chose qui peut tirer.
Since he became the convicted criminal Fabrizio Lener, I've been suffering it as a wound in my heart, which didn't heal yet and will never heal, never!
Depuis qu'il est devenu le criminel reconnu coupable Fabrizio Lener, je souffre comme d'une une plaie dans mon cœur, qui n'est pas soignée et qui ne guérira jamais, jamais!
I stayed with her until I graduated high school, which was a year ago, and there didn't seem to be anything much holding'me back, so I decided now is the time to move around and find out what was going on.
C'était il y a un an et comme rien ne semblait me retenir... j'ai décidé qu'il était temps de bouger et de voir ce qui se passe.
I got a Coke and Fresca and a Tab. I didn't know which one you'd like.
J'ai un Coca, une boisson au citron et un Tab.
I mean, I got involved in a lot of things which I wish I didn't get involved in.
J'ai été mêlé á un tas de trucs auxquels j'aurais préféré ne pas être mêlé.
Which is still flushing, but I didn't jiggle it because I know you like to do that when you come home.
Ça fuit encore d'ailleurs, mais je ne l'ai pas secoué... parce que je sais que tu aimes le faire quand tu rentres à la maison.
You didn't ask me this time which friend I meant.
Tu ne me demandes pas cette fois de quelle amie je parle.
Or I wandered through the city with her, which she didn't know well enough.
Parfois, je lui faisais découvrir la ville, qu'elle ne connaissait pas assez.
But if I'm a god, which of course I am, why didn't I think of that? .
Mais si je suis un dieu, - ce que je suis, bien sûr - pourquoi n'ai-je pas pensé à ça?
which is 1139
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which i did 99
which is why you're here 18
which is ridiculous 24
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is understandable 21
which is a shame 22
which is better 26
which i did 99
which is why you're here 18
which is ridiculous 24
which is why 260
which is which 28
which is nice 40
which is great 112
which is ironic 37
which is weird 83
which is what 194
which is funny 28
which is worse 21
which is awesome 34
which is to say 26
which is cool 36
which i don't 84
which is ironic 37
which is weird 83
which is what 194
which is funny 28
which is worse 21
which is awesome 34
which is to say 26
which is cool 36
which i don't 84