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Who wrote it traduction Français

441 traduction parallèle
On account of I wouldn't tell them who wrote it.
Je leur ai dit que je ne leur dirais pas qui l'avait écrite.
Who wrote it?
Qui a écrit ça?
The Chief Inspector of Police of our own city wanted to know who wrote it.
L'inspecteur voulait connaître l'auteur.
Now, folks, we have a little number written especially for tonight... sung by the boys who wrote it.
Voici un numéro écrit pour l'occasion et chanté par ses auteurs.
The poet who wrote it was certainly wrong. It's bright ahead.
Drôle d'idée d'écrire pareille chose.
- Who wrote it?
- Qui a écrit ceci?
It pleased me and now I want to find out who wrote it.
Je veux savoir qui l'a écrite.
If you give me the letter, I will be able to tell from the handwriting exactly who wrote it.
Donnez-moi la lettre pour que je vous dise qui l'a écrite à partir de l'écriture.
I'm sorry, but why does it interest you so much to know who wrote it?
Pourquoi voulez-vous savoir qui l'a écrite?
- She would have discovered who wrote it.
Elle aurait pu trouver celle qu'il a écrite.
However, would you be able to tell me the name of the person who wrote it?
Excusez-moi, qui a écrit cette lettre?
Was it you who wrote it?
C'est vous qui l'avez écrite?
- Then who wrote it?
Et qui l'a écrite?
Who wrote it?
De qui est-il?
Was it you who wrote it?
C'est votre revue, n'est-ce pas?
That song, they tell me it made a million bucks for the fella who wrote it.
Le compositeur a empoché un million de dollars.
Who wrote it?
Qui l'a écrite?
- Who wrote it? - It's mine.
- Ecris par qui?
Who wrote it?
Qui est l'auteur?
- Never mind who wrote it.
- Peu importe.
Will you tell me who wrote it?
Tu vas me dire qui a écrit ça?
- Will you please tell me who wrote it?
- Dis-le-moi, s'il te plaît!
The ancient sorcerers who wrote it knew their information... was far too valuable to entrust to any known language.
Les sorciers qui l'ont écrit... l'ont rédigé en style cryptique.
Who wrote it here?
Qui a écrit ça?
- Didn't he say who wrote it? .
Il n'a pas dit qui l'avait écrite?
Mr Brixan would like to know, what script this page is from, and who wrote it
Mr Brixan aimerait savoir, de quel script est issu ceci et qui l'a écrit.
But the ones who wrote it are real brains.
Mais ceux qui l'ont écrit sont de vrais cerveaux.
Nothing interesting. It was just a fool who wrote it.
C'est un imbécile qui a écrit ceci, rien d'intéressant.
Who wrote it?
Qui l'a ecrit?
- Who wrote it?
- De quel auteur?
Oh, I only wrote the letter. It's my grandfather who did it.
Je n'ai fait qu'écrire la lettre que mon grand-père m'a dictée.
- Ah no, lovers who wrote names always laughed at others doing it.
Les amoureux qui veulent graver leur nom, se moquent toujours de ceux qui ont fait comme eux!
You know, the more I think of it, the fella who wrote that poem... - You know, your favourite? - Mm-hm.
Plus j'y pense, le type qui a écrit ce poème... celui que tu préfères... il a dû penser à nous.
Yes, but think about it, poor thing. Why would I want to give that monster reason to bother the angel who wrote me such a nice letter?
Tu trouves ça juste de créer des problèmes à l'ange qui m'a envoyé une lettre si gentille?
No one will ever know that it wasn't me who wrote the letter to Alfredo Hartman.
Personne ne le saura que je n'ai pas écrit la lettre.
If you manage to discover who wrote this letter, there's another 200 lire in it for you.
Si vous découvrez l'auteur de cette lettre, je vous donnerai 200 Lires.
Who wrote it?
- Qui l'a écrit?
It was me who wrote that letter.
C'est moi qui écris ses lettres.
But what a scoop it'd be! The guy who wrote The Bachelor's Bible getting hooked.
Tu vois l'auteur de La Bible du célibataire se marier!
Who wrote it?
Qui l'a écrit?
It was flip who wrote you all those letters.
Ah oui! Ne vous emballez pas. C'est Flip qui les écrivait.
"And I knew that they had somehow known it too they : Those patient, stubborn men who argued and wrote and fought and came up with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights."
"J'ai compris qu'ils le savaient eux aussi - eux : ces hommes obstinés qui écrivirent, luttèrent et créèrent la Constitution et les dix amendements."
Do you know who wrote that? ─ No. Neither do I. But it wasn't a little man.
Je l'ignore, mais c'était sans doute un grand homme.
Tying one script to another... with descriptions of the man who wrote them... his life here at home... and then how different it became during the war.
Relier les scripts ensemble, en décrivant l'homme qui les a écrits, sa vie ici chez lui, et la façon dont tout a changé avec la guerre.
And how well is she who wrote and signed it not.
Et combien même, c'est elle qui l'a écrit et qu'elle a signé non.
- Wasn't it you who wrote this?
- Ce n'est pas toi qui a écrit ça?
It the revealed word of the Almighty God, spake to the men who wrote the Bible.
C'est la parole révélée du Dieu Tout-Puissant. Il a parlé aux hommes qui ont rédigé la Bible.
There's a lot of injustice in the art too I wrote 13 social comedies and they've been always refused by envy, if you want I've a list of bad guys you have to punish it's me who had this great honour,
Et dans l'art, il y a beaucoup d'injustices. J'ai écrit 13 excellentes comédies, elles ont été rejetées par jalousie. J'ai une liste de méchantes personnes qui mériteraient de mourir.
Me, who used to obey silently and silently to die, it has been 4 years since I'm inside here, where by incredible tortures, they try to persuade me that I am lunatic... but, since I'm not mad, I wrote my memorials... but, not being this a sufficient evidence in order to be reliable,
J'obéis en silence et en silence je mourrai, ça fait 4 ans que je suis interné ici, ils emploient des tortures incroyables pour me convaincre que je suis fou. Mais puisque je ne suis pas fou, j'ai écrit un mémorial, mais comme ce n'est pas une preuve crédible je demande à tous ceux qui m'ont bien connu lorsque j'étais en activité, qu'ils soient honnêtes ou criminels :
- I was just wondering who wrote a bit of verse and then remembered it was I.
- Quoi? - Je cherchais l'auteur de vers et je me suis rappelée que c'était moi.
Was it'im or was it not'im wrote to a old American blighter named Wallingford... who was giving five millions to found Moral Reform societies... to tell him the most original moralis in England was Mr. Alfred P. Doolittle... a common dustma
C'est lui ou pas lui qu'a écrit a l'individu Wallingford... celui qu'a donné 5 millions pour la réforme morale de la société? Il y a dit qu'Alfred Doolittle, un bouseux, était le plus grand moraliste.

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