You'll get it traduction Français
7,257 traduction parallèle
So when you get home, it'll just be the two of us.
Donc, quand tu rentres à la maison, on sera juste tous les deux.
You'll get the hang of it once you have kids of your own.
Tu t'y feras très bien quand tu auras tes propres enfants.
It's a good job. You'll get promoted.
C'est un bon boulot et tu vas être promu.
Your phone doesn't work there but you'll get it when you come back.
Je sais que ton téléphone ne marche pas en Suisse, mais tu le trouveras en rentrant.
Although if you embrace it and get matching tramp stamps and implants, you'll be all set for your lucrative post-high school career hanging from poles at the spearmint rhino.
Bien que si tu l'adoptes et obtenez des tatouages similaires en bas du dos et des implants, tu seras prête pour ta future carrière bien payée suspendue à des poteaux au Spearmint rhino.
I promise you'll get it back once you've talked to him.
Vous le récupérerez après l'entretien.
Well, I'll let you all get to it.
Bon, je vous laisse vous y mettre.
You'll get used to it.
Vous vous y habituerez. En quelque sorte.
You're just gonna fall more in love with her, then you're gonna get married, and then you'll eventually get divorced, and you'll be sad and lonely, I'll have to hear about it.
Tu vas juste être encore plus fou d'elle, puis vous vous marierez, et puis vous divorcerez finalement, et tu seras triste et seul, et je devrai encore t'écouter.
Well, then, honey, I'm sure you'll get it.
Eh bien, alors, chérie, je suis sûre que tu l'auras.
You get all starey and non-blinky like that, it'll undermine you and me, but mainly him.
Vos regards vides, votre mollesse, vont nous déstabiliser, surtout lui.
You dropped it. I'll get it.
- Tu l'as fait tomber.
You'll get it back.
Tu le récupéreras.
This commercial is happening whether you like it or not. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go back and get into my mentally unstable character.
Et tout aussi malheureusement, ils ont dû appeler les pompiers.
You'll get it eventually.
Vous l'aurez à la fin.
You'll get it when we're done.
Tu les auras quand on aura fini.
Maybe it'll get you beaten up like Jin Liao.
Peut-être que tu seras battu comme Jin Liao.
Guys, it'll never ever happen just sitting on your couch, whether you go with us or you go with someone else or you, I don't care, get on a plane and just go over there yourself.
Mais ça n'arrivera jamais si vous restez sur vos canapés. Que vous partiez avec nous ou avec quelqu'un d'autre... Peu importe.
See, it's sarcasm like that that'll get you strung up.
Tu vois, c'est ce genre de sarcasme, qui peuvent te faire lyncher.
And girls will talk and they'll get jealous, and, yes, it's possible they may even try to slock you in your sleep, but ignore them.
Les autres filles bavasseront et seront jalouses, et voudront sans doute vous agresser dans votre sommeil. Mais ignorez-les.
I'll get you through it as quick as I can, little daughter.
Je vais faire le plus vite possible, ma petite fille.
You'll get it all back when you and Phillip are married.
Tu récupéreras tout quand Phillip et toi serez mariés.
And it'll help you get back on your feet.
Ça t'aidera à te remettre sur pieds.
We'll do our best to get it back for you.
Nous allons faire de notre mieux pour vous le ramener.
You'll get used to it.
Vous vous habituerez.
You'll never get to it in time.
Tu n'y arriveras jamais à temps.
How does it feel today, knowing you'll probably never get to hit that? Sad.
Comment vous sentez-vous aujourd'hui, sachant que vous ne pourrez probablement plus le voir.
Guys, look, I'll give you 2 grand if you try to get it out.
Les gars, je vous donne 2 000 $ si vous la retirez.
I'll allow it on this occasion, as it's good for you to get to know the routine should you ever need to go on for Tony - which you won't.
Je passe l'éponge pour cette fois, comme tu dois connaître les lieux au cas où tu remplaces un jour Tony, ce qui n'arrivera pas.
Oh, sorry, it just needs stitching, I'll get you a plaster.
Désolée, il est à raccommoder. Je te cherche un pansement.
You'll get used to it.
Tu vas t'y habituer.
Look at it this way, you'll get to spend time with your kid.
Regarde-le de cette façon, tu vas pouvoir passer du temps avec ton enfant.
Leave when it's stopped without an elemental, and you'll get transcendental sickness and die.
Si tu descends à l'arrêt sans un élémentaire, tu tomberas malade et tu mourras.
Do you want to be vice president of the United States of America for the next four years, because that's how long it'll take for her to lose interest in you once I get done destroying you.
Veux-tu être Vice Président des Etats-Unis d'Amérique Pour les quatre années à venir, parce-que c'est le temps que ça lui prendra pour perdre tout intérêt pour toi une fois que j'aurais fini de te détruire.
Whatever it is, I'll get you medicine A.S.A.P.
Quoi que ce soit, je vais vite te chercher des médicaments.
Let them go, and I'll get it for you.
Laisse-les partir, et je te l'apporterai.
so you might as well just get it over with now, and maybe I'll leave you alone.
donc tu voudrais peut-être faire ça maintenant pour en finir, et peut-être, je te laisserai tranquille.
How long do you think it'll take Mr. Rathman to get there?
En combien de temps, pensez-vous, que Mr Rathman pourra être là?
No, it'll be good for you to get out, forget about all this for a few hours, huh?
Ça va te faire du bien de sortir, ne plus penser à ça pendant quelques heures, hein?
You ran away from the only love you've ever had, and now you fear you'll never get it back.
Tu t'enfuis devant le seul amour que tu as jamais eu, et maintenant tu as peur tu ne le récupèrera jamais.
I'll leave it unlocked, you get in, take care of the Colonel and his wife, and then we'll have a little chat with Doyle.
Je la laisserai ouverte, tu entres, tu t'occupes du Colonel et de sa femme, et après on aura une petite discussion avec Doyle.
Ah, you'll get used to it.
Tu t'y feras.
I'll just write you a note and get you out of it.
Je vais te faire un mot d'excuse.
If you actually use it, I'll get you the same one.
Si vous vous en servez, vous aurez le même.
You'll finally get it.
Vous allez enfin comprendre.
Look. If there's a war coming, promise me you'll go before you get caught up in it.
Si la guerre arrive, promets-moi que tu partiras avant d'être embarqué là-dedans.
You're both gonna get plenty of attention individually, but it is a fact, as a team, you'll be twice as famous.
♪ Je ccurs toujours ♪ ♪ Je cours toujours ♪ ♪ Tu as rompu les liens ♪
Speaking of F-M-L, went on a third date. to keep you guys updated, third time, went for the kiss, third time rejected, but I'll try... I'll get it.
En parlant de VDM, j'ai été à un troisième rendez-vous avec cette fille de Meetic, je vous tiens au courant, troisième fois, essayé de l'embrasser, rejeté pour la troisième fois, mais je réessaierai, je l'aurai.
Yeah, I'm sure it sucks to get arrested, but I'll tell you what, it's pretty sucky over here, too.
Je suis sûre que ça craint d'être arrêtée, mais tu sais quoi, ici aussi ça craint.
You're angry now, but you'll get over it.
Tu es en en colère maintenant, mais tu passeras à autre chose
Leave a message, and I'll get back to you. Hey, it's me.
C'est moi.
you'll get it back 37
you'll get over it 77
you'll get used to it 167
you'll get your money 42
you'll get through it 16
you'll get there 74
you'll get the hang of it 36
you'll get your turn 17
you'll get through this 24
you'll get killed 24
you'll get over it 77
you'll get used to it 167
you'll get your money 42
you'll get through it 16
you'll get there 74
you'll get the hang of it 36
you'll get your turn 17
you'll get through this 24
you'll get killed 24
you'll get yours 23
you'll get sick 17
you'll get hurt 30
you'll get your chance 22
you'll get better 25
you'll get 44
you'll get yourself killed 16
get it done 134
get it down 26
get it together 140
you'll get sick 17
you'll get hurt 30
you'll get your chance 22
you'll get better 25
you'll get 44
you'll get yourself killed 16
get it done 134
get it down 26
get it together 140
get it out of your system 27
get it up 68
get it now 24
get it off me 116
get it over with 136
get it right 50
get it out 253
get it off 251
get it while it's hot 20
get it going 16
get it up 68
get it now 24
get it off me 116
get it over with 136
get it right 50
get it out 253
get it off 251
get it while it's hot 20
get it going 16