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Zip it traduction Français

595 traduction parallèle
Therefore, make sure that your mother, Representative Choi, and Gwang Soo all zip it up.
et Gwang Soo la bouclent.
- Fred? - We'd be glad to help you zip it up, baby.
On vous aidera à l'agrafer.
Zip it up, now.
Remonte la fermeture.
Zip it and get in the car. It's been a year since my last time!
Moi, ça fait un an que, alors tu remontes là-dedans.
Suck it in and zip it up, will you?
Dégage et zippe-moi ça, tu veux?
Oh, Ethan, will you zip it up?
Ethan, tu veux te la fermer?
Oh, Melanie, zip it up.
Melanie, boucle-la.
Rene, zip it up!
Rénie, ferme là!
Hey, I already paid you for this month. Zip it.
- Je vous ai payé pour ce mois-ci.
Hey, Hundley, zip it.
Hundley, la ferme.
Zip it, pimple farm.
La ferme, boutonneux.
Hey, lady, zip it up!
Eh, la ferme, maintenant! Ecoutez.
So zip it, ya friggin'kids!
- Allez vous coucher.
- Whoa! Zip it!
I want you to zip it down.
Je voudrais que tu l'ouvres.
Zip it.
Zip it, Daisy. You fooled the shrink, butyou don't fool us.
Tu as bluffé la psy mais avec nous, ça marche pas!
Zip it up, get out of the car.
Remontez votre fermeture éclair et sortez.
Zip it!
- Helen, zip it.
- Helen, la ferme.
- Whip it, zip it and send it out! - Yeah!
Preparons-Ia, embaIIons et que ça saute!
Well, I was just standing here and zip, she went in. I couldn't help it.
Je me tenais là et elle s'est faufilée Je n'ai rien pu faire.
Look who's arriving now. It's that famous "zip" girl of the screen... the darling of the flapper set...
Regardez qui arrive l'idole de nos garçonnes,
It's a pip. Lots n'zip
Son énergie te donne la pépie
Why don't you zip up your jacket. It's gettin'a little chilly.
Ferme bien ta veste, il fait frisquet.
I'll just put all of my earnings in this suitcase and close it with one quick zip, like this.
Bien, je range mon fric dans cette valise et je la ferme vite, comme ça.
- Got the money for it, Zip?
- Tu as la tune pour ça, Zip?
Hey, Zip, it's old Willie.
Eh, Zip, c'est le vieux Willie.
Get up, get ready, the Giants won 7-zip, believe it or not.
Levez-vous. préparez-vous. les Giants ont gagné 7-O. incroyable mais vrai.
Zip that gaping hole of a mouth up, Peggy... before I plug it up with my fist.
Si tu fermes pas ta grande gueule, je te balance mon poing!
Wake me when it's time to go home. Zip-a-dee...
Réveille-moi quand c'est l'heure de rentrer.
It's Mauser, 42. Lassard, zip.
C'est 42 à zéro pour Mauser!
- Hey, zip it.
Tu la boucles!
Just made it two-zip. Ready?
Oui, deux-zéro.
We should have got that zip fixed so it was safe.
On aurait dû avoir une fermeture solide...
There's a body bag with that scud-ball's name on it. I'm doing up the zip.
Y'a un sac à cadavre vide à l'infirmerie, et y a plus qu'à le remplir!
Well, it would seem that all our old-fashioned police work has netted us zip.
Il me semble que... les méthodes traditionnelles ont fait chou blanc.
And to give it that extra zip I mix in some Spam with the ground beef.
Et pour relever le tout, j'ajoute de la viande en boîte.
Hold it. What do you mean by taking out the zip of your trousers?
C'est quoi ce laisser-aller?
I'm just going to undo your zip. It's nothing sexy!
J'ouvre juste votre chemise, ça n'a rien de sexy!
You zip it, Doris!
Boucle-la, Doris!
wol don't understand why I can't zip up this dress, it's the same one I wore at last year's dance.
Je n'arrive plus à mettre cette robe. Elle m'allait pourtant!
It was a lousy way to end up the fifth grade,'cause I had zip time to make friends before summer.
C'était dur de finir l'année ainsi... parce que je n'avais pas pu me faire d'amis avant l'été.
Zip. 100 yards past the roadblock they nailed me. I have no idea how they did it.
Ils m'ont eu 150 m après les barrages. Je me demande comment.
But it might have been on the zip-up.
Peut-être en fermant sa braguette.
I got zip out of them - no tellin'what they've been smokin'! What's it look like?
Pas pu leur faire dire quoi que ce soit, ni savoir ce qu'ils ont fumé.
You see, when I came to this town, the people had no zip... No energy. I mean, let's face it...
Quand je suis arrivé ici, les gens étaient mornes, sans énergie.
Zip-front, was it?
Une fermeture éclair devant, non?
Good heavens, we don't have much time. It's Christmas Eve! - l'll see to the dinner.
- Zip, arrête d'inventer des histoires.
- I need zippers, got it?
- ll me faut le zip, tu comprends ça?
After all that, you had the nerve to ask me to risk my life a second time during the civil war back home and, stupid me, I did it. And what did I get out of that? Nothing, nada, zip, zilch.
vous m'avez demandé de risquer ma vie une seconde fois... j'ai accepté nada.

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