And at some point traduction Portugais
556 traduction parallèle
When a child is taught, it's programmed with simple instructions, and at some point, if its mind develops properly, it exceeds the sum of what it was taught, thinks independently.
Quando uma criança é ensinada, é programada com instruções simples. A certa altura, ultrapassa aquilo que lhe foi ensinado. Pensa independentemente.
I'm afraid not. These are my operatives. - - And at some point they'll have to assist me.
Sinto que não, eles são meus colaboradores... e às vezes precisam me ajudar.
I sent two rookies down here on a case like this and at some point, they both went to the.... - They went to the bathroom.
Mandei dois recrutas para um caso desses e... e em determinado momento, ambos foram á... foram á casa de banho.
And at some point, it's gonna hit him.
E a dada altura, ele ficaria pedrado.
And at some point, everything exploded.
E a certa altura, tudo explodiu.
And at some point, you jump up front and yell, "Surprise!"
E a determinada altura, apareces e gritas, "Surpresa!".
And at some point you just have to accept that the only way those you love are gonna survive... is if you give up.
E em determinado momento temos de aceitar que a única forma de salvar os nossos entes queridos é desistir.
Max and Lou slammed into Preston and at some point Candlewell goes down.
O Max e o Lou vão contra o Preston e em algum momento o Candlewell cai.
I should have found in some place of my soul a drop of patinece but, alas, to make me the fixed figure for the time of scorn to point his slow and moving finger at.
Mas, ai! Na estátua móvel transformar-me... que com o dedo que aos poucos se desloca... marca a hora do escárnio...
but, at some point, we have to turn the page and move on.
Podia pelo menos me conceder isso. Me dê uma boa razão para isso.
Look. What your brother is so delicately attempting to inquire... and let me, out of my own personal curiosity... is the degree to which you may have or... have not, at some point in time... been dorked?
Olha, o que o teu irmão está delicadamente a perguntar e... para a minha curiosidade pessoal é o grau em que podes... ou não pode, em algum momento no tempo...
At some point or another, I want to stop and get hold of a child.
Em algum lugar, quero parar para segurar numa criança.
You see, while we were in the future, Biff got the sports book, stole the time machine, went back in time, and gave the book to himself at some point in the past.
Estás a ver, enquanto nós estávamos no futuro, o Biff apanhou o livro de desporto, roubou a máquina do tempo, voltou atrás... e deu o livro a si próprio, algures no passado.
But at some point, you have to let this love shit go, and you have to think about respect.
Mas algum momento você precisa deixar essa besteira de amor pra lá. E você precisa pensar em respeito.
At some point, you stop it and say :
Mas, a certa altura, paras e dizes :
At some point, I felt I could stop the crash if I could only open my mouth and scream.
A dado momento senti que podia evitar a colisão se conseguisse abrir a boca e gritar.
Perhaps you and I can get together at some point, also.
Talvez nós os dois possamos combinar um encontro.
There were theories in the early'70s... the first type of creation theories... where the people concerned started off with a fixed, external space and time... which for eternity was empty... and then suddenly, for some unknown reason, the universe nucleates... at a particular point and then, bang, it blows apart.
As teorias existentes no início dos anos 1970, o primeiro tipo de teorias criacionistas, onde a preocupação das pessoas tinha início num Tempo-Espaço fixo e externo, onde a eternidade era um vazio.
And what if at some point in the future there are conclusive studies?
E se nalguma altura do futuro existirem estudos conclusivos?
And, I mean, hey, you know. I think if you can't stretch out and get some solid rest at that point I don't see how bedding accessories really make the difference.
Se não nos podemos esticar e bater uma sorna, naquela altura... não vejo que diferença farão os acessórios de cama.
But at some point, he lost the ability to distinguish between what's right and what's wrong.
Mas de algum modo, já não sabe distinguir entre o bem e o mal.
And what if the Firm should desire at some point to terminate your employment?
E se a firma desejar a certa altura prescindir do seu trabalho?
You and I might want to talk about an investment opportunity at some point.
Você e eu podemos conversar sobre uma oportunidade de investimento a dada altura.
He wanted me to come over and see him at 8.15. Made a special point of the time. What's more, he told me to tell the butler that I was collecting for some police charity.
Pediu-me para vir falar com ele ás 20h15, foi muito preciso na hora, e disse-me para dizer ao mordomo que vinha pedir um donativo.
I'm sure at some point between the years 800 and 1200 somewhere there were two women living together.
Tenho a certeza de que, a certa altura, entre os anos de 800 e 1 200, algures, havia duas mulheres a viver juntas!
But, at some point, the two fleets will meet tensions will rise, nerves will fray and someone will make the tiniest mistake.
Mas, a dada altura, as duas frotas irão encontrar-se. As tensões vão aumentar, os nervos vão ficar em franja e alguém cometerá um pequeno erro.
The murderers cut off the power supply at some point, and the phone.
Os assassinos cortaram a energia eléctrica em algum ponto, e o telefone.
Am I to understand that at some point during the rehearsal he hugged you and asked you if you would like to go out that evening?
É verdade que durante o ensaio ele abraçou-te e convidou-te a sair nesta noite?
But you know, at some point, I had to decide that whatever hell you and Daddy were going through was your business.
Mas, a dada altura, tive de decidir que o que se passava entre si e o Pai só a vocês dizia respeito.
Maybe he's trying to undo some of the damage his weapon caused, but he seems sincere, Neelix, and at this point, I have no reason to doubt him.
Talvez queira pagar dentro do possível o dano que causou com essa arma. As suas intenções parecem sinceras e não tenho motivo para duvidar dele.
The point is to take some chances so that someday, when we have to stay in motels, we can say that- - That for a few days at least we were a little bit adventurous. A-and we kind of lived by our wits.
O objetivo é corrermos alguns riscos para que, um dia, quando ficarmos em motéis, possamos dizer que, pelo menos, por uns dias, fomos um pouco aventureiros, desenvencilhámo-nos sozinhos e, raios, conseguimos lidar com tudo.
At some point you're going back to your job at Tyler Chicken and your three-legged dog, Willy. And I'm still gonna be here.
Vais acabar por voltar para o teu emprego nos Frangos Tyler e para o teu cão de três patas, o Willy e eu vou continuar aqui.
The Pentagon is getting involved at this point with some kind of a project involving NASA and perhaps a shuttle mission.
O Pentágono está envolvido num projecto juntamente com a NASA, em relação a uma missão com o vaivém espacial...
Now, I can promise you this, Ms. Lerner, all of you, everyone in this room and everyone listening to my voice, that at some point over the next 10 months, all of us will entertain our worst fears and concerns.
Eu lhe asseguro isso, Sra. Lerner, e a todos vocês... todos que ouvem minha voz. Em algum momento, nos próximos 1 0 meses... todos nós nutriremos nossos piores medos e preocupações.
But at some point... [SHOES SQUEAKING]... she said, "No," and "get out."
Mas em algum momento ela disse, "Não," e "sai daqui"?
Ed, you put anybody on television 16 hours a day, at some point they're gonna wind up rolling off a table and squashing a cat.
Se pões uma pessoa na televisão 16 horas por dia, eventualmente acaba por cair duma mesa e esmigalhar um gato.
And I guarantee that at some point one or both of us will want to get out.
E garanto-te que a dada altura um de nós, ou os dois, vamos querer acabar tudo.
Well, you know, at some point you and I may need to have a longer conversation.
Bem, tu sabes, em algum momento tu e eu deveríamos ter uma longa conversa.
At some point, it became clear that our path had been chosen and we had nothing to offer the world our options narrowing down to petty crime or minimum wage.
A certa altura ficou claro para nós que tínhamos o destino traçado, e que nada tínhamos a oferecer ao mundo, e que as nossas opções eram enveredar pelo caminho do crime ou ganhar o salário mínimo.
And you know, at some point, a good friend of ours said :
E então, a certa altura, um amigo nosso disse-nos :
I think I've peed into cups. I think you've taken my blood. And I think at some point, it's gonna have to be enough.
Já fiz chichi para bolões e análises ao sangue e está a chegar um momento em que vou dizer "chega".
It's called psoriasis, And 10 % of the population will suffer from it At some point in their life.
Chama-se psoríase, e afeta 10 % da população, mais cedo ou mais tarde.
I think at some point she found out you were cheating with Jenny and Martha.
A certa altura, ela descobriu que a enganava com a Jenny e a Martha.
I don't know when, but at some point she did, and, like you said, I think she had to rationalize that.
Não sei quando, mas, a certa altura, isso aconteceu e, como já disse, penso que ela teve de racionalizar isso.
And if he can talk, he can tell us by who. Or he can look at photos in the files and point to the man who did this so this doesn't happen to some other little boy.
Se ele pode falar, pode dizer-nos quem foi, ou pode olhar para fotos e apontar para o homem que fez isto.
And, at some point, returning "The Matrix" video to Blockbuster.
E a qualquer momento devolver o filme "Matrix" ao Blockbuster.
What could possibly come between them, and fuck everything up... at some point or another?
Que é que podia interpor-se entre os dois e foder tudo? Que é que achas?
And I'm sure there's some kind of thing you can develop with it at some point.
De certeza que podes aproveitar isso para outra coisa qualquer.
I've still got my sister and her husband aboard the Horizon. But I know my dad expected me to take over at some point.
A minha irmã e o marido ainda estão no Horizon, mas o meu pai esperava que eu me tornasse capitão.
I leave, and we go on with our lives... and then at some point we buy some soup.
Vou-me embora, seguimos as nossas vidas... e, depois, nalguma altura, compramos uma sopa.
My client has disclosed to me that at some point in the past... he took the life of a young girl and disposed of the body.
O meu cliente informou-me que no passado... tirou a vida a uma menina e escondeu o corpo.
and at the end of the day 45
and at the time 25
and at the end 28
and at the same time 75
and at that point 38
and at night 55
and at first 41
and at one point 16
and at this point 43
and at that time 20
and at the time 25
and at the end 28
and at the same time 75
and at that point 38
and at night 55
and at first 41
and at one point 16
and at this point 43
and at that time 20
and at the moment 21
and at that moment 25
and at 97
and at last 16
at some point 457
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and all the time 27
and at that moment 25
and at 97
and at last 16
at some point 457
and as far as i'm concerned 49
and a half 160
and apparently 261
and again 457
and all the time 27
and all 124
and always will be 33
and as a result 91
and another thing 192
and all the while 36
and all this time 50
and all that stuff 21
and as you can see 106
and all of a sudden 204
and all of you 28
and always will be 33
and as a result 91
and another thing 192
and all the while 36
and all this time 50
and all that stuff 21
and as you can see 106
and all of a sudden 204
and all of you 28
and above all 105
and also 645
and all that 128
and actually 119
and afterwards 122
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and all because of you 16
and after 142
and all that jazz 24
and also 645
and all that 128
and actually 119
and afterwards 122
and as for you 86
and as usual 32
and all because of you 16
and after 142
and all that jazz 24