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And she didn't traduction Portugais

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And she didn't like that?
E ela não gostou disso?
She trusted me, and she didn't understand.
Ela confiava em mim e ela não compreendia.
- And she didn't show up that day?
E ela não apareceu naquele dia?
And she didn't show...
E ela não apareceu...
Yeah, I called the police and the fire department, which I really don't get, because she didn't disappear in a fire.
Sim, liguei para a policia e para os bombeiros, o que eu não entendo bem porque ela não desapareceu num incêndio.
I didn't want to do her drugs, and she was...
Eu não queria drogar-me, e ela...
And she didn't tell any of her family and no-one's come forward to say that they're the father.
Não contou a ninguém da família. Ninguém se apresentou a dizer ser o pai.
Telling him all about her new job, how much she misses him, and sorry she didn't send a card.
A falar-lhe do novo emprego, as saudades que tem dele, e a pedir desculpa por não ter enviado um postal.
So you work in the family business, she's pregnant for nine months, has a child, and you didn't know?
Então, você trabalha numa empresa familiar, ela fica grávida durante nove meses, tem uma filha e, você não sabia?
I know you warned me about Mona, but we kind of poked the bear today, and I just wanna make sure she didn't take it out on you.
Sei que me avisaste em relação à Mona, mas hoje provocámo-la um bocado e eu queria certificar-me de que ela não tinha descarregado em ti.
She saw me and was so embarrassed for me she slipped out thinking I didn't see her.
Ela viu-me e ficou com tanta vergonha de mim, que saiu, pensado que eu não a tinha visto.
I didn't drag her out to meet men, but if she has a brain she'll dump you in the garbage and find someone she deserves for once.
Não a arrastei para conhecer homens, mas se ela tiver cabeça, manda-o dar uma volta e finalmente encontra alguém de jeito.
I didn't want to call and wake her if she was sleeping, but I'll give her a call now.
Não queria ligar a acordá-la, mas ligo-lhe agora.
And although she didn't say, like, you know,
E embora ela não tenha falado, sabem,
And she didn't know anything.
E ela não sabia de nada.
She said it visited her this summer and she didn't say anything at the time'cause she didn't want us getting all bent out of shape- - her words--um, but she felt the time had come that she needed our help with the... child.
Diz que a visitou este verão e que, na altura, não disse nada porque não queria que nos passássemos. Palavras dela. Mas ela acha que chegou a altura em que vai precisar da nossa ajuda...
And she could have shot you, like, a million times and she didn't,'cause she loves you.
E ela podia ter-te dado um tiro, tipo, um milhão de vezes, e não o fez, porque te ama.
And what she didn't drown on is all over the floor and under the bed.
E o sangue que não ingeriu... está espalhado pelo chão e por debaixo da cama.
We went to Minnesota and... She didn't come back with me.
Fomos até ao Minnesota... mas ela não regressou comigo.
This summer, when Annette didn't like the way you talked to her- - not everyone likes being called that- - she took me into her office and showed me the will just to spite you.
Este verão quando a Annette não gostou da forma como falaste com ela. Nem toda a gente gosta que lhe chamem isso. Ela chamou-me ao escritório e mostrou-me o testamento, só para se vingar de ti.
I took it to be forgetfulness, but the hours passed, and she didn't return.
Achei que fora por esquecimento, mas as horas passaram e ela não voltou.
He thinks that she stopped taking her meds, and I told him that we didn't want to see her punished, we wanted to see her treated.
Ele acha que ela parou de tomar a medicação e eu disse-lhe que não queríamos vê-la castigada, mas curada.
And then Maggie showed up, and I thought that she was going to tell you, and when she didn't...
E depois apareceu a Maggie. Eu pensei que ela te ia dizer, mas não disse...
And then Maggie showed up, and I thought that she was going to tell you, and when she didn't... Maggie hasn't been a part of my life since high school.
A Maggie já não faz parte da minha vida desde o liceu.
My mom called his parents, and all I could hear her say was how good of a kid he was and how she didn't know how something like that could happen.
A minha mãe ligou aos pais deles, e tudo o que a ouvia a dizer, era que ele era muito bom miúdo, e que não sabia como algo assim podia acontecer.
Why didn't she take pills and die in her bed?
Porque é que não tomou comprimidos e morreu na sua cama?
And we're supposed to believe she didn't realize what Alex was like when she was with him.
E além disso temos de acreditar que não notou a cena do Alex enquanto esteve com ele.
Susana went through a window, the glass was really clean, she didn't see it, and... she smashed through it.
A Susana... Atravessou uma janela, um vidro. Estava muito limpo, não o viu.
She was poisoning her sisters, and they didn't know what was happening to them.
Ela estava a envenenar as irmãs e elas não sabiam o que lhes estava a acontecer.
She never went out and didn't seem interested in men so at first I thought she was a lesbian.
Ela nunca saía e não parecia interessada em homens. Ao princípio, até pensei que ela fosse lésbica.
It's just... I thought she looked familiar the first time I saw her, but I didn't say anything and now I realize that could have been a mistake.
É que... A cara dela não me era estranha, mas não disse nada e agora percebo que talvez tenha sido um erro.
And she doesn't eat... I didn't know what was wrong.
E não come...
Oh, we showed Claudia your mug shot and she claimed she didn't recognize you.
Nós mostramos à Claudia a sua fotografia, e ela disse não o conhecer.
And I'm saying she didn't really mean to, either.
E para mim ela nunca se quis matar de verdade.
She didn't say. But I recognized her name and I knew her reputation, so I assumed it was about one of her clients.
Mas reconheci o nome dela e conhecia a sua reputação, então imaginei que fosse sobre um dos clientes dela.
She didn't say. She said she was heading home and would wait for me near the subway.
Disse que iria para casa e esperar-me-ia perto do metro.
And when you discovered she did, on Billy's orders, you put an ice pick through her neck. I didn't kill Michelle.
Quando descobriu que ela tinha, o Billy ordenou que enfiasse um picador de gelo no pescoço dela.
Two weeks in a fucking coma, and she didn't even ask me how I felt.
Duas semanas em coma e nem perguntou como estava.
She took our money, Bill. She took our money and it didn't work. I'm still in the family way.
Você ficaria esgotada, comigo fora, com a clínica para gerir e a outra fiteira, divertida com espetáculos.
And how come she didn't die when I stabbed her?
E porque é que ela não morreu quando eu a apunhalei?
And she said I couldn't put it up on the walls, but she didn't say I couldn't hang it from the ceiling, all right?
E ela disse que não podia pendurá-la nas paredes, mas não disse que não podia pendurá-la a partir do tecto, está bem?
Okay, first of all, it's only been three weeks, and she didn't want to tell me because she didn't want me to get upset.
Está bem, primeiro que tudo, só ainda se passaram três semanas, e ela não me queria dizer porque não queria que ficasse chateado.
My wife came into the room where I was lying, and, she started crying, so... which didn't certainly help me.
A minha mulher foi ao quarto onde eu me encontrava, e... começou a chorar, ou seja certamente não me ajudou.
Yeah, she tried to run off and didn't get too far with that boot on.
Tentou fugir, mas não chegou longe com aquela bota.
She's a crazy chick, and definitely obsessed with Beau. But I didn't see her in the club tonight.
Ela é doida e muito obcecada pelo Beau.
And if she didn't agree to get her father off of his back, Beau was going to show the tape.
E, se ela não concordasse em tirar o pai do rastro dele, o Beau mostraria o vídeo.
And if you didn't truly believe that, wouldn't she be dead by now?
Se não acreditasse nisso, ela já não estaria morta?
Yeah, and, well, she didn't feel a thing.
Ela não sentiu nada.
She just wanted to date you in a normal, boring way, and James and I didn't let that happen.
Só queria namorar contigo de forma normal e aborrecida e eu e o James não o permitimos.
If she finds out I didn't warn her, she will trigger my kill chip, and I will die right here.
Se ela descobrir que eu não avisei, ela activa o meu chip, e vou morrer mesmo aqui.
Yeah, but she didn't, so you eliminated your competition on and off the court.
Sim, mas não deixou, e você eliminou a sua competição dentro e fora do campo.

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