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Anything interesting traduction Portugais

405 traduction parallèle
- Anything interesting.
- algo que seja interessante.
- Find anything interesting?
- Viu alguma coisa interessante?
Get me the stuff on her family, pictures, anything interesting.
Quero fotografias dela e tudo mais sobre ela.
If there's anything interesting, I'll drop it by. All right.
Se encontrar algo interessante, virei cá trazê-lo.
Anything interesting?
Nada interessante?
But you don't do anything interesting.
Nunca fazes nada de interessante.
You've found anything interesting down there?
Boyle, descobriu alguma coisa?
- Anything interesting?
- Alguma coisa interessante?
Is it anything interesting, Matthew?
É alguma coisa de interesse, Matthew?
Anything interesting over there, Chief?
Algo interessante aí, Chefe?
Anything interesting, Max?
Alguma coisa interessante, Max?
Do you find anything interesting, Major?
Encontrou algo interessante, Major?
We're interrupting this sketch, but we'll be bringing you back - the moment anything interesting happens.
Estamos a interromper este sketch, mas voltamos já, assim que algo de interessante acontecer.
Tell me Sir Henry has anything interesting happened to you since you've been in London?
Diga-me Sir Henry, aconteceu-lhe alguma coisa relevante desde que chegou a Londres? Não!
Find anything interesting, Gittes?
Algo interessante, Gittes?
I was just wondering if you've seen anything interesting going on?
Será que notou alguma coisa interessante?
Did you find anything interesting?
Encontraste alguma coisa interessante?
So, did anything interesting happen to anybody this week?
Bem, aconteceu algo interessante esta semana?
We'll be bringing you back to this exciting contest the moment anything interesting happens.
Voltaremos a este excitante desafio assim que algo de interessante aconteça.
- Anything interesting there?
- Há aí alguma coisa interessante?
Anything interesting?
Algo de interessante?
Find anything interesting, Schroeder?
- Encontrou algo interessante? - Deixem-no em paz.
Oi, did you find anything interesting when you were crawling up around Bexys anal passage?
Oi, encontraste algo interessante enquanto andaste a cheirar a passagem anal do Bexy?
It's your first time up, so don't do anything interesting.
É o teu primeiro voo, portanto não faças nada de interessante.
- Anything interesting there?
- Há algo de interessante aí?
Find anything interesting? Yeah!
Alguma coisa interessante?
Do you have your hands in anything interesting now?
Tem algo interessante no momento?
Did you find anything interesting?
Encontrou alguma coisa interessante?
I'm never gonna see anything interesting with this stupid piece of junk.
Nunca vou ver nada interessante com esta porcaria.
Anything interesting?
Alguma coisa interessante?
- Anything interesting inside?
- Há alguma coisa interessante lá dentro?
So, has Neelix concocted anything interesting this morning?
Então, por acaso o Neelix cozinhou alguma coisa interessante esta manhã?
Anything interesting happen while you were there?
Alguma coisa interessante aconteceu enquanto estiveste lá?
So are you, uh, taking anything interesting?
- Escolheste aulas interessantes?
So, um, you do anything interesting today?
E então, fizeste alguma coisa interessante hoje?
Anything interesting?
Alguma coisa de interesse?
Anything interesting that isn't from my mother?
Alguma coisa de interesse que não seja da minha mãe?
It's not like anything interesting happened to anyone else today.
Não aconteceu nada interessante a ninguém, hoje.
Do you think anything interesting ever happens to them?
Achas que alguma vez lhes aconteceu algo de interessante?
Come across anything interesting in your travels?
Achou alguma coisa interessante de seus passeios?
Did we uncover anything interesting?
Descobriu-se algo interessante?
They'll attack anything that moves. Interesting that the villagers know about phasers.
É curioso os aldeões saberem sobre os phasers.
It would be interesting to see what four people could do, if given the equipment, who didn't know anything about it, and told to get on with it and do something. I think we'd come off better.
Seria interessante ver o que quatro pessoas fariam, se lhes dessem o equipamento, e sem saber nada dele tivessem de começar a usá-lo.
Just anything that strikes you as significant or interesting.
A contar o que o impressiona ou que acha interessante.
That's very interesting, Tanya... but before I do anything, I have to be sure that you're right.
Isso é muito interessante Tanya... mas antes de eu fazer qualquer coisa, tenho que ter a certeza que tens razão.
Move out of the house, travel, find some interesting business, anything but work in a paper box factory.
Sair de casa, viajar, descobrir um negócio interessante. Tudo menos trabalhar na fábrica de fazer caixas.
And the interesting part is, if anything happens to me... and Hicks doesn't get his letter, he'll be really pissed off.
Mas o mais interessante é que se me acontecer alguma coisa, e ele não receber a minha carta, vai ficar fulo.
Anything interesting happen at school today?
- Obrigada, mãe.
Now, for Christ's sake, does either one of you... have anything even remotely interesting to tell me?
E agora, por amor de Deus, algum de vocês tem alguma coisa mais interessante para me dizer?
Did anything interesting happen?
Vão voltar a encontrar-se?
Anything else interesting about the body that you'd like to comment on or...
Mais alguma coisa interessante sobre o corpo?

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