Because if you did traduction Portugais
318 traduction parallèle
Because if you did...
Porque se é isso...
Why, I know you don't, because if you did, I wouldn't be able to follow you.
Eu sei. Se me conhecesse, não a podia ter seguido.
Because if you did, you'd realise that their health is something precious that has to be constantly guarded.
Porque, se tivesse, percebia que a saúde deles é preciosa e precisa de ser constantemente guardada.
Because if you did, Samantha, you did that kid a big disservice.
Porque, se fizeste, cometeste um erro com o miúdo.
Correcto. saberia se fosse americano e não britânico.
Because if you did that... you'd have to lock up half the U.S. Army, officers included.
Se fizessem isso, teriam de prender metade do exército, incluindo oficiais.
Because if you did, you'd touch the sky and find out that you were living on a big ball.
Porque descobririam que viviam numa bola gigante.
Because if you didn't say pull over, somebody else did.
Se não disseste, alguém disse.
Because if you did, give it back to him.
Se roubou, devolva-lha.
Well, to be quite frank sir, I didn't consider that eventuality, because if you did, you'd stick out like a...
Bem, para ser franco sir, não considerei essa eventualidade, porque se acontecesse, parceria como um...
Because if you did, you would understand MacGyver's concern.
Porque se o conhecesse, iria entender a preocupação do MacGyver.
No, because if you did, that means you'd be canceling for me.
Porque se o fizesses, estarias a fazê-lo por mim.
Because if you did, you'd have to deal with me.
Porque se fizeres, vais ter que acertar comigo.
Because if you did, there will never be anything else for your mummy to give you.
Porque se o abrisses, não haveria mais nada para a tua mamã te dar.
Because if you did overhear anything I'm sure you would tell me.
Porque se ouviste alguma coisa tenho a certeza que me contarias.
Because if you did, it would be much easier for me to learn English.
Se falasses, seria mais fácil para eu aprender inglês.
Because if you did have a cell phone, you'd let me borrow it.
Porque se tivesse um celular, deixaria-me usá-lo.
I was saying... That you--you know nothing about me, because if you did know me, you would know that I'm not gay.
Estava a dizer que tu não sabes nada sobre mim, porque se soubesses, saberias que eu não sou gay.
Because if you did, then you wouldn't have had Maria break the news.
Porque se te importasses, não pedias à Maria para dar as notícias.
And if that sounds flippant I beg you to forgive me because I absolutely did not mean it to.
E se isto parece petulante, suplico que me perdoe pois não era isso, absolutamente, que eu pretendia parecer.
If I could only make you understand. All that happened, happened because I was trying to keep you near me. I just did anything that came into my head.
Se pudesses compreender que tudo o fiz foi para te ter comigo, e fiz tudo o que me lembrei.
Yes, because if he dies, they'll say you did it.
Sim. Se ele morrer, culpam-te.
Because if you did...
If I seemed a little uneasy... You did. It's because I haven't had enough experience with girls.
- Se pareço pouco à vontade é porque não tenho experiência com raparigas.
If she told you that's what I did, then she's lyin'. Because that's not true.
Se ela lhe disse isso, então está a mentir porque não é verdade.
And we thought you ought to know we want you to stay with us, because we need you. But if anyone wants to leave us please, come to us, tell us and we can give you papers that might stop another Salem Jones from doing what he did to our James.
Queremos que saibam, que gostaríamos que ficassem connosco, pois precisamos de voc ~ es, mas se alguém quiser partir, por favor, venham ter connosco e digam-nos, que dar-vos-emos documentos, que talvez impeçam que outro Salem Jones faça o mesmo que este.
Do you understand? I did it because I wanted to see if his blood was the same colour as Bert's, as Else's, as Paola's.
Fiz isso porque queria ver se o sangue dele era igual ao do Bert, da else, da Paola...
Because if I did, you wouldn't be able to taste my chocolate. I was just being considerate.
- Se eu tivesse morango, tu não podias provar do meu chocolate.
no, they were the originals, which i retained for you, because you said that if i did not do so, you would send me to the russian front.
Não, eram os originais que guardei para si porque me disse que se não o fizesse me enviaria para a Frente Russa.
But even if her story is true and you do pity her, that has nothing to do with this case, because those three men did not rape her.
Mas ainda que a história seja verdadeira e tenham pena, nada disso vem ao caso, porque estes três homens não a violaram.
I haven't told you something because I didn't think that you were gonna believe me. And even if you did believe me, I didn't think that you were gonna like me anymore, so...
Não te disse porque achei que não ias acreditar, e achei que ias deixar de gostar de mim, mas...
First of all, you don't got a brother like him, and if you did, you wouldn't know what to do with him because you never had a brother like him.
Se tivesses, não sabias o que havias de fazer. Ele é meu irmão.
Because if you wanted to know. Inglethorp did he eat well last night?
Por que quis saber se a Sra. Inglethorp comeu bem ontem à noite?
Because if they did, they could get you into a lot of trouble.
Porque se tiverem, Podem metê-lo a si numa enrascada.
Because, if you did, let me respond to you.
Porque, nesse caso, vou responder-te.
That's because you'd lose your job if you did.
Se o fizesses, perdias o emprego.
If you don't win, you can't hold it against the person who did because that's the only way you ever really lose.
Se não ganharmos, não nos podemos virar contra a pessoa que ganhou porque essa é a única maneira em que realmente se perde.
Maybe this evil did bring you back, but if it did it's because it needs you.
Talvez tenha sido este Mal que te trouxe de volta. Mas se o fez é porque precisa de ti.
If I recall, last time we were here, you were pretty upset about your family being outcasts, barely surviving in a camp because of what you did.
Se me recordo, da última vez que cá estivemos,..... estavas bastante aborrecido com o facto da tua família estar refugiada,..... mal sobrevivendo num acampamento por causa do que fizeste.
Because you know if I did return that I would break your damn neck.
Porque sabe que se eu voltasse seria para lhe partir o pescoço.
Because. Will. if you did. it would make my life so much easier.
Porque, Will, se sentissem, deixava a minha vida bem mais fácil.
Because you should certainly have yourself... Even if Izzy didn't think so and said you were nothing and went ahead and did what he did to you.
Porque devias ter-te a ti própria, mesmo o Izzy discordando e tendo dito que tu não eras nada e tendo-te feito o que te fez.
And our other problem was our own flak coming down did as much damage to many of us as did the kamikazes, because it'd go right through your helmet, of course, if it hit you directly.
E o outro problema era que a nossa própria antiaérea ao descer provocava tantos estragos em muitos de nós como os kamikazes, porque aquilo atravessava o nosso capacete, se nos atingisse directamente.
You know, maybe because if he did... he wouldn't be able to go through with it.
Sabes, se ele fizer... ele não teria coragem de ir em frente com isso.
I can't tell you about that, because if I did... then they'd have to kill you.
Não te posso contar nada sobre isso, porque se o fizer... vou ter que te matar.
... Well, I suppose that if you set out to break my heart, you did a very good job of it. Because it certainly does hurt. Yes.
Se a ideia era partir-me o coração, então fizeram um bom trabalho, pois dói realmente.
Hold on. Listen... the only good reason to quit a wedding is if you break the cardinal rule... which is ridiculous because we both know you did not fall in love with the groom.
Só há uma boa razão para deixar um casamento, que é romper com a regra fundamental, o que é ridículo porque não te apaixonaste pelo noivo.
And I don't care if you did give me ten orgasms in a row... because you smell really bad.
E mesmo que me fizesses ter dez orgasmos seguidos... porque cheiras mesmo mal.
At one point, just to make it very clear where I'm coming from... At one point I thought that if what we did together was all that you wanted, it was because you knew more than me.
A dado passo - só para tornar claro aonde quero chegar - a dado passo pensei que o que fazíamos era só o que querias, era por saberes mais do que eu.
If you're not pregnant it's because I am. - Why did you say you're not pregnant?
- Por que disseste não estar grávida?
But if you did do it, maybe it's because somebody put you up to it.
Mas se tu o fizeste, talvez seja porque alguém te colocou nesta situação.
because if you don't 161
because if 20
because if i don't 22
because if not 42
because if you do 92
because if you're not 18
because if we don't 23
because if i do 20
because if you are 57
because if it is 53
because if 20
because if i don't 22
because if not 42
because if you do 92
because if you're not 18
because if we don't 23
because if i do 20
because if you are 57
because if it is 53
because if so 25
if you didn't 56
if you did 198
if you did that 17
if you didn't know 17
if you didn't do it 20
you did 4907
you did it 1578
you didn't know 451
you didn't answer me 17
if you didn't 56
if you did 198
if you did that 17
if you didn't know 17
if you didn't do it 20
you did 4907
you did it 1578
you didn't know 451
you didn't answer me 17
you didn't answer 45
you didn't get it 40
you didn't have to 199
you didn't 2413
you did well 217
you didn't tell me 114
you didn't like it 52
you didn't see anything 59
you did great 231
you didn't answer my question 88
you didn't get it 40
you didn't have to 199
you didn't 2413
you did well 217
you didn't tell me 114
you didn't like it 52
you didn't see anything 59
you did great 231
you didn't answer my question 88