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Defend yourself traduction Portugais

357 traduction parallèle
- Defend yourself, Hagen Tronje!
! Defenda-se, Hagen Tronje!
Defend yourself!
You can't defend yourself by quoting folklore.
Não se pode defender com citações folclóricas.
Get out your gun and defend yourself.
Saque sua arma. Defenda-se.
Defend yourself, damn you.
Defenda-se, infeliz!
Darling, you'd better come here and defend yourself.
Querido, é melhor vires até aqui para te defenderes.
- Turn and defend yourself, De Bracy!
- Vire e defenda-se a si próprio, De Bracy!
Aren't you gonna say something? Aren't you gonna defend yourself?
Nao vai tentar sequer defender-se?
Are you afraid to defend yourself?
Tem medo de se defender?
If they begin to guess, defend yourself because then I'll have to kill you.
Se começarem a perceber, defende-te por que nessa altura terei de matar-te.
You must defend yourself, Xavier!
Bravo! Defenda-se, Xavier!
Defend yourself!
You knew just how to defend yourself.
Tu sabias exatamente como te defender.
You could defend yourself against other animals, but I taught you to trust human beings and I couldn't defend you against them.
Tu conseguias defender-te dos outros animais, mas eu ensinei-te a confiar nos seres humanos e não consegui defender-te deles.
- You defend yourself like a fort.
- Oh, defendes-te como um forte.
You have to defend yourself.
Voce tem que se defender.
Defend yourself!
Josef, you don't seriously believe you can defend yourself?
- Como pode achar... que conseguirá se defender?
He'll be looking for you, and you're gonna have to defend yourself. Unless you want to be killed.
- Ficará furioso consigo, e você terá de se defender se não quiser ser morto!
You defend yourself.
Tu defendeste-te.
You defend yourself in despair.
defendeste-te sem fé.
You defend yourself in despair.
Tu defendeste-te.
It's more than just teaching you how to defend yourself.
Isto é mais do que ensiná-lo a se defender
Did I teach you how to defend yourself, or how to get yourself killed?
Eu te ensinei como te defenderes, e não a forma como te matares?
That unciviIized king of yours will.... Defend yourself!
Esse Rei selvagem...
Now you can pull that gun of yours and shoot me where I stand... or defend yourself as best you can...'cause I intend to beat you into the ground with my fists.
Pode puxar seu revólver e atirar. Defenda-se do melhor jeito que puder. Pois pretendo derrubá-lo com os meus punhos.
You can defend yourself better than any.
Defende-se melhor do que qualquer outro.
You pick that up and defend yourself or I'll run you through.
- Seu gambá. Defenda-se, ou isso atravessará seu corpo.
At least defend yourself.
Ao menos defenda-se.
No need to defend yourself.
Não precisa de se justificar.
For a while you tried to defend yourself but all of a sudden - he hit you like that!
Por um momento, tentou se defender... mas de repente... ele a atingiu assim!
How to defend yourself against a man armed with a banana!
Como nos defendermos contra um homem armado com uma banana!
Don't defend yourself. Your beauty will defend itself.
Sua beleza te defenderá.
Can you defend yourself, Edmond?
Consegue defender-se, Edmond?
You must prepare for the job. You should throw him his gun, defend yourself.
O homem preparado atirava-Ihe a pistola :
And now, defend yourself, accursed murderer!
E agora, defende-te, assassino maldito!
I'll show you how to defend yourself.
e assim nunca estarás desprevenido.
- You didn't defend yourself?
- Resistiu, hã? - Não o suficiente.
You can't defend yourself against their fantasies.
Não podemos nos defender de suas fantasias.
Defend yourself.
- Justifica-te.
You defend yourself pretty good there.
Defendes-te muito bem.
How do you charge to defend yourself?
Quanto é que cobras para te defenderes?
Why don't you defend yourself, Osborne?
- Porque não se defende, Osborne?
You don't have to defend yourself.
Não precisa se justificar.
Let's see if you can defend yourself, you sweat from a baboon's balls.
Vamos ver se te consegues defender, seu suor de tomates de babuíno!
You have to learn to defend yourself.
Você tem que aprender a defender-se.
They can say it because you won't defend yourself.
Podem dizer porque não quer se defender.
You are to defend yourself on these two counts.
Tem de se defender destas duas acusações.
Gotta learn to defend yourself...
Temos de aprender a defender-nos...
Come on... defend yourself.
Vamos, defenda-se.
You... defend yourself.

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