Even as we speak traduction Portugais
141 traduction parallèle
And they say that now in Paris, France, even as we speak Louis Pasteur has devised a new vaccine that will obliterate anthrax once and for all.
E dizem que em Paris de França, neste preciso momento, Louis Pasteur criou uma nova vacina... que vai acabar com o antrax de uma vez por todas.
Even as we speak, Watson, even as we speak.
Ele está a caminho, Watson.
Extraordinary measures are being taken even as we speak, Sire Geller.
Medidas concretas estão a ser tomadas neste momento, Sir Geller.
Hmph : Well, luckily enough I was able to pass them off on a less discerning fellow : : : For a well-equipped starfighter, which even as we speak : : :
Por sorte, pude passá-los a um tipo menos exigente por uma nave de caça que neste mesmo instante está preparada para partir na plataforma nove.
We're approaching the city limits even as we speak.
Estamos a aproximar-nos dos limites da cidade enquanto falamos.
Even as we speak, innocent, beautiful cars, are being stolen and customized against their will.
Enquanto falamos, inocentes e belos carros estão a ser roubados e adulterados contra a sua vontade
Even as we speak, Driscoll is being whisked to scenic L.A... to talk his little heart out.
Neste momento, o Driscoll está a ser transportado para a cinematográfica LA para contar a história da vida dele.
KlTT and I are plotting a direct route to a formalwear shop even as we speak.
Neste momento, o KITT e eu estamos o ver o trajecto mais directo para uma loja de roupa de festa.
Speaking of which, even as we speak... over my left shoulder is a gentleman... with a corporate checkbook about to purchase a small present for his wife.
Por falar nisso, neste preciso momento sobre o meu ombro esquerdo está um cavalheiro com um livro de cheques colectivo prestes a comprar um pequeno presente à esposa.
Behold, even as we speak, the legend spreads.
Enquanto falamos, a lenda espalha-se.
Even as we speak, Michael.
Mesmo como dizemos, Michael.
Even as we speak, Michael.
Enquanto falamos, Michael.
Even as we speak a spurned lover of some lustful lad is picking up a revolver pointing it at her former beloved's brain.
Mesmo neste instante, a amante rejeitada de um rapaz libidinoso pega num revólver, apontando-o á cabeça do antigo amante.
Who knows what dastardly scheme that villain may be plotting, even as we speak?
Quem sabe que esquema ignóbil poderá estar a tramar neste preciso momento.
Even as we speak it's in the works, gentlemen.
Até quando estamos a falar, é trabalho, cavalheiros.
This is John Jenkins, broadcasting from London... and the bombs are falling even as we speak.
"Aqui é John Jenkins, em directo de Londres"... "onde bombas caem neste momento."
Those rebels are probably down there cleaning blackboards even as we speak.
Os rebeldes estão provavelmente lá em baixo a limpar quadros neste momento.
even as we speak, one of my girls has explained it to them.
Uma das minhas raparigas está agora mesmo a explicar-lhes.
- He's in his room, even as we speak.
Está no seu quarto agora, enquanto conversamos.
Que a esta altura deve estar nas mãos do chefe do MI5, que deve estar a tentar descodificá-la.
My ex-girlfriend, Jessica, is in New York, moving out of my apartment even as we speak.
A minha ex-namorada, Jessica, está em Nova Iorque a mudar-se do meu apartamento neste momento.
Ah... yeah yeah yeah, even as we speak. It was great.
Sim, vou pensar nisso.
I'm getting rid of Rachel with the horseback riding, even as we speak.
Estou-me a desfazer da Raquel com o do cavalo neste instante.
Somebody's pointing a gun at my head even as we speak.
- Cristãos 0. Tenho agora mesmo uma arma apontada à cabeça.
Well, I've got Research digging into that, even as we speak.
Bem, eu tenho Investigadores tratando disso.
Even as we speak... millions of children are staring at the TV... instead of getting some much-needed exercise.
Neste momento em que estamos a conversar, milhões de crianças estão a olhar para a televisão, em vez de estarem a fazer exercício que é mais importante!
Enquanto estamos aqui a falar, ele vai dar a ordem para o treino de tiro ao alvo.
- Even as we speak, two ickies.
- Neste preciso momento...
- Even as we speak.
A qualquer momento.
The so-called lmperialist American Underground is being crushed even as we speak.
Queres guito para a portagem. É preciso dar a quantia certa? está a ser esmagada, enquanto falamos.
Even as we speak, warp plasma is leaking from it.
Enquanto falamos, o plasma de Warp está vazando.
He's stealing Austin Powers'mojo even as we speak.
Está neste preciso momento a roubar a pujança de Austin Powers.
So, would somebody please tell me why he is not in interrogation, even as we speak, being sweated by two of my best detectives?
Digam-me porque não está ele a ser interrogado neste momento pelos meus detectives?
Even as we speak, he's preparing to destroy Chaotica's death ray, but he needs your help.
Agora mesmo se está preparando para destruir o raio mortal da Caótica e necessita de sua ajuda.
My men have you in their sights even as we speak.
Os meus homens têm-te na mira enquanto falamos.
My men have you in their sights even as we speak.
Meus homens estão vigiando você agora mesmo.
It's just a temporary situation The polishers will be at work even as we speak
É uma situação temporária, os polidores estarão a trabalhar enquanto falamos.
The archbishop of Canterbury... is being taken care of even as we speak. TARGET ACQUIRED
Do arcebispo de Canterbury... estão a tratar desse assunto, enquanto falamos.
Now, police officers have moved in quickly and cordoned off the area but even as we speak, a large crowd of spectators has gathered.
A polícia avançou rápidamente e isolou toda a zona. Mas neste preciso momento, já se reuniu aqui uma multidão.
i believe you, and i'm sureandromeda is verifying your account even as we speak.
acredito em si, e tenho certeza de que Andromeda está a verificar a sua conta neste momento.
even as we speak, harper and the perseids are on their way to the machine shop, and one of them is not going to make it.
Mesmo enquanto conversamos, Harper e os Perseids estão a caminho da oficina, e um deles não vai conseguir.
So, assuming this is not some sort of elaborate hoax, and there are no television cameras ready to pop out at any moment, these aliens who threaten to destroy Earth even as we speak...
Portanto, assumindo que isto nao e uma especie de mentira elaborada e que nao vamos aparecer nos apanhados, os extraterrestres que ameaçam destruir a Terra neste momento...
His mother didn't want him hitting clubs but, as far as I know, he's seeing the sights even as we speak.
A mãe não queria que fosse a discotecas mas, pelo que sei, ele está a ver as vistas neste momento.
They burned out towns... and took our people as slaves. Even as we speak, bonna is under siege.
Inclusivé, justo agora, Bonna está sob ataque.
Your men are on their way even as we speak.
Os seus homens já vêm a caminho.
Do you believe that there are Cylon agents aboard ship even as we speak?
Acredita que há agentes Cylon a bordo da nave, neste momento?
Onde é que se escondem?
-... is marching here even as we speak!
Cale-se, velho tolo. Leve-nos a Goth.
We've been told that tactical assault teams are taking up positions... outside, even as I speak.
Sabemos que equipas de assalto tomam posições no exterior.
My men have you in their sights even as we speak.
Não podemos levantar as suspeitas do imperador com tolices como esta!
If you continue to speak out on this matter, we will refute all your claims, even if they are deemed to be in good faith. And we will continue to sue you.
Se continuar a falar publicamente sobre isto... refutaremos as suas reivindicações, mesmo que feitas de boa-fé, e continuaremos a processá-lo.
even as a kid 21
even as a boy 16
as we speak 165
even if you don't 27
even better 478
even if it hurts 20
even more 72
even though 141
even if it is 23
even if i wanted to 108
even as a boy 16
as we speak 165
even if you don't 27
even better 478
even if it hurts 20
even more 72
even though 141
even if it is 23
even if i wanted to 108
even if 79
even so 574
even if i did 84
even if i knew 18
even if you do 18
even me 139
even in death 43
even today 54
even for me 84
even for us 24
even so 574
even if i did 84
even if i knew 18
even if you do 18
even me 139
even in death 43
even today 54
even for me 84
even for us 24