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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ E ] / Even you

Even you traduction Portugais

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If you wanna stay Regent for long, or even if you just wanna stay alive,
Se queres manter-te como Regente ou apenas manter-te viva,
Albert, are you even listening to me?
Albert, estás a ouvir?
You don't even like Germany.
- Nem gostas da Alemanha.
I'll... I'll find a formula to freeze time, you won't even know I'm gone.
Encontrarei uma fórmula para parar o tempo.
Even if it means that you hurt some people.
Mesmo que implique magoar algumas pessoas.
Why are you even here?
Porque estás aqui?
You never even have to ask me before writing a check.
- Nunca tive de te passar um cheque.
You didn't even warn me.
- Não me avisaste.
Don't you find it fascinating that even though these tiny molecules of gas move at a near incomprehensible speed, that they travel hardly any distance at all. Not even a hairsbreadth.
Não acha fascinante que embora as moléculas pequenas de gás se movam a uma velocidade quase incompreensível, quase não percorram qualquer distância?
You haven't even tried to understand me.
Nem sequer tentaste entender-me.
You won't even know I'm gone.
- Nem darás pela minha ausência.
She doesn't even know you.
Nem sequer te conhece!
She even said she'd want to meet you one day.
Ela até disse que te queria conhecer, um dia.
But even if you're right, you'd need a huge gravitational force to show it.
Precisarias de uma enorme força gravitacional para o provar.
Couple of swigs of that, you'll sleep so hard you won't even dream.
Alguns goles daquilo dormes tão profundamente que nem sonhas.
How would you even build a time machine in 1781?
Como construirias uma máquina do tempo em 1781?
Why are you even here?
- Porque está aqui?
Did you even see him on your land?
Viste-o sequer nas tuas terras?
But even if they don't hang you, to kill a man, to plunge a blade into him, that is a horror that will haunt your mind.
Mas, mesmo que não a enforquem, matar um homem, enfiar-lhe uma lâmina, isso é um horror que irá atormentá-la.
Verity, you will not even make it to the gallows.
Verity, nem sequer chegará à forca.
He'll put a sword through you before you can even speak.
Ele irá trespassá-la com uma espada antes que sequer consiga falar.
You didn't even think to consult me?
Nem pensaste em pedir a minha opinião?
Even so, she is not the monster you made her out to be.
- Ela não sabe. Mesmo assim, ela não é o monstro que descreveste.
Like you never even know what the time is.
Nunca sabes nem as horas.
And I'm just realizing I should've asked her before I even gave it to you, so now I'm just gonna stare this way and you tell me what her face is doing.
Apercebi-me que devia ter-lhe perguntado antes de te oferecer isso. Eu vou olhar para ali e dizes-me que cara está a fazer.
Don't you even.
Nem penses nisso.
And have you even looked at my bunk?
E já olhaste para a minha cama?
I can't even begin to tell you.
Nem consigo descrever.
I don't like what you just called me. Even though I don't know what it means.
Não gostei disso, apesar de não saber o que significa.
You know, Benny's teeth didn't even come in till after he was one?
Sabia que os dentes do Benny só nasceram depois de ele fazer um ano?
You didn't even think about that one for a second.
- Nem tiveste de pensar um segundo.
Maybe you even feel like you're not such a worthless piece of shit for a minute.
Sentimos que não somos um fracasso.
And Meemaw says you don't touch private parts in public, even if we are family.
A avó diz que não tocamos nas partes íntimas em público.
Now, you should probably expect some, uh, primo headaches, a little bit of short-term memory loss, even a soupçon of hellish hallucinations.
Vais sentir fortes dores de cabeça, perda de memória de curto prazo e podes ter alucinações macabras.
- Where can you even wear them?
- Vais usá-las para ir aonde?
You gotta watch'em even at night?
Vão vigiá-los durante a noite?
Won't you even talk to me?
Nem falas comigo?
You don't even remember what's, uh, real or fake anymore.
Já nem se lembram do que foi real ou imaginário.
Is there anything even out there for you?
Achas que há oportunidades para ti lá fora?
Why do you even want his finger anyway?
Porque queres o dedo dele?
What if your self still has a headache, even after you tell it, "You're great"?
E se a dor de cabeça não passar depois de dizeres : "Estás ótima"?
It's like you don't even care about her.
Nem sequer te preocupas com ela.
She's in that jail that's going off, and you're pretending she don't even exist.
Ela está naquela prisão e tu finges que ela nem existe.
Don't even start with us, you Cheeto stealer!
Não comeces a apontar dedos, ladra de Cheetos!
You don't even know what it does.
Não sabes qual é o efeito disso.
I actually... I actually don't even want to look at you right now.
Na verdade, neste momento, nem consigo olhar para ti.
There was a pool of fours, maybe even some fives with okay tits for you to choose from.
Mulheres de qualidade média e com tetas medianas.
She will even overlook all those things that are so deeply fucked-up in you.
Estará disposta a ignorar as tuas falhas mais profundas.
Yeah, but even if you think he's still got the giddy-up for multiple homicides, his alibi is rock solid.
Mesmo que ainda seja capaz de cometer vários assassinatos, o seu álibi é sólido.
Even if I was listening to what you said, it doesn't matter ;
Mesmo se eu estivesse a ouvir o que disseste, não importa.
You know, the prickly points in your theory have even me at a loss.
Até eu fiquei perplexo com os pontos melindrosos da sua teoria.

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