Found him traduction Portugais
7,052 traduction parallèle
I'll not return until I've found him.
Não voltarei enquanto não o encontrar.
- And who then found him, pale as death, naked as sin and witch'd?
- E depois quem o encontrou, pálido como a morte, nu como um pecado e enfeitiçado?
Now that I found him this is my chance.
Agora que o encontrei, é a minha oportunidade.
You found him?
We found him in the queen's woods, your majesty... with this.
Encontrámo-lo na vossa floresta, Majestade. Com isto.
Wish I could've been there when you opened that door found him hanging by your necktie.
Gostava de ter lá estado quando abriste a porta e o encontraste pendurado pelo pescoço.
Went this far, better have found him alive.
Com isto, é bom que o tenham encontrado vivo.
Report says they haven't found him at all.
O relatório diz que não o encontraram.
I found him at your place.
O Ron está morto. Encontramo-lo em vossa casa.
Have you found him?
If you missed and should have found him.
Se ele se perdeu, já deveríamos tê-lo encontrado.
Was you who found him?
Foi você quem o encontrou?
But it was only when the fire was extinct... that they found him.
Mas só depois do fogo estar extinto... é que o encontraram.
- You found him.
Encontraram-no. Sim.
They found him wandering outside the gates. Said he needed to talk to you, that it was urgent.
Estava lá fora e disse que precisava falar com a senhora.
Good thing I found him not far from where his last transmission ended.
Ainda bem que o encontrei perto do local da última transmissão.
Toss the brat back in the gutter where you found him.
Atira o rapaz para a valeta de onde o tiraste.
His girlfriend found him.
A namorada dele encontrou-o.
- Where have you found him?
- Onde é que o encontraram? - Na floresta.
It was a miracle that I found him before anyone else did.
Foi um milagre encontrá-lo, primeiro que os outros.
Given your concern for the city, I wanted you to be the first to know I have found him.
Devido à sua preocupação com a cidade, queria que fosse a primeira a saber que eu o encontrei.
I found him at the very epicenter of the plague.
Encontrei-o no epicentro da praga.
Co-worker found him this morning.
Um colega encontrou-o esta manhã.
We found him in town.
Encontrámo-lo na cidade.
Exactly. The killer found him and shot him in the head while Troy was on the inside looking out.
O assassino encontrou-o e deu-lhe um tiro na cabeça enquanto o Troy estava lá dentro a olhar para fora.
Yo. We found him.
She found him outside her house just like you did.
Ela encontrou-o do lado de fora da casa dela, tal como te aconteceu a ti.
Unless they found a way to lure him back.
A menos que encontrem uma maneira de o fazerem voltar.
We went back to the convent and found a flask that we gave him.
Voltamos ao convento e encontramos o frasco que lhe demos.
I found him.
Eu é que o encontrei.
Police brought him in when they found out who he was.
A Polícia trouxe-o quando descobriu quem ele era.
When your pet angel found my burial site, I thought about ending him... and swatting him like a fly.
Quando o teu anjo de estimação encontrou o meu cemitério, pensei em o matar e esmagar como uma mosca.
When I found out I was pregnant with you, I told him we needed to leave sooner, you know, before I started showing.
Quando descobri que estava grávida de ti, disse-lhe que tínhamos de ir mais cedo, antes de se notar.
Instead, we found record of him selling it.
Só que encontramos provas dele a vende-la.
We found his body at the house- - we think Simon killed him.
Encontramos o corpo dele na casa, achamos que o Simon matou-o.
then I'm happy for him. I'm just glad that I found out how shallow he was before I made a lifelong commitment.
Ainda bem que descobri que ele era superficial antes de tomar um compromisso vitalício.
We found it, we got him.
Nós achámo-la e prendemo-lo.
I found a mistake in one of the Captain's old cases and he asked me to work it with him.
Encontrei um erro num arquivo antigo do Capitão e ele pediu-me para trabalhar com ele.
He failed to get it up with some little tart that Jimmy found for him.
Não conseguiu pô-lo de pé com uma rafeira que o Jimmy lhe arranjou.
Louise : Daddy found out you were cheating on him...
O papá descobriu que o traías.
We found enough evidence to put him away for the rest of his life.
Temos provas para ficar o resto da vida preso.
They haven't found Palmer's body yet, but no one's expecting him to show up at the office.
Ainda não encontraram o corpo, mas não se espera que apareça no trabalho.
I actually found windshield wiper fluid on him.
Encontrei fluído de limpa vidros nele.
I knew that she took care of him after his mother was killed, until the CIA found out about it and they forced her to abandon him.
Sabias que ela tratou dele logo após a morte da mãe, até a CIA descobrir e a obrigarem a abandoná-lo.
Matt was driving me back to him, and yet I found my way back to you.
E mesmo assim acabei a voltar para ti.
I saw him in place where I found Josefine.
Vi-o no local onde encontrei a Josefine.
Scores of the militia who sought him found slaughtered with nary a trace of him.
Batalhões que foram procurá-lo foram encontrados mortos sem sinal dele.
You found his storage unit and interrupted him.
Vocês encontraram unidade de armazenamento dele e interromperam-no.
The killer must've found out that Mikhail was selling secrets, which made him the perfect patsy.
O assassino deve ter descoberto que o Mikhail estava a vender segredos, o que fez dele o bode expiatório perfeito.
I want him found, Mark.
De todo o distrito.
Despite incriminating yourself in half a dozen felonies, you found Mr. Pickles and you brought him back, - so we're gonna give you a pass.
Apesar de te incriminares por meia dúzia de crimes, encontraste o Sr. Pickles e trouxeste-o de volta, por isso, vamos deixar passar.
himself 154
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
found 109
foundation 27
founder 40
himura 39
him again 23
him and me 36
him too 56
him or me 60
him who 26
found 109
foundation 27
founder 40
found it 395
found something 80
found you 54
found them 38
founded 19
found the body 16
found one 30
found her 49
found who 16
found anything 22
found something 80
found you 54
found them 38
founded 19
found the body 16
found one 30
found her 49
found who 16
found anything 22