Go to him traduction Portugais
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But before you go on your little trip, you're going to go to him with your tail between your legs and tell him that you were 100 % wrong.
Mas antes de ires de viagem, vais ter com ele envergonhado e dizer-lhe que estás completamente errado.
When he did the mistake with Pedrosa especially, he suffered very much because people go to him and say,
Quando ele cometeu aquele erro com o Pedrosa, ele sofreu imenso, porque iam ter com ele e diziam-lhe :
He's been giving me the cold shoulder since yesterday's no-show, so I say we go to him.
Ele tem-me ignorado desde ontem, por isso acho que iremos ter com ele.
When you told me Fitz loved me and that I should go to him, what you really meant was that you wanted me to say I didn't love him and... I was supposed to choose you.
Quando disseste-me que o Fitz amava-me e eu devia ficar com ele, o que querias realmente dizer era que querias que eu dissesse que não o amava e... que era suposto ter-te escolhido.
We go to him with our story.
Vamos contar-lhe a nossa história
'Tis my thinking, Lord, that if on his death bed your father were to name you as his successor, the Witan would find it difficult to go against him.
Penso eu, senhor, que se o rei, no seu leito mortal, te nomeasse seu sucessor, o Witan teria dificuldade em contrariá-lo.
Go to Alfred, and I will watch him betray you!
Vai para o Alfredo, e eu fico a vê-lo trair-te!
Go talk to him.
Vai falar com ele.
And she doesn't speak to him, but he watches her gesture to the horizon and Rasputin takes this to mean that he is being told by the Mother of God that he must go and find himself on a spiritual pilgrimage.
Ela não lhe falou, mas apontou-lhe o horizonte e Rasputin interpretou isso como se ela, a Mãe de Deus, lhe tenha dito que ele devia abalar numa peregrinação espiritual, para se encontrar a si próprio.
It could be that it frightened him and he didn't want to encourage other people to go down that stage.
Poderá aquilo tê-lo assustado e ele não conseguiu ter coragem para levar outras pessoas a descer àquele nível.
His mother gave him a telescope when he was young, and he looked at the moon and said, " I want to go there.
A mãe ofereceu-lhe um telescópio, quando ele era jovem, ele olhou para a Lua e disse : "Quero ir lá."
Something or someone might have reached him and saw where we needed to go as a civilization, and gave him the tools and the insights that he needed to be able to build our way out into space.
Algo ou alguém pode ter chegado até ele e viu onde precisávamos ir como civilização, e deu-lhe as ferramentas e o conhecimento dos quais precisava para construir o nosso caminho para o espaço.
Well, I ain't running out on my kid so he can go drag him from town to town.
Eu não vou abandonar o meu filho para que ela o arraste de cidade em cidade.
You think it's a good idea to let him go after Jack?
É uma boa ideia deixá-lo falar com o Jack?
What if we tell him we'll only make him name partner if he takes a public stand against Daniel first? That way, even if he tries to go against it later, it won't work.
Assim, mesmo que tente virar-se contra nós, não vai funcionar.
We gotta go talk to him.
Temos que ir falar com ele.
You have to go see him.
Tens que ir vê-lo.
Only one option : I'm gonna go in that building with a jacket draped over my arm, put a gun to Zoric's back, and force him to give us the ledger.
Única opção, entro no prédio com um casaco no braço, aponto uma arma ao Zoric e forço-o a dar-me o registo.
Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. We go after him, we'll miss our one shot to get back.
Se formos atrás dele, não podemos voltar.
Logic dictated that I not cry in front of Ralph, or I'd scare him, so I took his hand, we walked for blocks with nowhere to go.
A lógica era eu não chorar à frente do Ralph, ou ia assustá-lo, por isso, peguei nele e saímos sem destino.
Of course, it might take a while since you've got to go through the prison switchboard to get ahold of him.
Claro que pode demorar um pouco, uma vez que tens de falar primeiro com o rececionista da prisão.
Then why go to all the trouble to bring him in here?
Então para que deste ao trabalho de trazê-lo aqui?
If we can trick Reed the same way, then we've got all the leverage we need to expose the slush fund and go after him for Dave's murder.
Se enganarmos o Reed do mesmo modo, teremos a vantagem do nosso lado para expormos o fundo e de o acusarmos do homicídio do Dave.
- What do you want to do? - Go down there and stop him.
- O que é que queres fazer?
- Then tried to bribe the arresting officer by telling him that he could give him a big promotion if he made the charges go away.
- Depois tentou subornar o agente dizendo-lhe que podia dar-lhe uma grande promoção se ele fizesse as acusações desaparecerem.
Get him back to the precinct, go!
Leva-o de volta para a esquadra, vai!
If we're gonna get out of here, we got to go through him.
Se vamos sair daqui, temos que passar por ele.
I think he wants you to go with him.
- Acho que ele quer que vás com ele.
Why would Trout go through all the trouble of breaking this guy out of jail just to kill him?
Eis aquilo que eu não entendo. Porque é que o Trout o tirou da prisão apenas, para o matar depois?
Marquez's determination to push the limits of his bike and tires, to find ways to go even faster, saw him running at race pace every second that he could in the practice sessions.
A determinação de Márquez para ir além do limite da sua mota e pneus, para tentar ir ainda mais depressa, puseram-no a correr o passo de corrida a todos os segundos possíveis nas sessões de treino.
He had a dream about his mom who told him to go to Antep Castle...
Ele sonhou com a mãe, que lhe disse para ir ao castelo de Antep.
Is because Kudret dreamed about his mom telling him to go to Antep.
- Isto começou porque o Kudret sonhou que a mãe lhe disse para ir a Antep.
He offered me ten grand to go to a lab, tell them I was him, show them his driver's license, take some DNA test.
Ofereceu-me 10 mil dólares para ir a um laboratório, dizer-lhes que era ele, mostrar-lhes a carta dele e fazer um teste de ADN
I'll go and speak to him.
Eu vou falar com ele.
That's why you go over for coffee, isn't it, to watch him.
Foi por isso que saiu para tomar café, não foi? Para observá-lo.
I am ordering you to let him go.
Ordeno-vos que o libertem!
So horrific that you forced him, against his will, to go under the knife, change his gender, to give you a daughter instead of your son who is gay.
Tão horrível que o forçou a fazer uma cirurgia para trocar de sexo e dar-lhe uma filha, em vez de um filho gay?
Well, I will coordinate with him, start digging into Liam's life, try and figure out where he might go to ground.
Vou trabalhar com ele, investigar a vida do Liam, descobrir onde ele pode estar.
There's no reason to make him go through the pain of this.
Não há nenhuma razão para fazê-lo passar por esta dor.
Samoans clip this guy because they do not want him to go on record about the protection money.
Os samoanos matam este tipo porque não queriam que ele declarasse o dinheiro de protecção.
To him? Are you calling to... Liv, I have to go.
Estás a ligar para... Liv, tenho de ir.
No, I chose to go with him.
- Não, escolhi ir com ele.
We probably should go talk to him.
Talvez fosse melhor irmos falar com ele.
Uh, if the Chief needs him for Grey, you got to let him go. Thank you, Dr. Karev.
Obrigada, Dr. Karev.
When I let my father go, Or when I asked you not to kill him?
Quando deixei o meu pai sair, ou quando te pedi para não o matares?
I saw the look on your face when Kurt didn't pick you to go with him.
Eu vi o teu olhar quando o Kurt não te levou com ele.
Now, are you really sure you want to keep harassing him? I assume we're free to go? Oh, hey.
Agora, têm a certeza que querem continuar a assediá-lo? Assumo que estamos livres para ir? Olá.
I'll handle him the way I always do. Right now, I have to go handle a bitch.
Agora tenho que ir lidar com uma vadia.
Go to the mansion and convince him not to take the deal.
Vá à mansão e convença-o a não aceitar o acordo.
I'm gonna go to your boss and tell him that you've been having ex parte dealings not once but twice with my clients, and he's gonna send your hick ass back to whatever haystack you crawled out of!
- Vou até ao seu chefe e dizer-lhe que está a fazer acordos por fora, não uma, mas duas vezes com os meus clientes, e ele vai manda-la para o palheiro de onde veio!
Because, like I said, a ball didn't go past him. White uniform and it was filthy from head to toe... Whether sliding into the base or catching a ball.
O equipamento era branco e ficava sujo da cabeça aos pés, quer fosse a deslizar para a base ou a apanhar uma bola.
go to sleep 664
go to hell 1081
go to college 29
go to bed 547
go to sleep now 53
go to your room 325
go to bed now 31
go to school 64
go to the house 16
go to the kitchen 39
go to hell 1081
go to college 29
go to bed 547
go to sleep now 53
go to your room 325
go to bed now 31
go to school 64
go to the house 16
go to the kitchen 39
go to the car 39
go to the bathroom 48
go to new york 16
go to work 115
go to town 28
go to class 25
go to the hospital 36
go to jail 27
go to the bar 16
go to the police 50
go to the bathroom 48
go to new york 16
go to work 115
go to town 28
go to class 25
go to the hospital 36
go to jail 27
go to the bar 16
go to the police 50
go to the movies 20
go to the right 20
go to the back 19
go to her 103
go to commercial 23
go to them 17
go to it 51
go to 136
go to the right 20
go to the back 19
go to her 103
go to commercial 23
go to them 17
go to it 51
go to 136