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Got that right traduction Portugais

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You got that right.
Podes crer.
Yeah, you got that right.
Nisso tens razão.
You got that right.
Nisso tens razão.
Boy, you got that right.
Rapaz, podes ter a certeza.
Have I got that right?
After Karen, we cannot afford another enemy agent. You got that right, captain.
Depois da Karen, não podemos confiar.
You got that right.
Está certo.
Are you fucking kidding me right now? I got you out of that DUI.
Safei-te, quando foste apanhado a guiar bêbedo.
And the plan is that we got engaged, like, six weeks ago or something, all right?
O plano é dizermos que ficámos noivos há umas seis semanas.
That shit must have got hot, right?
Deve ter ficado bem quente, não?
So it's my fault that they got lost, right?
Então a culpa é minha deles se terem perdido, certo?
That's right. We need all the other guns, the ones you and your friends hid before we got here.
- Precisamos das outras armas, todas as que esconderam antes de chegarmos aqui.
We got your name from the sign-in sheet, and we were wondering if you can remember who was using that computer right before you.
Apanhámos o seu nome no registo do laboratório, e esperamos que se lembre quem usou o computador antes de si.
You do realize that she's got a serious boyfriend, right?
Sabes que ela tem namorado, não sabes?
That's all right. Because I got a hit on that threatening money call to Stan's wife and it turns out it came from a dry cleaners.
Está bem, consegui uma pista sobre o telefonema com a ameaça.
I had a gig at a place called The Sewer, right out by the Detroit River, and then we got a record deal from Clarence Avant, so that's how it started.
Tinha um concerto num lugar chamado The Sewer... mesmo ao pé do rio Detroit... e a seguir conseguimos um contrato com Clarence Avant e assim começou.
That's right. I got some background on Trent Matthews.
Consegui referências do Trent Matthews.
I know that Junior and Coombs got popped, which means I'm on the hook for felony murder, right?
Sei que o Júnior e o Coombs foram mortos, o que significa que posso ser acusado de homicídio, certo?
But you got to think, now, how would your mama advise you, if we were sitting in her kitchen, having this conversation, eating jam cake at that little fold-out table just to the right of the back door that she never locks?
Mas agora tem de pensar, que conselho lhe daria a sua mãe, se estivesse na cozinha dela, a ter esta conversa, a comer torta de compota naquela mesinha desdobrável à direita da porta das traseiras que ela nunca tranca?
Right, when it's our kid that's ruined my body and kept me up all night and I've got no career and no future and nothing to be happy about for the next 20 years, sure, that'll be completely different.
Certo, quando for o nosso filho que vai arruinar o meu corpo, deixar-me acordada a noite toda e impedir-me de ter uma carreira ou futuro, e impedir-me de ser feliz durante os próximos 20 anos. Claro, será completamente diferente.
All right? He's got some brain swelling, but they're taking care of that, okay?
Ele tem um inchaço cerebral, mas estão a tratar disso.
- Look bro, I've got a really bad side. - Is that right?
- Ouve lá, estás-me a virar para o torto.
Admittedly, that was thrilling, but it's the only number that you got right all afternoon.
Admito, isso foi fantástico, mas é o único número que se conseguiu toda a tarde.
Sweetheart, that's got to be a half a million right there.
Querida, deves ter aí meio milhão.
You think I give a shit that you got a union right now?
Pensa que me importo que tenha sindicato?
I bet, somewhere along the line, some family dinner or something, you advised your nephew that if he ever got in trouble with the police not to talk. Am I right?
Aposto que, em algum momento, num jantar de família ou semelhante, o senhor aconselhou o seu sobrinho a não falar com a Polícia, caso tivesse problemas com esta.
36, you got an overhead that's out right there.
36, tens a cabeça tapada.
Okay, so that's got to be affecting Rachel, right?
Ok, então isso tem que estar a afectar a Rachel, certo?
That's got to violate like six terrorism laws right there.
Isso deve violar umas seis leis de terrorismo.
I had a belief, I still do, that what I did was the right thing and hopefully someone got some good out of it.
Tinha uma crença, tenho uma crença, que o que fiz era o correcto e alguém se beneficiou disso.
Thank God we got that thing with the pipe worked out, right?
Graças a Deus que resolvemos aquela cena do crack.
Wonder what the hell happened right before Wes Clyborn got in that car?
Quero saber o que se passou antes do Wes Clyborn entrar naquele carro.
You got that part right. Hey!
Tem razão quanto a isso.
The only way you got a prayer in ever laying hands on that money is between us two right here.
A única forma de teres uma hipótese de pores as mãos nesse dinheiro é entre nós os dois.
Now, right out there in that truck, I got a box full of Emulex with a cell phone detonator.
Naquela carrinha, tenho uma caixa de Emulex com detonador de telemóvel.
Now, right out there in that truck, I got a box full of Emulex with a cell-phone detonator.
Ali na carrinha tenho explosivos com um telemóvel detonador.
Essentially, we own you right now. You got that?
Na prática, agora somos donos de ti, entendes?
You got that right.
Estás certo.
I'm happy you decided to watch that with us. You got to pick who you can trust, right?
Tens que escolher em quem confias, certo?
All right, now, the timing's got to be right with that one. Or?
Mas a altura tem de ser perfeita no próximo.
Yeah, Damien was right up alley ; look where that got us.
O Damien também era, olha onde nos levou.
I mean, dude, that's got to suck, right?
Quero dizer, deve ser tramado, não é?
# Yeah, that's right, he's got game #
♪ Yeah, that's right, he's got game ♪
All right, it's just that I got so bad that... I was scared that if I stayed that I might... that I might do something.
Tudo bem, só que fiquei tão mal que... tinha medo que se ficasse de que pudesse... de que pudesse fazer alguma coisa.
That's right. Got my bar mitzvah done, son.
Nem mais, tenho o bar mitzvah feito, filho!
That's right, when you got sick, I got balls. Booyah!
Nem mais, tu adoeceste, eu fortaleci-me.
He used to say you could have all the evidence in the world... you can have that feeling in your gut that you've got the right guy, but there's still that moment when... click... he finally confesses.
Costumava dizer que podíamos ter todas as provas existentes no mundo, mas se tivermos aquele instinto de que temos o tipo certo e ainda há um momento em que... ele finalmente confessa...
All right, see if the crew saw anyone near this room around that time. You got it.
Vê se os funcionários viram alguém por aqui nesta hora.
You got that right.
Foi mesmo.
All right, so, the autopsy says that Pete Moyer got himself beaten up at about 10 : 00 p.m.
A autópsia diz que o Pete Moyer foi espancado por volta das 22h.
Blood would indicate that there was an accident or someone got hurt, right?
O sangue indica que houve um acidente, certo?

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