Greenwich traduction Portugais
348 traduction parallèle
I suppose it was'cause I lived in Greenwich.
Deve ter sido porque morava em Greenwich.
And starve in a Greenwich Village garret.
E morresse à míngua numas águas furtadas em Greenwich Village.
- This is Greenwich Village, isn't it?
- Isto é Greenwich Village, não é?
Do kids still come to Greenwich Village to write?
Vocês crianças ainda vêm para Greenwich Village para escrever?
Once, later on, we heard he was working under a different name with a trio down in Greenwich Village.
Até ouvimos que estava a trabalhar sob nome falso... com um trio, em Greenwich Village.
Because it's Greenwich Village and it's romantic.
Porque isto é Greenwich Village e é romântico.
And those wise Greenwich guys really open up your eyes
E os ceús azuis e imensos, para abrirem os vossos olhos
And those wise Greenwich guys really open your eyes
E os ceús azuis e imensos, para abrirem os vossos olhos
"at 2 : 30 Greenwich time this afternoon."
"ás 14 : 30 horas de Greenwich".
It is now 9 : 30 a.m. Earth time, Greenwich Meridian Time.
São agora 9 : 30 h. Hora Terra, hora de Greenwich.
Eleven o'clock Greenwich time.
11 horas, hora de Greenwich.
A sinister place in Greenwich Village.
Um local sinistro em Greenwich Village.
You must see Greenwich Village.
Tem que ir a Greenwich Village.
- Do you live in Greenwich Village?
- Vive em Greenwich Village?
- You come from Greenwich Village.
- É de Greenwich Village.
Half of Greenwich village...
Como é que isto...
- Well, Greenwich Village at the moment. - Oh!
- Bem, Greenwich Village no momento.
Greenwich Village!
- Oh! Greenwich Village!
You know what they'll call that in the Royal Observatory at Greenwich?
Sabes como chamam a isto no Observatório Real de Greenwich?
Greenwich Village, to see Tyler.
A Greenwich Village, ter com o Tyler.
The whole world takes its time from Greenwich.
O mundo todo baseia-se por Greenwich.
But Greenwich, they say, takes its time from Admiral Boom.
Mas dizem que Greenwich baseia-se pelo almirante Boom.
A container will be dropped off the coast of Burma in the Mergui Archipelago, latitude 20 degrees north, longitude 60 degrees east, at 2000 hours Greenwich Mean Time on May 27 th.
Um container será lançado ao largo da costa de Burma no Arquipélago Mergui, Iatitude 20 graus Norte, Iongitude 60 graus Este, às 20.00 horas TMG de 27 de Maio.
I gotta go sit in Greenwich Village with a bunch of fairies?
Tenho de ir a Greenwich Village sentar-me com um monte de maricas?
When I was at NYU Law, I lived in Greenwich Village. Hippies.
Quando fazia Direito em New York, morava no Greenwich Village.
27 degrees west of Greenwich, latitude 84 degrees, 20 minutes.
27 graus a Oeste de Greenwich, de latitude, 84 graus, e 20 minutos.
Say, uh, you still selling grass in the Village? When I get a chance.
Tu ainda vendes erva em Greenwich Village?
NYU? Greenwich Village?
- Em Greenwich Village?
- Yeah, Greenwich Village. - What's the matter?
- Sim, em Greenwich Village.
St Vincent's Hospital in Greenwich Village in 1973.
Vincent, em Greenwich Village, em 1973.
I ran a health-food store in Greenwich Village.
Tinha um restaurante de comida natural em Greenwich Village.
My folks live in Greenwich.
Os meus pais vivem em Greenwich.
Hey, Greenwich Village is where you want to go, man.
Você quer ir para Greenwich Village, cara.
8 : 42 a : M :, Greenwich mean time, July 17, 2485 :
8 : 42, tempo de Greenwich, 17 de Julho de 2485.
I still get confused down in Greenwich Village.
Ainda me baralho em Greenwich Village.
Did free love start in Greenwich Village?
O amor livre começou em Greenwich Village?
Greenwich Village was there, and New York was around it.
Greenwich Village estava aí, com Nova York ao redor.
And the rest of New York did not act the way Greenwich Village did, exactly.
No resto de Nova York não havia o mesmo que em Greenwich Village.
And as I recollect it, marriage was not important in Greenwich Village.
E de acordo com a memória, o matrimonio não era importante em Greenwich Village.
And everybody in Greenwich Village was a bit of a rebel.
E em Greenwich Village todo mundo era um pouco rebelde.
Is that what they wanna read about in Greenwich Village now, industrial accidents?
quer falar agora em Greenwich Village, de acidentes de trabalho?
May we request the secretary general of your United Nations : Please come to the top of the U.N. building in New York, at 0100 Greenwich mean time.
Pedimos, respeitosamente, que o vosso Secretário-geral da ONU... vá ao edifício da ONU... em Nova Iorque às 01 : 00, hora de Greenwich.
A hush has fallen not just here, but all around the world as 8 : 00 strikes, 0100 Greenwich mean time...
Fez-se silêncio, não apenas aqui, mas em todo o mundo, tenho a certeza. Tocam as 20 : 00 horas... 01 : 00, hora de Greenwich.
Two clues are found in Zelig's Greenwich Village flat.
Só encontraram duas pistas... no apartamento de Zelig.
Greenwich Village.
Greenwich Village.
In 1966, I went down to Greenwich Village to a rock club called The Electric Banana. Don't look for it.
Em 1966, fui a Greenwich Village, em Nova York... a um clube nocturno de rock chamado "A Banana Eléctrica".
What am I expected to do?
- O que esperam que eu faça? - E a estrada de Greenwich?
August 9, 2 : 30 p.m. Greenwich Mean Time.
9 de Agosto, 14 : 30 Horário de Greenwich.
On this exceptionally clear night... a group of enthusiasts are commemorating Dr. Edmund Hailey's great prediction... by holding an outdoor watching from his original observatory at Greenwich.
Nesta noite excepcionalmente clara um grupo de entusiastas comemora as previsões do Dr. Edmund Halley... ao fazerem uma vigília a partir do seu observatório original em Greenwich.
Greenwich Village.
- Volte para o Greenberg's Village.
Not Greenberg's Village.
- Greenwich Village!
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greenland 20
greene 82
greenleaf 21
greendale 31
greenberg 45
greenie 21
green tea 22
green eyes 46
green beans 22
greenland 20
greene 82
greenleaf 21
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greenberg 45
greenie 21
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green eyes 46
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