Growing up traduction Portugais
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Missed my kids growing up.
Perdi o crescimento dos meus filhos.
Max is growing up.
O Max está crescido.
When I was growing up, I thought that any parent that gave their child up was unforgivable.
Quando era criança, achava que qualquer pai que abandonasse os seus filhos não merecia perdão.
Max gets to spend more time with Bones that he missed out when she was growing up, and I don't have to interview all these nannies.
O Max passa mais tempo com a Bones, uma coisa que ele perdeu, e eu não tenho que andar a entrevistar amas.
I spent nearly every night there growing up before my mom won the slimy rich husband lottery.
Passava muitas noites lá, até a minha mãe casar com um ricalhaço.
And I have such wonderful memories- - of Mike, and you kids growing up, all of our friends on the Lane.
E tenho recordações tão maravilhosas. Do Mike, de vocês em pequenos, de todos os nossos amigos da rua.
When I was growing up, my dad worked midnights.
Quando eu estava crescendo, o meu pai trabalhava até tarde.
When I was growing up, this is what Cindi and I ate.
Quando estava crescendo, Cindi e eu comíamos isso.
And she would entertain me with stories about growing up in Oklahoma.
E ela entretinha-me com as suas histórias sobre como crescer em Oklahoma.
You know, growing up in Indiana, that show was a religion.
Quando cresci no Indiana, aquela série era como uma religião.
Did you ever think you'd be having these conversations when you were growing up?
Imaginava que terias esse tipo de conversas - quando crescesses?
I didn't really know what that meant growing up, just that... she wasn't gonna get any better.
Não sabia o que significava quando estava a crescer, apenas que... ela não ia ficar melhor. Tudo bem.
Some of the characteristics of a pimp growing up, you know, had these.
Algumas das características de um chulo a crescer nos anos 70.
He was her brother's best friend growing up.
Ele era o melhor amigo de infância do irmão dela.
Cassie and I talked about my, uh, self-consciousness growing up with a stutter, and my feeling that I needed to give something back because of all I received.
A Cassie e eu falámos sobre a minha autoconsciência a crescer com a gaguez e o meu sentimento de ter de dar alguma coisa de volta, por tudo o que recebi.
I've seen it before, and um... growing up the way I did with my crazy, wandering family,
Já vi isso antes, e... Criado como fui, com a minha louca família errante, sempre fui o estranho.
She's growing up.
Ela está a crescer.
But a small child doesn't aim for anything, he simply enjoys growing up, he walks just for the pleasure of walking and exploring, and this brings about his development, his motivation is not in the final objective nor in the result, it's in the process.
e isso faz com que se desenvolva. nem no resultado. Está no caminho.
Dad and I started looking into Pelant's history growing up - school records, newspaper clippings.
O meu pai e eu pesquisámos sobre a juventude de Pelant. Histórico escolar, notícias a envolvê-lo.
When you were growing up, you had to be the man of the house and the kid.
Quando estavas em crescimento, tiveste de ser o homem e a criança da casa.
I thought she was growing up too fast.
Achei que ela estava a crescer depressa demais.
In gym class growing up Shane couldn't do a pull-up.
Em Educação Física, ele nem elevações fazia.
We knew. Growing up, he got kicked out of two schools, both times for starting fires.
Enquanto crescia, foi expulso de duas escolas, as duas vezes por atear fogo.
Never really had that growing up.
Nunca tive isso enquanto crescia.
You want us to stop our daughter from growing up because she told you some ridiculous story - about being a boy?
Quer que impeçamos nossa filha de amadurecer porque ela contou uma história sobre ser um menino?
Don't worry. I had a bunch of dogs growing up- - know what I'm doing.
Tive muitos cães quando era jovem, sei o que estou a fazer.
It's not about growing up, it's about not growing up, in a way.
De certa forma, não se trata de crescer e sim de não crescer.
You know growing up you had to buy the entire album to get the song you loved, you had to!
Quando crescemos, sabes tínhamos de comprar um álbum inteiro para ter a canção que queríamos, tínhamos de comprar!
Back when we were growing up.
Quando éramos adolescentes.
Growing up with three older brothers has its advantages.
Crescer com três irmãos mais velhos tem as suas vantagens.
Uh, I always helped her cook Sunday night dinner growing up.
Ajudava-a a cozinhar aos sábados quando era criança.
When I was growing up, my father went from job to job because he was always drinking.
Quando eu estava a crescer, o meu pai mudava de trabalho, porque estava sempre bêbado.
He could be responsible for kids leaving the hospital and going home and growing up and falling in love and having sex and arguing with their boyfriends and making mistakes and living and maybe not ruining their lives with drugs.
Ele pode ser responsável por eles saírem do hospital, irem pra casa, crescerem, amarem, fazerem sexo, discutirem com os namorados, cometerem erros e viverem. E quem sabe não arruinarem suas vidas com drogas.
Just one. My boy, Todd, had a hard time growing up in the shadow of D.B. Cooper.
Meu garoto, Todd, passou um mal bocado crescendo à sombra de DB Cooper.
You didn't like growing up with a dad in jail?
Gostaste de crescer com o teu pai na cadeia?
I'm proud to be a Romney. I'm proud to have had a dad that was around when I was growing up. Okay?
Tenho orgulho em ser um Romney.
I loved them growing up.
Adorava-os, em miúda.
You had a lot of these growing up?
Tu tinhas muito disto a acontecer?
I mean, I can't have a child growing up like that.
Não posso ter um bebé a crescer assim. Vem aqui.
It's just, Mark was, you know, he spent so much time at our house, growing up.
É que o Mark era... Ele passou tanto tempo na nossa casa quando éramos jovens.
I mean, you gotta understand, back then, it was just me and my baby brother growing up.
Tem que entender, na época, éramos eu e o meu irmão mais novo.
From... from growing up?
Amigo de infância?
I don't want my kid growing up to think he had a father who didn't love him or didn't care.
Não quero que o meu filho cresça a pensar que tinha um pai que não o amava, que não se importava.
I am talking about the fact that Grace and every other kid her age is growing up in Fortress America, right?
Estou a falar sobre o facto da Grace, e todas as outras crianças da sua idade, estarem a crescer na fortaleza América, certo?
What he's trying to say is when are you going to start growing up?
O que ele está a tentar dizer é quando é que tu vais começar a crescer?
Well, growing up as a...
Bem, crescendo como uma...
I mean, I can't have a child growing up like that.
Não posso ter uma criança a crescer assim.
The website user base was growing steadily but in 2008 Zach decided to leave the company.
Vimeo tornou-se a tempo inteiro, totalmente financiado pela start-up. A base de usuários do site foi crescendo constantemente, mas em 2008 Zach decidiu deixar a empresa. A base de usuários do site foi crescendo constantemente, mas em 2008 Zach decidiu deixar a empresa.
Now, if you ever found yourself at a crossroads with the club, you know, maybe growing tired of watching your president sucking up to the guy that burned your daughter alive my door would be open.
Agora, se alguma vez te encontrares numa encruzilhada com o clube, tu sabes, talvez estejas cansado de ver o teu presidente lamber as botas ao homem que queimou a tua filha viva, a minha porta vai estar aberta.
I didn't have a father growing up.
Eu cresci sem pai.
No, I meant as a child, or when you were growing up.
Não, em criança ou quando crescias.
upstate 42
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
up next 81
upside down 57
up top 130
up yours 130
upsy 47
uppercut 41
upham 30
upper east siders 33
up you go 144
up next 81
upside down 57
up top 130
up yours 130
up to you 126
up against the wall 84
up guy 119
up call 187
up and at' em 72
up north 49
up the stairs 74
up we go 50
up high 87
up now 50
up against the wall 84
up guy 119
up call 187
up and at' em 72
up north 49
up the stairs 74
up we go 50
up high 87
up now 50