Up to you traduction Portugais
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But it caught up to her and sooner or later, it's gonna catch up to you.
Mas isso afectou-a, e mais cedo ou mais tarde, também irá afectar-te.
I don't think you're living up to your full potential.
- Acho que não te estás a realizar.
Might've been nice if you taught them how to clean up, too.
Seria bom ensiná-las a limpar, também. Desculpa.
Your auntie's taking me to a grown-up place, and you'd get really bored.
Vocês iam aborrecer-se. Eu não.
Yeah, we already talked strategy, so we just need to catch you up.
Já discutimos a estratégia, só temos de te pôr a par.
So, you want to tell me where you hooked up with your partner?
Queres dizer-me onde te juntaste ao teu parceiro?
It just distracted you long enough for Alice to power up the spell, which is all the shield charm has to do.
Distraiu-te tempo suficiente para a Alice fazer o feitiço. Que é tudo o que o feitiço de protecção tem de fazer.
You need to make it clear to them that you're hanging up the gloves and moving on to a new phase.
Precisa deixar claro que está entregando os pontos e indo em uma nova direção.
Your boss violated the sanctity of your marital bed, and you can't man up to...
Seu chefe violou a santidade do seu leito conjugal e você não consegue...
Why do you want to go up there?
Por que quer ir lá para cima?
Surveillance of a federal employee is a Class E felony, so if you want me to keep it up, I'm gonna need to charge you a higher rate.
Fiscalização de um empregado federal é um crime classe A, então se quiser que eu continue, precisarei cobrar mais.
I need you to reach out to Boyd and set up a meeting.
Quero que ligue para Boyd e marque um encontro.
Are you willing to open up your books to show the concrete monetary damages you've supposedly incurred?
Está disposto a mostrar sua contabilidade para provar que houve danos monetários?
I tell you what he's up to, feed him things from you.
Digo-te o que ele anda a tramar, digo-lhe coisas da tua parte.
Which means whoever put you up to this was careful and targeted.
O que quer dizer que quem te pôs nisto, foi muito cuidadoso.
Before I ended up in here, I would've said to you,
Antes de estar aqui, ter-te-ia dito :
So I say you go up there, and you do what you got to do.
Por isso vai até lá e faz o que tens a fazer.
You're lying. You made this up to get my car!
Estão a mentir, inventaram para ficar com o meu carro!
I begged myself to get up, to go to you... but my mind wouldn't let me.
Implorei a mim mesma para me levantar... para ir ter contigo. Mas... a minha mente... não mo permitia.
Kind of fed up with you trying to decide what I can and cannot do.
Estou a começar a fartar-me que seja você a decidir o que posso ou não fazer.
You want me to wake up the doc? No!
- Queres que vá acordar o médico?
Well, that's entirely up to you, Gabriel.
- Isso é contigo, Gabriel.
Since I was a kid, I grew up with everything, and you were this boy who came from hell and could find The Light and still bring it to others.
Eu cresci com tudo e tu eras um rapaz que veio do inferno e que encontrou a Luz e a levou aos outros.
We're all going to be experts on how you should grow up.
Vamos ser todos uns peritos em mostrar-te como deves crescer.
"When you bring up my name, I want people to be really uncomfortable."
"Quando mencionares o meu nome, quero que todos fiquem constrangidos."
I don't know when you're supposed to drink fish, but maybe not when you wake up.
Não sei quando devíamos beber peixe, mas talvez não ao acordar.
You make up your own mind, and you start to figure out that people are just people.
Ganha-se consciência e começa-se a perceber que as pessoas são só pessoas.
Barbecue, you should be able to start it up, crank it up. Over and done with in half an hour, everybody's sitting down having a feed.
No churrasco, deves ter tudo a postos, cozinhar em meia hora e ter toda a gente sentada a comer.
You have to fill up on sunlight, so that you have the memory of it for the rest of the year.
Tem de se abastecer de luz solar para que se lembre dela no resto do ano.
Because you grew up there and every human being wants to be in their home.
Porque fomos criados lá e todo o ser humano quer estar no seu país.
As a human, you have to go back to your homeland, to where you grew up, to your past, to your land.
Como humano, tens de voltar à pátria, ao lugar onde crescestes, ao teu passado, à tua terra.
I don't know many people who want to get up at two o'clock in the morning just to come to work and, you know, grind it out for ten or 12 hours, and then go home.
Não há muita gente que se levante às duas da manhã para vir trabalhar e aguente dez ou doze horas a trabalhar, para depois voltar para casa.
You want to know where I'd be if I'd given up on my dreams?
Queres saber onde eu estaria sem os meus sonhos?
Uh, and I'm gonna need you to zip that dress up.
Preciso que feches o vestido.
Dude, when we get back to LA, there's someone I want to set you up with.
Meu, quando voltarmos para LA, quero te apresentar a alguém.
Yeah, see, I joined this mommy support group, you know, to make sure that I'm holding the baby up right, or you know, that I don't get too jealous when people compliment her.
Bem, eu juntei-me a um grupo de apoio para mães, sabem, para saber se estou a segurar bem a bebé, ou, vocês sabem, para que eu não fique com ciúmes quando as pessoas a elogiam.
You're the only man who knew what I wanted without me having to tell him three times and then give up.
É o único homem que sabia o que eu queria sem eu ter que dizer três vezes e depois desistir.
Come on. You drive all the way up here to tell me I'm wrong? No.
Vá lá, veio até aqui para me dizer que estou errado?
You came up here to try to get me to deal.
Não! Veio tentar convencer-me.
You did it to spice up the relationship.
Fizeste-o para apimentar a relação.
I know I'm supposed to give their lawyer a heads-up, but I think I'm pretty safe to talk... if you bring me a subpoena.
Sei que é suposto avisar o advogado deles, mas acho que posso falar se me trouxerem uma intimação.
Tell me you didn't, trek all the way up to beautiful Buffalo to ask to be my lieutenant governor.
Diz-me que não vieste pedir-me para ser vice-governador.
I'm supposed to give their lawyer a heads-up, but I think I'm pretty safe to talk... if you bring me a subpoena.
É suposto avisar o advogado deles, mas acho que posso falar...
But today is your lucky day, because I do want to set up a permanent foundation with you as its steward.
Mas hoje é o seu dia de sorte, porque eu quero fazer uma fundação permanente com você como gestor.
Surveillance of a federal employee is a Class E felony, so if you want me to keep it up, I'm gonna need to charge you a higher rate.
Vigiar um funcionário federal é um delito grave, terei de cobrar mais.
Maybe lying in your marriage was tolerated, looked upon with leniency, considered some sort of fucked up foreplay, but in my marriage in 15 years, I have never lied to my wife except once, except about what was said between you and me.
Talvez no teu casamento, mentir fosse tolerado, visto com complacência, considerado preliminar, mas, no meu casamento de 15 anos, nunca menti à minha mulher, exceto uma vez.
I don't care how you feel about this, but unless you want to end up the subject of a cautionary documentary, better start telling me the things that you're afraid to whisper that you've been keeping inside.
Não importa como se sente, mas a não ser que queira ser tema de documentário, é melhor começar a contar o que tem medo de sussurrar, que tem mantido aí dentro, mesmo que pense que são culpa sua.
To Paris. That rainy night. We wouldn't get out of bed even though the iPod was playing "With or Without You" on repeat, and so we ended up listening to it all night.
Para Paris e aquela noite chuvosa em que nem saímos da cama, com o "With Or Without You", ouvimos a mesma música a noite tida.
A lot has come up I need to talk to you about.
Tenho muito para te contar...
That's the kind of service you can expect from me when you're ready to move up from this and buy something.
- É o serviço que terá de mim quando quiser mudar-se e comprar algo.
- I'm glad you stood up to her.
- Ainda bem que a enfrentaste.
up top 130
up to me 18
up to 113
up to now 39
up to a point 30
to you too 24
to you 1078
to your knowledge 54
to your positions 16
to your 24
up to me 18
up to 113
up to now 39
up to a point 30
to you too 24
to you 1078
to your knowledge 54
to your positions 16
to your 24
to your health 109
to your family 22
to your place 20
to your mother 18
to your right 61
to your father 32
to your left 71
to yourself 36
you know 156049
you know what 23733
to your family 22
to your place 20
to your mother 18
to your right 61
to your father 32
to your left 71
to yourself 36
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you know what 23733
you see 13602
you will be 199
you got this 563
young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
you suck 398
you can do it 1412
you bitch 789
you will be 199
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young 1055
your 1839
you got it 4932
youtube 39
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you bitch 789
you're cute 195
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
yours 1007
your phone 169
your honor 7894
younger 104
you okay 9168
youn 21
yourself 387
your hat 64
your own 34
yours 1007
your phone 169
your honor 7894
younger 104
you tell 24
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
you are 6060
your full name 16
you're welcome 5601
youth 73
you well 16
you all right 5423
you got a pen 63
you know that 5741
you are 6060
your full name 16
you're welcome 5601
youth 73
you well 16
you all right 5423