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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ H ] / He wanted to

He wanted to traduction Portugais

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He wanted to go back to school at the end of the day.
No final do dia, queria voltar à escola.
That night, her husband found out she wanted to leave him, and he followed her to the bus stop with a gut full of beer and a butcher knife in his hand.
Nessa noite, o marido descobriu que ela queria deixá-lo e seguiu-a até à paragem de autocarro, embriagado e com uma faca na mão.
He wanted to create consciousness.
Queria criar consciência.
He said he wanted to cut off a piece of me to take home in his carry-on, that he wanted to mount it on the hood of his car for his friends to see.
Ele disse que queria cortar um pedaço de mim para levar para casa. E que queria montá-lo no capô do seu carro para os amigos verem.
I guess he wanted to see what was at the end of all this.
Acho que ele queria ver como isto tudo acabava.
Joe always said he wanted to spend more time up at his dad's cabin, and I thought I'd... spread his ashes in the lake.
O Joe dizia que queria passar mais tempo na cabana do pai, então eu pensei em espalhar as suas cinzas no lago. Está certa.
You said he wanted to make a statement.
Disse-me que ele queria comentar.
He would be so focused on what he wanted to achieve... he would forget about his family.
Concentrava-se tanto no que queria alcançar que se esquecia da família.
He wanted to tell me all about them, so he learned all of it for me.
Ele queria contar-me tudo sobre eles, então ele aprendeu tudo, por mim.
He was kind when he wanted to be.
Era bondoso, quando queria.
I asked if he wanted to play with me, but... he would just make me play with myself.
Eu perguntava-lhe se ele queria brincar comigo, mas ele obrigava-me a brincar sozinho.
.. and he wanted to borrow me phone.
... e ele queria o meu telemóvel emprestado.
Jock could convince you that his shit tasted beautiful if he wanted to.
O Jock conseguia-te convencer que a sua merda sabia bem, se ele quisesse.
He wanted to turn the house into a studio where he could teach and practice carpentry.
Queria fazer da casa um estúdio onde pudesse ensinar e praticar carpintaria.
He wanted to spare the wounded, but they wouldn't listen.
Ele queria poupar os feridos, mas eles não o ouviram.
We thought he wanted to protect humans, like all Shadowhunters.
Pensávamos que queria proteger humanos, como todos os Shadowhunters.
He wanted to dress like a cowboy and I can't get it off him.
Quis vestir-se de cowboy e não consegui tirar-lho.
Yeah. Yeah, but, I mean, he wanted to.
Morreu, mas ele queria.
What was your response to being told he wanted to leave?
Como é que reagiu quando ele lhe disse que se queria ir embora?
God, he wanted to.
Deus, ele queria-o.
He wanted to die.
Ele queria morrer.
Plus, he wanted to kill you. Remember that.
Além disso, ele queria matar-te.
They wanted, you know, Leonard to handle the mail, which he did in his office for a while. They didn't want to do it.
Eles não queriam fazê-lo.
He was so repressed, and you just wanted to make him scream.
Ele era tão reprimido que só queríamos fazê-lo gritar.
He was really kind of proving himself as the character actor that he always wanted to be.
Estava mesmo a provar o seu valor como o ator que sempre quis ser.
He's wanted to go to NYU since he was six years old!
Ele quer ir para a NYU desde os seis anos!
I just wanted to approach the kid so he'd tell the truth.
Queria pedir ao rapaz para dizer a verdade.
He felt guilty and wanted to hear I was OK so he'd feel better.
Porque sentia-se culpado e queria saber se eu estava bem para sentir-se melhor.
Well, the answer must be that he wanted it to be true.
Bem, a resposta deve ser que ele queria que fosse verdade.
When you hear a bad song, you give the selector some money and he starts the song over, so I was coming to the end in a club and then one of the songs play and I wanted to do a "money pull-up",
Se der uma música má, dás dinheiro ao selecionador e ele põe outra. Estava numa discoteca e começou uma música, eu queria que a trocassem.
Another reason why I'm so proud of him, he did what I wanted to do, you know, he went on and he did better than, you know, I wanted to do and, you know, I'm really proud of that.
Estou tão orgulhoso dele também, pois ele fez o que eu queria fazer. Ele fez melhor do que eu queria e tenho muito orgulho disso.
He got it into his head that I wanted him to.
Meteu na cabeça que eu queria isso.
She was pissed he was driving her away, and she wanted him to think someone was after him so she could swoop in to protect him.
Ela ficou passada por ele a estar a afastar, e ela quis que ele pensasse que estava alguém atrás dele para que ela pudesse voltar e protegê-lo.
Yeah, he will. I just wanted to hear you first.
E ele vai fazer isso, só te queria ouvir primeiro.
Now, he was sent by your business partner, who apparently wanted to become a sole proprietor.
Agora, ele foi enviado pelo seu sócio, que aparentemente quer ser o único proprietário.
Duncan wanted to know how Paul died, but what he needed was to believe his brother was a hero so he could let it go.
O Duncan queria saber como o Paul morreu, mas do que ele precisava era acreditar que o irmão era um herói para que o pudesse deixar ir.
I wanted to welcome the greatest defender of the USSR, But I wanted to know who Mr. Neruda is, Because he fills his mouth to speak of peace
Gostaria de dar as boas-vindas ao maior defensor da URSS, mas quero saber quem é este senhor Neruda que fala de paz com a boca cheia apoiando ao mesmo tempo os grevistas que atacam as autoridades.
He never wanted to.
Ele nunca quis.
He only wanted to give us a hand.
Só queria dar-nos uma mão.
Maybe he wanted you to see him, send a message.
Talvez quisesse que o visse, enviar uma mensagem.
He just wanted to get everyone into the bank that mattered.
Ele só queria que todos nos importassemos.
He just wanted someone to forgive him.
Ele só queria que alguém o perdoa-se.
All he ever wanted was to protect us.
Tudo o que ele sempre quis foi nos proteger.
The King, he is asleep, but he wanted the Dauphin and his two uncles to become the best of friends.
O Rei está a dormir, mas, ele queria que o Delfim e os seus dois tios se tornassem os melhores amigos.
When he got that pretty little face of his on the FBI's Most Wanted List... they sent me down to Puerto Rico to set up their secret hideaway.
Quando a cara dele apareceu na Lista dos Mais Procurados do FBI, mandaram-me ir a Porto Rico para arranjar um esconderijo secreto.
That's how he would have wanted to go.
Ele desejava ter um fim como este.
He, uh, just wanted to know we're all right.
Ele só queria saber se estamos bem.
He wanted to see me?
- Ele queria ver-me?
He wanted me to ask you permission.
- Ele pediu para te pedir.
He wanted me to take his scalp and wear it on my belt.
Queria que lhe removesse o escalpe e o usasse no meu cinto.
He's wanted to since he was a kid, but you didn't know that, did you?
Quer desde criança. Não sabias isso, pois não?

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