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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ H ] / He wanted to talk

He wanted to talk traduction Portugais

373 traduction parallèle
He said he wanted to talk to me.
Ele disse que queria falar comigo.
- He wanted to talk to me.
- Queria falar comigo.
You see, he telephoned me and said he wanted to talk about something.
Sabe, ele ligou-me e disse que queria falar uma coisa comigo.
He wanted to talk to his brother.
Veio ver o irmão.
I was curious to see who else he wanted to talk to, and it was you.
Tenho curiosidade de saber com quem mais ele falou.
You see, the Doctor was pleased when you sent for him because he wanted to talk to you.
Sabe, o Doctor estava contente quando o mandaram chamar porque ele queria falar consigo.
He said that he wanted to talk.
e disse que queria falar.
He wanted to talk to you, but you were busy.
Ele ainda tem o mesmo emprego à noite? Ele queria falar contigo, mas estavas ocupado.
He really didn't seem like he wanted to talk about it.
Ele não quis falar disso.
He wanted to talk to you.
Queria falar contigo.
All he wanted to talk about was the Phantom sub.
Ele só queria falar do submarino Phantom.
He wanted to talk.
Ele queria falar.
About what he wanted to talk?
De que queria falar?
But he wanted to talk to Lisa real bad.
Mas queria mesmo falar com a Lisa.
He wanted to talk to our officer "Herr Muller" here.
Ele quer falar com nosso oficial "Herr Muller" aqui.
If he wanted to talk, he would have come to us.
- Se ele quisesse, já tinha vindo.
All he wanted to talk about was you.
Ele, só queria falar de si.
He's just breaking up with a woman and he wanted to talk.
Ele está a acabar com uma mulher e queria conversar.
I have nothing to say to him. If he wanted to talk to me he'd have stopped.
Se tivesse algo a me dizer, teria vindo aqui.
- He - He said he wanted to talk to her about keeping the baby.
Ele disse que queria falar com ela sobre ficar com o bebé...
Said that he wanted to talk to you about some secret mission.
Disse que queria falar contigo sobre uma missão secreta.
1 5 minutes ago a woman called our operator, she wanted to talk with the Chief of Police, but he's not here, so I answered.
Uma mulher ligou há 15 minutos a pedir para falar com o Chefe da Polícia, mas ele não estava cá pelo que eu fiquei com a chamada.
- Oh, yeah. He said he wanted to talk to you.
- Ele disse que queria ver-te.
- You know he wanted to die? - That's just talk.
- Sabes que ele quis matar-se?
We wanted to talk to the commander about a house he owns On top of the cliff.
Queríamos falar ao comandante sobre a casa que tem... no alto da colina.
A few months ago I wanted to talk to Evald, so he drove me down to the sea.
Há já alguns meses que queria falar com o Evald e... fomos passear até à beira-mar.
I wanted him to talk to me, but he wouldn't.
Queria que falasse comigo, mas não o fez.
- No, I wanted to talk to you, dad but you left before he had returned.
- Não, queria falar contigo, papai, mas te partiu antes de que houvesse tornado.
Yeah, you'll swear all right, but, you'll swear Billy said he only wanted to talk to Blaisdell.
Pois, pois dizes. Mas vais dizer que o Billy disse que só queria falar com o Blaisdell.
OK. I made the date because I wanted to talk to him about how much he'd been seeing Mom when Dad wasn't here.
Eu arranjei este encontro porque queria falar com ele sobre os encontros dele com a minha mãe quando o pai não está.
He wants to talk to you about something so I wanted to make sure you'd be home and wait up for him, will you?
Quer falar contigo sobre umas coisas, por isso, queria certificar-me de que estarias em casa e esperarias por ele. É...
If Jove wanted to talk to us, don't you think he'd talk to us in Latin, not in Etruscan?
Se Júpiter quisesse falar connosco, não achais, que o faria em latim e não em etrusco?
All he wanted to do was just look and talk his crazy fool talk. Scared the girls, too.
Era olhar e falar aquelas anormalidades e também assustar as miúdas.
I wanted to talk to Sarge about it, but I couldn't get a word in edgewise. He wouldn't stop talking about Rosy Labouche.
Queria desabafar com o Sargento, mas não conseguia.
I wanted to talk with him about it, but he said he wanted to bring it up to you, face to face.
Tentei falar com ele, que preferia falar contigo, cara a cara.
I tried to talk to him. I wanted to tell him who Bob is because I thought he could help me.
Tentei falar com ele, queria dizer-lhe quem é o Bob porque pensei que ele me podia ajudar.
- He promised me he only wanted to talk.
Prometeu-me que só queria falar.
He's in the bathroom. I wanted to talk to him for a minute, but I'll come back.
Só queria dizer-lhe uma coisa, mas volto mais tarde.
But he also wanted to talk about getting married.
Mas ele tembém queria falar sobre o casamento.
Before he died, we used to talk about what he wanted to do with this town.
Antes de morrer ele disse-me o que queria fazer desta cidade.
If Curzon had told me he wanted to go off with some woman he just met I would have tried to talk him out of it, too.
Se o Curzon me tivesse dito que queria partir com uma mulher que acabara de conhecer, eu também teria tentado dissuadi-lo.
He said you wanted to talk.
Ele disse que querias falar.
- He's got a great personality. Well, I wanted to talk to you about a special program... that we have for bright students. Wonderful.
Com imensa personalidade.
Did you ever talk with your father about whether he wanted to use machines to keep him alive if his body were failing?
Alguma vez falou com o seu pai sobre a hipótese de ele querer que as máquinas o mantivessem vivo, se o corpo entrasse em falência?
Um, he wanted to make it into a remodel, but I eventually got him to talk him out of his vision and patch the hole.
Ele queria fazer uma remodelação, mas consegui convencê-lo a tapar só o buraco.
See if he was... capable of... I wanted to talk to her.
Para vêr se era... capaz de... Eu queria falar com ela.
He said he just wanted to talk to him.
Disse que só queria falar com ele.
He just wanted to talk about people.
Só queria falar sobre as pessoas.
He said he wanted to talk to me.
Disse que queria falar comigo.
We all sort of knew about it, but he never really wanted to talk about it.
Todos nós sabíamos alguma coisa, mas ele nunca quisera falar disso.
As if someone wanted him to survive... so he could talk.
Como se quisessem que sobrevivesse... para que ele pudesse falar.

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