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Translate.vc / Anglais → Portugais / [ H ] / He would

He would traduction Portugais

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He would never stoop to begging, as I have.
Nunca se rebaixaria a implorar como eu.
How did you know he would?
Como sabias que ele o faria?
Yeah, I told you he would, man.
- Eu disse-lhe que ele provaria.
He would be scrawny today.
Ele hoje seria um lingrinhas!
If not, he would be doomed to remain a beast for all time.
Caso contrário, ele estaria condenado a ser fera para sempre.
He would not ask for that.
Ele não pediria isso.
And then I thought if I came on this trip and I came away with you, and I had fun and I showed that I could be fun, somehow he would come back, but...
e depois pensei, eu vinha nesta viagem contigo... ia-me divertir e mostrar que posso ser divertida. de qualquer modo ele voltaria.
What? He would lose his mind. Yeah.
ele perdia a cabeça - sim o que isto?
He would have loved to have his children work with him.
O Chips adoraria isso. Os filhos a trabalharem na sua empresa.
He would have loved it.
Ele adoraria isso.
I just don't understand why he would do something...
Eu só não entendo por que ele faria algo assim.
He was a cop, and whenever anyone got off on a technicality, he would find them and beat the shit out of'em.
Ele era polícia e quando alguém escapava devido a um erro técnico, ele encontrava-os e dava cabo deles.
If he knew for sure the patrols weren't coming... he would have his men drive in.
Ele sabia de certeza que as patrulhas não vinham... Nem sei como é que eles ainda não entraram.
No, no, he would never be that disappointing.
Não, ele nunca desilude.
My father, he would never even speak about her.
O meu pai, ele nunca iria nem sequer falar sobre ela.
I told you he would.
Eu disse que ele arranjava.
Well,'cause he would have done something about it. Would he?
- Porque ele teria feito alguma coisa.
Well, if he got closer, I'm sure he would be much larger.
Se estivesse mais perto, seria bem maior.
He would smush her!
Ele esmagava-a!
When asked by this reporter why he would do such a thing, he replied, "the bye bye man made me do it."
Quando perguntado por esse repórter por que faria tal coisa, ele respondeu, "O Nome do Medo fez-me fazer isso."
- He promised he would be quiet.
- Ele prometeu ficar calado.
If you would've told me that one day he would fight off men with axes...
Se me dissessem que, um dia, iria lutar com homens com cutelos...
Easy. my shifu would make me count to three in Mandarin before he would fix it.
É fácil. Em K'un-Lun, o meu shifu mandava-me contar até três em mandarim antes de o pôr no sítio.
I just... I just wonder why he would be - faking his death for all these years.
Mas não sei por que razão fingiria estar morto durante anos.
Harold was my father's best friend. He would never...
O Harold era amigo do meu pai.
And he would say the same.
- E ele sabe.
If he could learn to love another... and earn their love in return by the time the last petal fell... the spell would be broken.
Se ele aprendesse a amar alguém... e fosse retribuído até o momento em que a última pétala caísse... o feitiço seria quebrado.
Who would have no doubts When a man says he has passed A whole weekend with God?
Quem não teria dúvidas quando um homem diz ter passado um fim de semana inteiro com Deus?
Especially if he knew what would happen.
Especialmente, se ele sabia o que aconteceria.
What do you think Stuart would say if he could see you now?
o que achas que o Stuard diria se te visse agora?
I think I would know if he had come in last night.
Eu saberia se ele tivesse chegado na noite passada.
Something that would take effect if he never made it off that rooftop alive.
Algo para o caso de ele não sair daquele telhado vivo.
Why on earth would he? I don't know.
- Por que haveria de ter?
What would he do if he knew, huh?
Que faria ele se soubesse?
Why would he want to kill me?
- Por que me quereria matar?
Marty never would have followed Stratton unless he trusted him.
Marty não seguiria Stratton se não confiasse nele.
Dr Watson, why would he do that to me?
Dr. Watson, porque me fez ele isto?
What would he never let you have all those times you begged?
O que é que ele nunca te deixou ter apesar de tanto lhe implorares?
As a child, you would carry his picture in your pocket... and you would tell all the other children... that he was your father, but that he was out of town.
Quando eras criança, tu carregavas a foto dele no teu bolso e dizias a todas as outras crianças... que ele era o teu pai, mas estava fora da cidade.
Every time my sister prevailed... my father would replace a piece of me with machinery... claiming he wanted me to be her equal.
Toda as vez que a minha irmã vencia, o meu pai trocava uma parte de mim por um mecanismo, a dizer que queria que eu fosse igual a ela.
What else would he say?
O que mais ele diria?
He claims he's innocent and knows who did it, but can't say because it would breach national security.
Ele alega estar inocente e que sabe quem cometeu o crime, mas que não o pode revelar porque prejudicaria a segurança nacional.
He said that they would come and ask me about Special Agent Dale Cooper.
Ele disse que eles viriam e me perguntariam sobre o agente especial Dale Cooper.
Somehow, he knew that it would all turn out well.
De algum modo, ele sabia que tudo iria acabar bem.
That would mean that he... somehow miraculously survived a plane crash... in the Himalayas... he waited 15 years to come back with no shoes and a tendency toward violence.
Isso significaria que ele tinha sobrevivido milagrosamente a um acidente de avião nos Himalaias e que, por algum motivo oculto, esperou 15 anos para voltar, descalço e com tendência para a violência.
Why would he do that?
Porque é que ele faria isso?
Your father would be ashamed if he could see the way his family was falling apart.
O seu pai ficaria envergonhado se visse a forma como a família dele se está a desmembrar.
He's confused as to why you would abandon your post and leave us unprotected.
Está confuso quanto ao motivo de abandonares o teu posto e nos deixares desprotegidos.
Why would he go through the trouble of hiding this if it wasn't something really special?
Porque se daria ao trabalho de a esconder se não fosse especial?
Where else would he be?
Onde haveria de estar?
Why would he risk it again?
Porque o arriscaria?

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